Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),


Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 August 2024 to 31 August 2024.



Currently with 200 ex-orphans (3 to 21 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

Establishment of Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands


Let’s first start off with some happy overall CFY news!


On 02.08 our Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands was established!! Hooray!! The purpose of our Foundation is to give 150 million orphans and street children worldwide, whom Yahuah/God appoints, a loving home with Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ. All Honour and Glory for our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the founding of our Foundation! Thanks to Him it was possible! It was His plan (we didn’t want to and hadn’t even thought of it) and His way! It was an extraordinary journey of over 3 months with confirmations through several people, the touching of many souls, a lot of prayer and waiting for His guidance, spiritual opposition and the privilege of witnessing His greatness. HalleluYah!


For the full testimony check 02.08.2024 MILESTONE: ESTABLISHMENT OF FOUNDATION CALLING FROM YAHUAH NETHERLANDS on callingfromyahuah.com/updates.

Rotten harvest


In case you read our updates of July, you might remember how Johan, founder of CFY, received a picture of the damaged sweet potato harvest on 30.07 (see picture below). Whereas it had looked wonderful a few days earlier, this time we could see that a lot of the Shalom Family harvest had been damaged. The harvest had received too much sun and too little rain…

Photo of the potato harvest sent by Joseph, leader of Shalom Family, to Johan on 30.07 . Whereas it had looked wonderful a few days earlier, now we could see that a lot of the harvest had been damaged. It had received too much sun and too little rain… 

Unfortunately it turned out to be much worse than we thought. On 01.08 Joseph shared the amounts of rotten potatoes with Johan and It was SHOCKING. In July we shared that the harvest was 3,000 kg of sweet potatoes. Now it turned out to be 4,000 kg. That might seem wonderful news, however: initially it seemed as if 400 kg of the harvest was rotten, but then it turned out that only 400 kg was eatable and 3,600 kg was rotten… So 90% of the entire harvest was uneatable


Wait a minute… rotten? Almost the entire harvest? Isn’t that strange? Isn’t Shalom Family from our Heavenly Father Yahuah? And He has blessed Agape Family with harvests that are huge! Over there the potato harvest has tripled and the bean harvest has quadrupled. Then why is this harvest almost entirely gone?

If certain blessings stay away, this can have a number of reasons. The Father can allow certain things to happen as a test as we see with Job in the Bible. However it can also be a correction if you’re doing something wrong…


Johan shared how he had been praying to the Father for about a year already, because he didn’t know what to do with Joseph. Some things had seemed off and after a lot of prayer Johan got his answer.


It turned out that Joseph had been disobedient to the Holy Spirit… Ouch…


Whenever you don’t do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do, whenever you don’t trust Him and when you don’t trust Johan, the Father will not bless you. The Holy Spirit and Johan have the keys for Shalom Family. This is not about Johan as a person, not at all. He was simply given the keys for CFY by the Holy Spirit. This happened after he had asked the Father for his calling here on earth and wanted to give his all for our Almighty God. And Johan is obedient to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives the messages from Yeshua. So if you’re going against the Holy Spirit, you’re going against Yeshua. Yeshua Himself said in Matthew 12:30 “He who is not with Me is against Me”. And if Johan obeys the Holy Spirit and has the keys to CFY, you go against the Holy Spirit/Yeshua when you go against/don’t obey Johan. And that has consequences.


Everything we do has consequences.


Perhaps you remember that, due to disobedience of a leader, we already lost Gladness Family a few years ago (it was stopped by the Holy Spirit). So what would happen now? Would this be the end of Shalom Family as well?!!


In case you might wonder what disobedience looks like, we would like to share some examples with you, since this is a spiritual lesson for all of us. Not to discredit Joseph, but to learn.


Joseph has not been open and honest about everything whereas he should be the eyes and ears of CFY as leader of Shalom Family. He did things behind Johan’s back, didn’t seem to admit his mistakes and didn’t listen to orders. For example, on 01.08 Joseph shared with Johan how 40 children would be baptised that same day by a pastor, Joseph had invited in July. Johan knew absolutely nothing about this!? He should have been told about that invitation. Upon that message Johan told him ,under guidance of the Holy Spirit, that he didn’t need a pastor for that. Instead he needed to baptise the children himself together with his helpers (the older children) in Shalom Family. Joseph replied how they would do it themselves the next time… So he didn’t listen to what Johan told him to do in a very clear message. Joseph could have said no to the pastor and baptised the children himself to correct his wrongdoing.


And guess what happened: the pastor came and the Holy Spirit instructed the pastor to tell Joseph to do it himself (see screenshot below)!!! Wow! Of course this was a confirmation for Johan. And this was one example in which Joseph didn’t do what he was told to do. Johan shared how it was about the puzzle pieces that have to come together. After all, Johan had been praying for about a year on this topic.

Conversation between Johan and Joseph on 01.08. Joseph tells Johan how he had asked a pastor in the past month to baptise the children in Shalom Family. The pastor would come over that afternoon to baptise 40 children within Shalom Family. Johan replied how he didn’t need a pastor and how he must baptise himself with his helpers (the older children). Joseph replied how they would do it themselves the next time and didn’t follow Johan’s orders. 10-15 min later Joseph shared how the Holy Spirit had instructed the pastor to tell him he had to baptise the children himself! Now Joseph and Emmanuel, one of his helpers in Shalom Family, would baptise the children. For Johan this was a confirmation and an example of disobedience by Joseph.

Let’s be clear that this is not about Joseph or yourself never being allowed to make a mistake. Because where would we be… After all we all make mistakes. No, the Father is checking our hearts and He wants us to want to be obedient. He wants us to do our best for that and ask Him for help in doing so. None of us can immediately do all the things He is asking us to do. But when you’re trained and you know what is expected from you and time and time again you keep on being disobedient… that’s when you’re wrong. And then you get things like a 90% rotten harvest…


Johan also shared that if people are not trustworthy now, they will not be trustworthy later on. This world is getting darker and darker and people will be tested to the bone. Who do you trust and who do you rely on?


Joseph had started to be afraid of people, depend on people and ask people for help. This is not what we are supposed to do as children of Yahuah. We have to ask Him for help and He will send us help. We are not dependent on people, only on Him, no matter the circumstances. If you need food and people on the other side of the street have food, you pray to the Father and ask for food. You do not walk over to the people and ask them. After prayer, it could well be that the Holy Spirit tells you to go over. Alternatives are that someone comes to you with food, another miracle happens or you don’t get food. All options are good, for He is good. If you start relying on people, being afraid or asking people for help, bad doors will open for the enemy to wreak havoc in your life. And if you’re with CFY, this will not just happen in your life, but also in CFY. We have seen this with the harvest. So be careful about what you do and whom you trust. We only have to trust Him. And since Johan obeys the Father fully and is given the keys to CFY, we have to trust and obey Johan as well. And if you don’t, you’re out.

Letting go of Shalom Family


On 03.08 Johan sent a message to Joseph stating how he was giving Shalom Family back in the hands of Yeshua. Johan says the same thing Yeshua said: he who is not with me, is against me. Joseph went behind Johan’s back, so Johan let him go. He told Joseph to take the time to pray and think about the communication with Johan.  Johan would now wait on the next steps of the Holy Spirit.


After asking Johan personally about this topic, he shared how he had little emotions in this area. He was trained by the Holy Spirit to be a soldier of Yahuah and he has to do what he has to do. 1 leader could not get 200 children’s lives into danger. 90% of a rotten harvest meant that the blessing was out of Shalom Family. Johan shared how Yahuah won’t let people mock Him.


You cannot mock the Almighty. Be very well aware of that.


On 10.08 Joseph sent Johan a personal message which he had received from our Heavenly Father Yahuah. He had received the Bible verse Revelation 2:5:


“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place – unless you repent.”


Wow. A personal message from the Almighty. Please re-read it:

“Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works, or else I will come to you quickly and remove your lampstand from its place – unless you repent.”

You cannot mock Yahuah. He knows everything.


Joseph shared with Johan how he had been kneeling before Yahuah with his heart in pieces after he received that message. Now he was doing what he had to do (repent). He believed our Heavenly Father had forgiven him and that he had to do the first works.


What would Yahuah do next? He is good and He is always right. Would this be the end of Shalom Family? What would you do if someone, a babysitter, had put your own children in such danger? For the 200 children in Shalom Family are not Joseph’s, they’re Yahuah’s.

Shalom Family gets a new leader


On 10.08 Johan was told by the Holy Spirit that Shalom Family would stay on and that a boy named Emmanuel would be the new leader. We already shared information about Emmanuel before in our March update. Also in the screenshot above you can read that Emmanuel helped Joseph baptise the 40 children. Back in March, Emmanuel and 29 other children were protecting the grounds whilst other children were seeding the 1,500 kg sweet seed potatoes. They were literally standing around the grounds and in doing so they stopped the village leaders from sowing the grounds themselves!


Johan shared before how Emmanuel is not afraid and a true warrior. In March we also shared how Johan got to know Emmanuel. Around 2018/2019, when Joseph’s phone was still working well, Johan and his wife Naomi were regularly in touch with Emmanuel and another girl from Shalom Family named Esperanza. They would send messages back and forth. Johan shared how he is a very special boy and a true leader. Wow think about that: our Heavenly Father Yahuah knows everything that’s going to happen!  So perhaps he was already prepping this connection between Johan and Emmanuel?


Emmanuel, only 21 years old, gives his all for the Father and that’s what is asked from you within CFY (and not just in CFY, but at all times). If you give a 100%, the Father will do so too and He will raise you up. Praise Him and how wonderful for Emmanuel!


Emmanuel has been with Shalom Family since the beginning in 2018, so he has seen everything unfold until now. Let’s see what his leadership will bring Shalom Family! If you want to, please leave a warming comment for Emmanuel as our new leader in the comment section. We will pass them on 😊.


Wow. So Shalom Family will continue to exist. Hooray!!! So wonderful for the 200 (now 199 when we don’t count Emmanuel 😉) children! We know that, without Shalom Family, they would most likely be out on the streets awaiting starvation and worse. As we shared before, there are underground networks at play regarding child trafficking where absolutely horrific things happen with children. Even in Europe, as well as in the Netherlands, where Johan and Naomi currently are. It happens all over the world and we know the government is involved as well. Our Father Yahuah’s heart is with them as He says in His Word (James 1:27) and we as CFY have been given the task to do everything we can to save these children. Therefore our mission is to save 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, all over the world. It’s our job as Christians to care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed. If you truly love Yeshua, you have to step in. Everyone will be judged once they die and the believers have to give account for what they did in this life. As was so beautifully shared by our CFY team member Sigurd the other day, Ezechiel 16:49 states it so well:


“Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”


Many Christians today know the story of Sodom and Gomorra and how Yahuah judged them. Whenever you read the above text, it might seem as if pride is bad and that’s why Sodom was sinful. Of course, pride is a sin, but as our dear brother Derek Prince, a true man of God, who is now with the Father, shared: whenever you don’t do what you must, you are also sinning. So look at the last part of the sentence: “neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy”. If you know what is right, which is taking care of the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed, and you don’t do it, you are sinning. So if you don’t do something for them, this is your chance to step in and join CFY! And of course we are open for non-believers as well! To be honest I, Carina, hadn’t accepted Yeshua until the end of 2022 😉. Everyone, who steps in and joins CFY, will be blessed by our Heavenly Father on a physical, spiritual, emotional, financial and material level. If you don’t believe it, contact us, for there are so many testimonies!

As our brother in Christ Derek Prince stated: when you know what you must do and you don’t do it, it’s sin. Look at what Sodom did NOT do:


“Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” (Ezechiel 16:49 (NKJV))

Mercy for Joseph


Okay, so Shalom Family will continue to exist, but what about Joseph?  He made mistakes and he would now no longer be leader of the family. Is there any form of mercy for him? Or not…?


Let’s go back to the Yahuah’s Word and remember what our Heavenly Father did through Moses: the burning bush, the parting of the red sea, the 40 days and 40 nights Moses shared alone with Him on the mountain, the 10 commandments, the battle won by keeping up Moses’ arms… He performed miraculous miracles through Him.


And yet… in Numeri 20, when the people of Israel were in the Wilderness of Zin (the desert) and there was not enough drinking water, they complained to Moses and Aaron. Upon consulting the Lord, Moses was instructed to speak to a rock while the people were watching. He was promised that enough water would come out for all the people and their livestock. Beautiful right? However, Moses asked the people if he and Aaron had to let water come out of the rock for them and beat the rock two times. Water came out and the people and the livestock could drink. A miracle!


But… they had not done as they were told. Yahuah spoke to them “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”


So Moses had been disobedient and was denied the initial task of leading the people of Israel into the promised land. He had to inaugurate his successor Joshua.


The Holy Spirit told Johan that, just like Moses had to do with Joshua, Joseph now had to train Emmanuel as a new leader. In this way there is definitely mercy for Joseph from our Heavenly Father Yahuah. For he wouldn’t have made it as a leader the way he had been acting, and neither would he make it on his own outside of Shalom Family. Now he gets to serve and stay safely within Shalom Family whilst teaching Emmanuel everything he knows about being a leader of the Family. He has been the leader from the beginning in 2018 up to now. He will now have to make Emmanuel a leader, help him and build him up. Also he will have to teach Emmanuel English, since he will automatically be Johan’s new contact person.


Johan shared how he had not seen this coming. This was all the plan of the Holy Spirit. He explained how it is better for Shalom Family and Emmanuel since he is the warrior and gives his all. But it is better for Joseph as well, since something had snapped within him. He didn’t dare to give his all and be a warrior anymore.


How loving from our Heavenly Father Yahuah. He could easily have put him outside of the family and leave Him to rot, but He didn’t. He is ALWAYS GOOD. After all, this had been going on for about a year. What would you have done if these had been your children and someone hadn’t followed your orders? What a heart our Father has! All Glory and Praise for Him!

First time in the city for Emmanuel


Johan had received a go from the Holy Spirit to send money to Shalom Family again. Usually they received it at the end of the month, however due Joseph’s disobedience and rebellion this hadn’t happened last month. The Holy Spirit had not allowed Johan to send money to Shalom Family in July.


As you might be thinking right now: then what about food for the ex-orphans? Well… they didn’t get any. WHAT!? So due to disobedience and rebellion of one person, the 200 children didn’t get food?! Yes. All of our actions have consequences. So yes, the children had been without food for about 2 weeks. That might seem unfair right? Well, if you’re disobedient it has an effect on other people as well. And the Father wants to teach us a lesson when we’re disobedient. And if He has to let 3,600 kgs of sweet potatoes go to waste and leave the children without food for almost 2 weeks, He does so.


BUT! There is a very big BUT. We know that the children do not suffer. We can be sure that Joseph suffered, but the children didn’t. For those who remember the horrible times a few years ago when 1,006 children died in Agape Family due to horrible circumstances: we know those children didn’t suffer. They simply went to sleep. Naomi always shares the imagery of emaciated children and how our children never got to that stage. They are Yahuah’s children. His heart is with them. Yes, they did die. That happened. But they didn’t suffer. And after prayer also over 700 children ROSE from the dead!!! What a HUGE MIRACLE!!! All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Yeshua! HalleluYah! And about those other children who weren’t resurrected: they are now in the best place you can be, with our Heavenly Father Yahuah Himself! So yes, in Shalom Family the 200 children didn’t have food, but we know they didn’t suffer. That doesn’t mean they didn’t feel it though.


Joseph suffered. He suffered greatly going for weeks without food. Which was the way he needed to be treated. Yahuah knows best and He is a loving Father. If you don’t do what you know you must do, you will suffer. That is love. Love? Yes. Because He loves Joseph way too much to let him go to hell and perish for eternity. He will make our life so hard that we will come to Him and be saved. THAT IS LOVE. Love is not giving someone everything they want, no, sometimes a child needs a beating. To LEARN. So you will obey and spend eternity with the Father in heaven. Also what happened with the deposition of Joseph might seem terrible from an earthly point of view. However it’s not a bad thing to miss certain earthly pleasures, so you can be with the Father forever. What is horrible is to have all you want here on earth and spend eternity in a never extinguishing fire. Agree?


But you also see the mercy He has for Joseph: for now he gets to stay within Shalom Family. We don’t know what happens next, but Joseph was not immediately thrown out on the streets. And imagine what he did: he put the lives of 200 children in danger! So all Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! No matter what happens, HE IS ALWAYS GOOD!!! And always righteous. He sees our hearts. And He needs to train us for eternity. We will rule with Him and He needs to form our character. So let’s learn from Joseph’s actions and pray that we don’t mess up like him or Moses and do what He asks us to do! Then we can have a beautiful life both on earth and in eternity! For He wants to bless us and give us a beautiful life with Him here on earth as well!


We are sure this is also a good lesson for all the children in Shalom Family. For they have now both witnessed and experienced (for they did go without food of course) firsthand the consequences of disobedience and rebellion. And we know that the Father turns it all around for good like He states in His Word in Romans 8:28: “All things work together for good for those who love God”. So let it also be used for good for you.


Well, let’s stop the preaching and go back to where we were: the first time in the city for Emmanuel… 😊

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 (NKJV)).

On 13.08 Joseph had tried to get into the city, but the Remitly gift, Johan had tried to send, had been cancelled. In addition 5 buses had been full and Joseph had also lacked internet connection. Fortunately later on the gift was arranged via Remitly. Thank You Heavenly Father!


On 14.08 Joseph tried again and this time everything did work out! He and Emmanuel then had their very first trip to the city together! This was all very new and impressive to Emmanuel. Imagine how Emmanuel has been living in Shalom Family for years and never got out of the village environment. Until a few years ago he had still been attending school in the city. However, have you ever been on holiday from your city environment to the countryside? That moment, when you return home, can be quite overwhelming right? Well… imagine that happening after a few years. Pfew! But again: Romans 8:28 tells us that Yahuah lets all things work together for good for those who love Him. So Emmanuel’s former school experiences in the city will also be used for good. Aren’t you curious what our Heavenly Father will use them for? 


From the gift the following was bought:

  • 137 kg sweet potatoes
  • 100 kg rice
  • 20 kg beans
  • Salt
  • Tickets

200 ex-orphans survive weeks without food!


We are thankful that the children now have food again! After all, they had eaten only every other day for over 11 months and now they had gone without food for weeks. Are you seeing the huge miracle here and the turning around for good as we stated above with Romans 8:28?


The children went for weeks without food after only eating every other day for over 11 months and none of the 200 children died or got sick!


And think about how the youngest ex-orphans are merely 3 years old


Wow! How is that possible?


There is only One who can do this!!!


Thank You Heavenly Father for taking such amazing care of them, providing them with all the strength and health they need and keeping them alive!


What a MIRACLE!!


And of course we thank You for the food!! HalleluYah!


See? He takes care of them!!! And look at the amazing testimony He has performed! We can all witness His greatness now! And how great is He!?


All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Yeshua!!


Does this mean it’s okay that the children have so little food to eat and have been eating every other day for almost a year now? No. We know our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants them to eat more. And that’s where we come in! We have to be His hands and feet and care for them. Are you with us? Let’s break the chain of eating every other day and make them eat every day! Ideas are very welcome 😊.

The deceased village leader’s cause of death


In our last update we shared how Joseph had been put in prison for some days. The village leader, whose actions had led to the imprisonment of Joseph, all of a sudden died later that month. Nobody knew how and why, but he did die. He had been terrorising Shalom Family.


The Holy Spirit told Johan to give Joseph the task to sort out what had happened with the village leader, so Johan asked him.


On 21.08 Joseph reported that people, including physicians, suspect that the man had, had a heart attack. The examination didn’t reveal anything and even his family didn’t understand how someone might be attacked and then, within mere hours (!), pass away…


What do you think?


Joseph believes it was the punishment from heaven. We, as CFY, also believe that he was punished by our Heavenly Father Yahuah for all the bad things he did in order to destroy Shalom Family.


So here’s again the warning: don’t mess with CFY, for then you mess with the Almighty God Yahuah, Creator of heaven and earth. And He can do ANYTHING. We know His heart is with the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed (James 1:27). CFY has been His plan since before the formation of this earth and will be around until the very last day of this earth. And NOBODY can stop His plans. Much like we stated before: if people join CFY and offer their gifts and talents, they are blessed in every way: physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially, and materially. We see it time and time again. People heal, businesses are running again, etc. And if people go against CFY… well… here’s an example.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)). 

Flu and fever for Joseph and Emmanuel


On 21.08 Joseph also reported to Johan how he and Emmanuel had both been attacked by the flu and fever. We believe this was due to their trip to the city on 14.08.  It had to do with the antichrist system, since they got in touch with a lot of vaccinated people that day. Vaccinations are a big part of that global system. In case the term antichrist system is new to you or you want to know more about it, feel free to (re-)read our July update for Agape Family. In that update we have elaborated on this topic.


(Note of warning: the following information might be shocking to people). Joseph and Emmanuel obviously came from a safe and peaceful unvaccinated environment. In the city, on the other hand, a lot of people are vaccinated. It is now well known how unvaccinated people often get symptoms when being around vaccinated people. Nothing strange of course, since we know that the vaccinations are responsible for already killing about 1 billion people. This is a greater number than the about 6 million during the holocaust. And it’s still counting.


Huh, wasn’t it said that the vaccinations were safe? Yes, but that was a big fat lie. They were in fact created to kill people and they are all part of the antichrist system. In case you’re vaccinated and want help, you’re very welcome to contact us and receive personal guidance from the Holy Spirit concerning what to do next!

Prayer points and a renewed website!


Has this been a confronting update for you? If so, sometimes that has to be done. Christianity is love, but that doesn’t mean it’s not confronting. And sometimes we need that. We need to be warned so we can be saved and get eternal life.


Okay, let’s go to a lighter topic. Prayer points! How wonderful! There is so much to pray for! Of course we thank you for all your prayers and blessings that you have already done for CFY!


Special prayer points are still the seeding and harvesting processes. We pray for harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are. Also we pray that the forced payments for Agape Family by the government will stop. And of course supernatural protection for Shalom Family and Agape Family, well-being of all the ex-orphans and abundance in all they need for the rest of their lives. And if you want to get specific, think about eating every day (instead of every other day), having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, and of course very important: Bibles! Let’s give all 3,248 children within CFY better lives! They deserve so much more! Praying for CFY to go global is also a much needed prayer. We need to save those 150 million orphans and street children whom Yahuah appoints!


In case you noticed already, via the top of this website you can now also easily navigate to the websites of CFY’s other projects MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle! Within MAN goes Norway a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come. Medical Medium lifestyle is Naomi’s ministry in which she is healing the sick through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance (link provided at the bottom of this update). Since each project is part of CFY, supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!


Keep sharing our website and these updates in all your online and offline networks. Everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide! CFY is also active on social media, so keep watch and share all our messages on Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, TikTok and Pinterest as well! Sharing your gifts and/or talents with CFY is always welcome too, so contact us in case you have ideas!


Thank you for reading this update and stay tuned for next month to see how Emmanuel is doing during his leadership training!


So in short, and as a reminder, cause repetition is good for us 😉:

Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart 😊.


He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!


Be blessed to be a blessing!


Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands

Options for supporting CFY financially

We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!


The Netherlands:

ASN Bank

J.R.S. Langenberg

NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28




DNB Bank

Johannes R.S. Langenberg

Bankkonto 1227 02 29385

Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402


You can choose the description:

–          Children

–          Container

–          Camper



It is also possible to donate via GoFundMe. Please make sure you reduce the provision for GoFundMe to 0%!

–          Link container:



–          Link camper:




Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/callingfromgod



Wise: https://www.wise.com

Other projects within Calling From Yahuah


MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives

Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it

Written by:


Carina Meijer

Ambassador (voluntary basis)

Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands





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