Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 July 2024 to 31 July 2024.
Currently with 200 ex-orphans (3 to 21 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

Prison for Joseph and a lesson in serving like Yeshua/Jesus Christ
On 08.07 Joseph, leader of Shalom Family, reported to Johan, founder of Calling From Yahuah (CFY), that a widow with two kids had fallen ill. She was so sick that she passed away the next day. The government wanted to confiscate the grounds, the house and wanted to impose all these rules. Later on they also wanted to decide how the woman would be buried?!
Joseph disagreed with all that.
On 10.07 Joseph reported how the shop owner had paid for the widow’s coffin together with other people. This man had accepted Yeshua/our Lord Jesus Christ after we had prayed for his wife when she was sick. She had accepted the Lord as well! HalleluYah!
On 11.07 the village leader had put Joseph in prison for going against their plans considering selling the house and the grounds and the place where the woman should be buried, so there was quite a spiritual battle going on (see screenshot below).
Joseph had been put in a private prison, which was a room where you could be alone. Remember that in Rwanda you don’t get food or water in a prison. You need friends and/or family to visit you in order to get something. This is why members of Shalom Family often visit prisons where already a lot of people have accepted Yeshua, HalleluYah!
This time the shop owner was another blessing for Joseph and Shalom Family: he paid the costs for Joseph so he could be set free! Thank You Heavenly Father for that blessing!
And guess what: later on it turned out that the shop owner ALSO paid for everything regarding the woman’s funeral! How wonderful! This is why we always have to make sure that the people we speak to accept Yeshua as our Lord and Savior. For when they accept Yeshua, they are meant to start serving like He did. He not only gave His life for us by dying on the cross, but He literally served His entire life. Which is what we are supposed to do. As Yeshua stated Himself in Acts 20:35: “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (NKJV).
Joseph was now praying for the shop owner that doors of blessings would be opened so his money would flow back to him.
Eventually the fight Joseph put up against the village leader also resulted in the orphaned children of the deceased widow being taken care of by family that now live in the house. Thank You Father for taking care of those orphans too!

Conversation between Johan and Joseph via WhatsApp on 15.07 and 16.07. Joseph is praising our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God for getting him out of prison! He was put into a private prison (a chamber where you can be alone) from 11.07 until 15.07. After a widow (with two children) had passed away, Joseph had stopped the plans of selling the grounds and the place where the woman should be buried. Our Heavenly Father had sent the shop owner to pay for Joseph’s release! Earlier the shop owner had accepted Yeshua/our Lord Jesus Christ. Joseph was now praying that doors of blessings would open so the shop owner’s money would return to him.
Blessings in harvest!
On 20.07 Joseph reported that he and the ex-orphans had harvested 3,000 kgs sweet potatoes! They had put 1,500 kgs sweet seed potatoes into the grounds. Thank You Heavenly Father for that harvest! It was a true miracle, with most of the people in the neighbourhood having either no harvest at all when they were unbelievers, or everything had gone rotten due to the heat, due to too much sunshine. How wonderful for Shalom Family!
It’s still so amazing what system the Holy Spirit put in place within both Shalom Family and Agape Family. Both families are led by only one adult leader and further consist of only children, teenagers and people in their twenties who grew up within the families (of course they have aged a bit since 2018 ;)). And they all take care of each other. Most of the 200 ex-orphans within Shalom Family are what we call “the little ones” (from 3 years old) and they are taken care of by the older children. How amazing that our Heavenly Father Yahuah takes such good care of them without volunteers or paid people. They don’t depend on anyone except our Heavenly Father Yahuah and each other. And they know that if they don’t work, they’ll literally die. Guess you do get a drive from that, don’t you think?
Yahuah is Almighty
On 29.07 Joseph reported how the Holy Spirit had told him “Yahuah is Almighty”. Joseph had been thinking about receiving a gift for food, but this phrase turned out to be about something entirely different!
The village leader whose actions had led to Joseph being put in prison earlier this month, had died. Nobody knew how and why, but he did die.
Yes, our God is truly Almighty.
This is yet another example: DON’T go against Shalom Family or Agape Family (remember the boy who had been terrorising Agape Family and got killed in a car accident? And all those people that were thrown into prison who went against Agape Family?). Bottomline: don’t go against CFY, for CFY is from our Heavenly Father Yahuah and He is truly Almighty and Righteous. He knows our hearts.
And if you’ve done something wrong, like all of us have, we all fall and have to get back up: repent and He will forgive you. He loves you so much!! But He doesn’t let people play Him. Fair enough, don’t you think?

Do not rob the poor because he is poor, Nor oppress the afflicted at the gate; For the Lord will plead their cause, And plunder the soul of those who plunder them (Proverbs 22:22-23 (NKJV)).
Damaged harvest
On 30.07 Johan received a picture of the sweet potato harvest (see below). Whereas it had looked wonderful a few days earlier, this time we could see that a lot of the Shalom Family harvest had been damaged as well… The harvest had received too much sun and too little rain…
What would we do about the harvest? Would it be possible to eat it? The family with 200 ex-orphans had been eating only every other day for over 10 months now…
And what could have happened here? Isn’t it strange how Agape Family has had supersized harvests for months which are so wonderful and nobody in the environment has harvests like them and at Shalom Family the harvest is damaged… Does our Heavenly Father want to make something clear with this? When we don’t receive certain blessings which we are used to, something might be going on. Were we doing something wrong?
Of course Johan started praying and asking our Heavenly Father Yahuah what was going on. The Bible says when we ask it will be given to us (Matt. 7:7), so stay tuned for what Johan received as an answer from the Holy Spirit in August…

Photo from Joseph sent to Johan on 30.07 from the Shalom Family sweet potato harvest. Whereas it had looked wonderful a few days earlier, now we could see that a lot of the harvest had been damaged. It had received too much sun and too little rain…
What can you do for the children?
We hope you enjoyed this update. Any ideas for improvement of the updates or do you want to contribute to CFY with your ideas, gifts and/or talents? Contact us or let us know in the comments below! Everyone is welcome!
If you want to keep on being informed with the latest news from CFY, follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and also on Pinterest.
As a new tool in providing the children with better lives, the MAN now also has his own website mangoesnorway.com (link provided at the bottom of this update)! There you can read all about this new phase of CFY and what it entails. Of course you can also follow the process of building the MAN into a house on wheels on social media!

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
Prayer points
We thank you for all your prayers and blessings for CFY! Special prayer points are of course the seeding and harvesting processes. We pray for harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are. Also we pray that the forced payments for Agape Family by the government will stop. And of course supernatural protection for Shalom Family and Agape Family, well-being of all the ex-orphans and abundance in all they need for the rest of their lives.
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart :).
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands
Options for supporting CFY financially
We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!
The Netherlands:
ASN Bank
J.R.S. Langenberg
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28
DNB Bank
Johannes R.S. Langenberg
Bankkonto 1227 02 29385
Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402
You can choose the description:
– Children
– Container
– Camper
It is also possible to donate via GoFundMe. Please make sure you reduce the provision for GoFundMe to 0%!
– Link container:
– Link camper:
Other projects within Calling From Yahuah
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives
Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands