A miracle from Yahuah/God for Agape Family in Rwanda, currently with 3,048 ex-orphans and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

Yahuah/God LITERALLY speaks to government officials!
Remember the miracle of which we had said it would come?
For months the government had wanted to close Agape Family and had demanded a lot of money in order to keep it open. Multiple times our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God had kept the family with 3,048 ex-orphans and ex-street children open by providing the money in time. Thank You Father!
However on 23.08 this didn’t seem to work out. The government had demanded Agape Family to have 6 M rwf (about 4,000 euros) in the bank account of Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, that same day before 5PM. If that money would not be in the account, they would close Agape Family.
Since 20.08 we had tried to transfer the money via Remitly. Every time we heard we needed to wait: first 24 hours, then 48 hours… and time was ticking. And due to so much money having been sent to Agape Family these last few months they had started an investigation at Remitly which had already lasted for about a month. And guess what: in the morning of 23.08, the day when the 6M rwf needed to be in Jean Pierre’s account by 5PM, our Remitly account was cancelled since the high amounts of money seemed suspicious to them. We could now no longer transfer money to Rwanda…
We needed a miracle to keep Agape Family open and that’s what we prayed for.
On 12.08 Jean Pierre had gotten the task from the Holy Spirit to fast and pray for 7 days for the Foundation Calling from Yahuah Netherlands and Johan, founder of Calling From Yahuah (CFY), and his wife Naomi. Jean Pierre had also stated that big miracles would happen through CFY. Of course we didn’t know what kind of miracles that would be…
We started praying and asking our Heavenly Father Yahuah for guidance. After advice from Bas, our CFY team member who built this beautiful website, we tried bitcoins, but this was unknown to Jean Pierre. Jean Pierre was sent into town (a 2.5 hour walk) to search for other options and in the Netherlands Johan and Naomi tried to make it work. After hours we still had nothing. We know the Bible says He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deut. 31:8) and we needed to trust, but this was truly a testing of faith!
And then in the afternoon all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit told Johan to transfer money to Jean Pierre from his normal account. HalleluYah! Thank You Holy Spirit for a solution!! However, this usually takes 2-3 days. So what would Yahuah’s plan be? But a miracle happened: Jean Pierre was told that a mere picture of the transaction would be enough this time! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God! We were so happy.
If everything would work out with the transaction, Agape Family would stay open!
It had been a tough day for Johan: he told us how he had thought of asking people to send money to Agape Family, but of course he wanted to obey the Holy Spirit. In CFY we only want to do His will and we know He takes care of the ex-orphans and of us. And He is always on time. So this was all done in faith, even though there was the threat of closing Agape Family and 3,048 children having nowhere to go. And we know Yahuah is Almighty.
Thinking things had worked out with the transaction, we didn’t know that Yahuah had already performed a much bigger different miracle:
On 24.08 Jean Pierre went to show the picture of the demanded transaction to the government officials in order to keep Agape Family open. The government officials told him that they had been on their way to Agape Family the day before to close it… When they were underway they had heard a voice. A voice? Wow…
The voice had told them to give Agape Family 3 days waiting time due to the weekend.
Upon hearing this they turned around.

Conversation between Johan, founder of CFY, and Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family on 24.08. Jean Pierre shares how he met with the government officials that day to show them the photo of proof of the transaction of 6 M rwf (about 4.000 euros) in order to keep Agape Family open. The people told him how they had been on their way to close Agape Family the day before when they heard a voice that told them to give Agape Family 3 days of waiting time because of the weekend. Our Almighty God Yahuah LITERALLY SPOKE to the unbelieving government officials and they TURNED AROUND! All Glory and Praise for Him!! HalleluYah! Thank You Father for keeping Agape Family open!!
Do you realize what this means? Yahuah, our Almighty Living God, LITERALLY SPOKE to people from the government, who were unbelievers, and told them to give Agape Family 3 days waiting time because of the weekend. And they turned around.
Thát is His power! He can do ANYTHING!! WHAT A MIRACLE!!
NOBODY can stop His plan, so also His plan to keep Agape Family open CANNOT be stopped!
And the unbelieving government officials turned around! How big is this!
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!!
So see: His plan is ALWAYS GOOD!! If Johan hadn’t waited for guidance of the Holy Spirit and had asked other people to send money, this amazing miracle wouldn’t have happened. So always obey the Lord! We don’t know His plans, but even though it seems as if everything is about to collapse, He is with us and His plans are always good! HalleluYah!
And remember how Jean Pierre obeyed the Holy Spirit by fasting and praying for 7 days straight for miracles when he was told to do so… Obedience is rewarded! And how!
Wow… our Heavenly Father Yahuah SPOKE with His Voice to the government!
Psalm 29 – the Voice of the Lord by the Psalms Project. A beautiful psalm from the Bible about the Voice of Yahuah and how He speaks.
Jean Pierre fell ill
After this wonderful miracle, Jean Pierre reported to Johan on the same day (24.08) how he suffered from headache. It is not uncommon for satan to attack after Yahuah has performed a miracle. We have seen this numerous times. Since satan hates Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ and His followers, he often lashes out after he lost a battle, such as this one. After all it’s his goal to destroy Agape Family and he truly failed.
This time the attack got so bad that Jean Pierre started suffering not only from severe headache, but pain in his whole body and the Holy Spirit told him to ask Johan for prayers. By that time entire Agape Family was on their knees praying to our Heavenly Father Yahuah for healing for Jean Pierre. Can you imagine that picture: thousands of children begging the Almighty God of the Universe at the same time?
Johan passed on this message to people in the CFY team and of course we started praying as well. Especially for healing, deliverance and salvation. Johan even shared voiceclips of Jean Pierre. He sounded so sick! Even his sister Isimbi spoke to Johan and Naomi how sick he was. This was bad. And guess what: even with the small voice he had, he was praising the Lord! That’s what we should all do. For He is ALWAYS good! He had also told Johan how he would not die but live and declare what Yahuah had done for Agape Family (see screenshot below).

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 24.08. After showing the photo of the proof of payment to the government officials and hearing about Yahuah’s miraculous saving through His voice the day before, Jean Pierre got sick. He suffered terribly from headache and a lot of pain in his whole body. Entire Agape Family was on their knees praying for healing of Jean Pierre. The Holy Spirit told Jean Pierre to ask Johan to pray for him as well. Jean Pierre reported how he would not die, but live and declare what our Heavenly Father Yahuah had done for Agape Family. He reported how nothing could stop Yahuah’s plan for our lives and how this attack meant more miracles. Attacks are caused by satan and he often attacks just before miracles happen. HalleluYah! So stay tuned!
And guess what happened: miraculously the Holy Spirit set up a healing, deliverance and salvation session for entire CFY the next day (25.08)! Johan reported how during that time Jean Pierre had not been online, which meant he was sleeping. Praise the Lord for his sleep! And the same night he hadn’t been online for 14 hours which meant he had a really good sleep…
And guess what: in the morning of 26.08 Jean Pierre had reported to Johan how he was being fully fit again!!!
What a miracle! Only our Heavenly Father Yahuah can do this! Fully fit after having been so sick, and so fast (less than 48 hours) and as if nothing had happened (and bear in mind how he had prayed and fasted for 7 days and has been eating only every other day just like the 3,048 children for over 10 months now). Wow!!! Thank you Father for all You do for Agape Family!!! HalleluYah!
Often it also happens that satan attacks when miracles are about to happen, just like Jean Pierre shared in his message to Johan above. So we expect even MORE miracles are coming! So stay tuned… 😉
Share this story in all your networks, EVERYONE must know this! In case this testimony has given you ideas and you want to support CFY with your gifts and/or talents, contact us! Everyone is welcome! Everything for the mission of saving 150 million orphans and street children whom Yahuah appoints!
Supporting our ex-orphans through giving with a happy heart is also an option 🙂 (see below). Yahuah will bless you for it, for His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed, as this testimony made quite clear ;).
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands
Options for supporting CFY financially
We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!
The Netherlands:
ASN Bank
J.R.S. Langenberg
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28
DNB Bank
Johannes R.S. Langenberg
Bankkonto 1227 02 29385
Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402
You can choose the description:
– Children
– Container
– Camper
It is also possible to donate via GoFundMe. Please make sure you reduce the provision for GoFundMe to 0%!
– Link container:
– Link camper:
Other projects within Calling From Yahuah
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives
Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands