Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 July 2024 to 31 July 2024.
Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 25 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

The government wanted to close Agape Family
In our report of June we extensively shared about how the government had wanted to close Agape Family and the amazing miracles our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God performed in preventing this from happening! All Glory and Praise for Him!
As a “quick” recapitulation in case you forgot or you haven’t read the June updates (they are highly recommended though ;)):
On 30.06 the government had wanted to close Agape Family and throw Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, into prison.
The 8 government officials present had even brought their own locks already to put on the doors! They also tried pushing the children out of the buildings… And they suddenly demanded 50 M rwf in the bank (over 33,000 euros).
Upon all of this the police (who was installed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah) had advised Jean Pierre to go outside since it would give out the signal that Jean Pierre would trust money would be coming into the bank. He went outside at 5:30 PM and for the 3rd (!!) time that month he slept outside in the cold and in the wind. This was a very hard time for him. Can you imagine? The entire night… outside… cold and windy… Yuck!!
In June the government stated that if they saw movement on the bank account once every week, that they would leave Agape Family alone. In total they demanded an amount of 15 M rwf before 15.07. A human response would be to obey and put it in the bank. But not for us. Upon hearing this demand, we started praying and talking with our Heavenly Father Yahuah and asking for His guidance and His will in this situation. He knows best. We know nothing. We know His plan is good and we only want to live according to His plans for our lives, whether we like it or not.
On 01.07 Johan, founder of Calling From Yahuah (CFY), got a go from the Holy Spirit to send money and sent a gift of 3 M rwf to get to a total of 6 M rwf in Jean Pierre’s bank account. After Jean Pierre spent the night outside, he immediately went to the local bank (which is about a one and a half hour walk) to get the money, put the money into a different bank where we now have our account, got the papers, went back to Agape Family and again found the government officials waiting at Agape Family having stayed there ALL NIGHT… (what?!) Upon seeing the papers with proof of the money in the account, they left and Agape Family was still open!
Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!!! HalleluYah!!
Realize the greatness of this miracle: the amount of money necessary was several thousands of euros. In 2023 there was a time when Johan and Naomi didn’t have any money and were completely dependent on gifts after giving up everything for the children. Now after receiving a family inheritance and obedience in how to spend that money Johan was able to send the money necessary. Johan and Naomi only use the money they are allowed to use from the Holy Spirit. If they had not been obedient in the spending of that money, Agape Family would have been closed right now… Thank you Johan and Naomi for your obedience and faithfulness!
Sowing time again!
On 04.07 Jean Pierre started sowing again for a few days in a row with 461 children. They were putting their own harvested potatoes back into the ground to grow new crops! How self-sufficient can they be!! We know that there will be famines in the future and already a lot of people in Rwanda are dying due to starvation. Our ex-orphans only have food every other day (which needs to change), but we are so grateful that they are still alive and have this healthy food to eat! Thank you Heavenly Father for all the strength you are giving the children! Without You they would have long been dead by now… from starvation and most of them alone on the streets… (for most of the 3,048 ex-orphans are ex-street children)
Letter from the government
On 05.07 Jean Pierre received a letter from the government with how they demanded 15 M in the bank account before 12.07.
On 06.07 Johan got a go from the Holy Spirit to send another gift of 3 M rwf, so 9 M rwf had already been accomplished! Thank You Father! Be reminded that we didn’t expect to get to the 15 M rwf: before every transaction, the Holy Spirit is consulted first!
Jean Pierre is refused for WiFi
The same day Jean Pierre tried to get WiFi connection in town in order to send photos and videos to Johan. He spent hours trying to find a place, but got refused everywhere and couldn’t get a WiFi connection in any place. This was awful for him and for us, and of course for you. For we do want to show you new photos and videos of course!
On 08.07 Jean Pierre went to the shops again for WiFi to send photos and videos, but this trip failed as well. Jean Pierre did get some WiFi and could spend about half an hour with Johan before everything got closed at 1 PM due to the Rwandan president elections. Johan then got a go from the Holy Spirit to send another gift. Johan wanted to send 6 M rwf straight away to reach the demanded amount of 15 M rwf, but there was another restriction from the Rwandan government on the amount he was allowed to send to Jean Pierre. After prayer Johan was allowed to send 3 M rwf, which led to 12 M rwf in the bank account. Thank You Father! Let’s go for 15 M rwf if it’s the Father’s will!
Jean Pierre reported to Johan how on 05.07 8 private schools had been closed since they had worked without government permission.
Biggest harvest yet!!!
On 07.07 Jean Pierre had started preparing the harvesting process with 407 children. They would start harvesting the next day. Jean Pierre wouldn’t be present and would leave the harvesting process up to the leaders and the other children since the Holy Spirit had ordered him to send Johan photos and videos.
And what a great job the children did! They spend two days harvesting and the results were amazing:
The total harvest from 08.07 and 09.07 was a STAGGERING 31,423 kg potatoes, 41,208 kg beans and 7,300 kg cassava!
Please read that again: 31,423 kg potatoes, 41,208 kg beans and 7,300 kg cassava!
The biggest harvest yet!!
Can you imagine carrying all that to your house? All Glory to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! Wow wow wow!!
Jean Pierre reported how in the community nobody has a harvest like Agape Family does (see screenshot below). HalleluYah!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 10.07. Jean Pierre shares the biggest Agape Family harvest yet: 31,423 kg potatoes, 14,208 kg beans and 7,300 kg cassava! They spent 2 days harvesting! Jean Pierre shares how blessed Agape Family is and that nobody in the community has harvests like Agape Family does. Thank You Heavenly Father!!! HalleluYah!
36 leaders for Agape Family
On 15.01 Jean Pierre had received the task from our Heavenly Father Yahuah to train new leaders. He started this task on 19.01 by training 4 new leaders. On 08.02 Jean Pierre was training 12 leaders and on 07.07 Jean Pierre had 36 (!) strong leaders! An amazing growth! These leaders are including Jean Pierre’s right-hand Igiraneza (whom you might have read about in the former updates).
More leaders means better care for the children! HalleluYah! Of course this is also a good preparation for all the children who are still to come to Agape Family, because they WILL come! Think about only the capital city of Rwanda containing 1 million street children, there are famines and more will come, and so many different orphanages have closed already. So Agape Family has to be ready! In the current 9 buildings we can house about 10,000 children properly. Johan believes we are going to get to that number (also think about how Agape Family already consisted of over 10,000 children a few years ago, so we know how that works).
We are so grateful Jean Pierre now has a trustworthy team of leaders to take care of the little ones and assure that Agape Family keeps running smoothly. Before Jean Pierre had had a much bigger team which had manipulated him, threatened him and even wanted to kill him. We are grateful for the protection of our Heavenly Father Yahuah over his life and how things have changed! All Glory and Praise for Him!
It’s fully official: Agape Family stays open!!
On 10.07 Johan sent another gift of 3 M rwf and hereby we made the goal of 15 M rwf set by the government! They had demanded the amount before 12.07, so we even had some time left ;). Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah! He is always on time!
The same day the children started preparing the sowing 2,460 kg of their own seed potatoes and on 11.07 they started the actual seeding process!
On 12.07 Jean Pierre shared with Johan how he received a paper from the government stating that they are allowed to keep on working as Agape Family (see screenshot below). HalleluYah! They wrote how there is now 15 M rwf in the bank showing they have power and how they trust this will end with 50 M rwf.

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 12.07. Jean Pierre shares with Johan how he received a paper from the government stating that they are allowed to keep on working as Agape Family!! HalleluYah! All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Yeshua/Jesus Christ! They wrote how there is now 15 M rwf in the bank showing they have power and how they trust this will end with 50 M rwf.
Peace and another big harvest!
On 13.07 Johan reported how it was peaceful in Agape Family. They were busy with seeding and harvesting. Such wonderful news after all this pressure from the government!
On 15.07 our Heavenly Father Yahuah provided Agape Family with another big harvest: 18,950 kg potatoes and 7,840 kg beans. Praise the Lord!!
The antichrist system
On 16.07 Jean Pierre reported to Johan the results of the Rwandan president elections which took place on 15.07 (see screenshot below). It turned out the same president was elected again, so no change! The other candidate would have been better for orphans and street children. The current president had already closed many orphanages in Rwanda. When we read the Bible we know it couldn’t be another way, since they are building the antichrist system.
During the last updates we also shared about the teachings of Billy Crone, which provide essential information about the end-times and the antichrist system. Johan got the task from the Holy Spirit to train Jean Pierre to become and stay a strong leader. Therefore he has sent Jean Pierre fragments of these teachings as well. We have to be prepared for what’s coming!
And even though they are building the antichrist system, However, we do believe in special blessings, special protection for Agape Family from our Almighty God. After all, Agape Family has been His plan since before the formation of the earth and Agape Family will be there until the very last day.

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 16.07. Jean Pierre reports to Johan how he finds the teaching fragments of Billy Crone about the antichrist system powerful and interesting to know. He shares the results of the Rwandan president elections: the same president was elected, which means no change for orphans and street children.
Antichrist system? Antichrist? Aren’t we supposed to speak about Yeshua/Jesus, the Christ? If you don’t know what the antichrist system is, hereby an overview. Beware that this can be A LOT of information all at once. We spent hours of study under guidance of the Holy Spirit getting this information.
So the antichrist system. There will come a man, the antichrist (so against Yeshua, Who is the Christ), claiming to be God, whilst he is not. It’s a deception. This will be shortly before the world ends. The so-called antichrist system they’re building, is leading up to that moment and is built on lies and deceit. So it’s satanic. Satan is the father of all lies and was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). The builders of this antichrist system hate God and trick people into joining them. How are they or how will they be doing this, you might be wondering?
Well people were made to believe COVID was deadly whereas it was a planned crisis (a planned pandemic) in order to murder people and make people accustomed to giving up their freedom (think about the lockdowns). With the COVID vaccinations, aka COVID death shots, which were told they were save, but were not, that was a lie, they’ve already killed more people than in the holocaust (which were about 6 M people), namely about 1 billion people.
They are planning to destroy the economy, destroy real estate, control the way you eat and drink, and how you do transport. Everything. And you’re tricked into it. Everything Hitler did, they are doing, but on a global scale this time. And it’s called agenda 2030. It is so close.
Hitler? Holocaust? Yes, they’re even building concentration camps and selling them as 15-minute cities where everything is close-by. Everything will be watched. It’s a prison. And since people wouldn’t agree with the term prison, people are tricked into it with the idea of doing something good for the planet, because there is supposed to be less pollution. They say you’ll own nothing and be happy. And there is so much more to tell.
Very long story short: the only way out is Yeshua. Sin is getting higher and higher in the world and Yahuah’s had enough. We’re living in Noah’s time again, just before the flood. Our Heavenly Father judges sin. As Johan shared on social media: Noach preached truth for over 100 years. 8 people got “saved” (Genesis 6-9). We have to tell people the truth and get as many people as possible into the Ark, Who is Yeshua, with us. Again the above is A LOT of information with hours of study under guidance of the Holy Spirit behind it. Feel free to watch the teachings of Billy Crone on this topic for yourself and to contact us if you want to know more on this subject.
And think about it: how are you going to survive if there’s no money if you don’t obey the government (for you own NOTHING)? You need to have a personal relationship with Yeshua, with the Almighty. And He can do anything and will keep you safe. Yes even if it will cost your life, for then you’ll be with Him, and that’s the best place to be.

Noah preached truth for over 100 years
8 people got “saved”
Genesis 6-9
Personal testimony: our Heavenly Father Yahuah showed me, Carina, this rainbow when I had just finished studying one of the teachings about the flood and Noah’s Ark from Billy Crone. Wow!!!
In Genesis 9 Yahuah stated after the flood that when there is a rainbow He will remember His covenant between Himself and Noah and every living creature of all flesh, namely: that the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
Wow… so He will never again make a flood which destroys all flesh AND He showed it straight after a teaching about the flood…
What an Amazing God we serve!!! Thank You Father!
Meeting with the government
On 17.07 Jean Pierre and the children put 3,288 kg of their own seed potatoes into the soil again. Of course we are praying for another big harvest!
Jean Pierre also received a letter from a new village leader about a meeting with the government. The government was inviting all “private sector companies”. We are praying that this leader and all leaders concerning Agape Family will have a soft heart for Agape Family. We know that only our Heavenly Father Yahuah can soften and harden the hearts of people.
On 18.07 the meeting took place and Jean Pierre attended the meeting.
Threat from the government
On 19.07, the day after the meeting with the government, Jean Pierre shared how 16 companies and 9 churches had been closed!! All due to financial issues. They hadn’t been able to get enough money in their bank accounts.
Do you realize the threat here? Jean Pierre received information how the government demands 50 M rwf in the bank account before the end of 2024. That is over 34,000 euros! And they want to see movement in the bank every month, which basically means 6 M rwf every month to reach the demanded 50 M rwf…
We had managed to reach 15 M rwf, about 10,000 euros, before 15.07. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for providing us with that amount of money! So basically if that amount isn’t topped up with about 24,000 euros before the end of the year, they will close Agape Family, same as they already closed so many companies and even churches?! They don’t care if you’re an orphanage or not. So many orphaned children are left on the streets again… it’s absolutely horrible…
And the heart of our Heavenly Father Yahuah is with the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed, as you probably know by now. He can do anything, but wants to work through us and it’s our job as Christians especially to take care for them (James 1:27). Everyone gets a chance to help. So think or pray what you can do for CFY, what He wants you to do and how you can use your gifts and talents, given to you by our amazing Heavenly Father, in helping those children.
Of course non-believers are also welcome!!! Most of us were for a long time in our former lives 😊.
A Psalm and another harvest!
On 21.07 Agape Family brought home a harvest of 19,400 kg potatoes and 7,360 kg beans. Thank you Father!! It is still amazing every time, the size of these harvests. HalleluYah!
On 22.07 Jean Pierre received Psalm 41:12 from the Holy Spirit!
“As for me, You uphold me in my integrity,
And set me before Your face forever” (NKJV)
Wow!! What a message from our Almighty God! Wonder what it means? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Psalm 41:12, which Jean Pierre received from the Holy Spirit on 22.07.
As for me, You uphold me in my integrity, and set me before Your face forever (Psalm 41:12 (NKJV)).
Seeding and another Psalm!
That same day, the children also seeded 2,800 kg of their own seed potatoes!! Thank you Father for providing them with that strength!
On 23.07 Jean Pierre received another Psalm. This time Psalm 23:1-6, which is the entire Psalm. Also known as “the Lord is my Shepherd”.

Psalm 23 (NKJV)
The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul;
He leads me in the paths of righteousness
For His name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
All the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord
It is so special that the children truly know the Lord as their provider. They have nothing. All they do is pray and then miracles happen and they get food and shelter. Oh how much we can learn from them! This is how our Heavenly Father wants us to live with Him: ask Him and He will provide for you. And oftentimes also if you don’t ask, knowing that from my own experience. He is so good!
And ever wondered what that provision looks like? Well, take a look at the size of the harvests!! Nobody in the community has harvests like Agape Family does! HalleluYah! All Glory and Praise for our Lord and Savior Yeshua!
Approval by the government
On 25.07 Jean Pierre again searched for WiFi to send Johan photos and videos, but couldn’t find any. Perhaps you’re wondering how Jean Pierre can communicate with Johan without WiFi and how everything is managed with costs for internet? In Rwanda everyone has free internet to use Facebook Messenger, which is why that is their way of communicating. So no costs there! HalleluYah!
Jean Pierre was in town, because Johan had sent him a gift. With that gift we now had 21 M rwf in the bank account. The government told us to do it before the end of the month and we had it done days before! Thank You Heavenly Father for this miracle! So for July we were approved by the government again.
Harvesting and spiritual strength
Of course the harvesting and seeding process continues!
On 28.07 Agape Family took in another staggering 23,780 kg potatoes, 14,300 kg beans and 6,200 kg cassava! Wow! All Glory and Praise to our Lord and Savior Yeshua for providing them with this amazing harvest!
Oh how hard the children work and still with only food every other day. For well over 10 months already!!! Can you imagine? And only 1 meal on the day they do eat. Do you see all the work they are putting in with seeding and harvesting? How is that possible? Only the Almighty can do this. He gives them strength.
On a positive note: don’t forget what fasting does to you spiritually… ever fasted and noticed how you can go for an entire day or days without food without any issues? It’s due to spiritual strength. The Almighty is with you.
If there’s one thing the children really need, it’s spiritual strength. They are a huge prayer army of thousands of prayer warriors! They only pray for everything they need, same as we do. But when we still have money in our bank account and can easily go to the shops, they have NOTHING. How strong that makes you in your faith when you realize you have to ask the Almighty and He takes care of you.
That obviously doesn’t mean they don’t need more food and that our Heavenly Father doesn’t want to provide them with more food. That’s where we come in! We have to do our job and assure that CFY gets known world-wide. We pray and believe, together with the children, that the right souls will come along to join CFY, that the harvests will only become bigger and bigger and everything for the children will be provided, whether food, clothing, beds, you name it. HalleluYah!
Agape Family is self-sufficient!
On 29.07, as usual, the children put seeds back into the ground after they had harvested. 318 children seeded 2,800 kg of their own seed potatoes. We are now officially no longer using bought seed potatoes. How amazing is that! Agape Family is officially self-sufficient!!! A long awaited dream has come true all thanks to our Almighty God! Thank you Father!
And keep in mind that the children not only put their own seed potatoes into the ground, but also the beans are put back in! They have a shelf life of about 3 to 4 months and it takes about 3 to 4 months before they can be put back into the ground to grow new crops! How wonderful is that!
It’s still so amazing what system the Holy Spirit put in place within both Agape Family and Shalom Family. Both families are led by only one adult leader and further consist of only children, teenagers and people in their twenties who grew up within the families (of course after almost 7 years they get a bit older ;)). And they all take care of each other. Most of the 3,248 ex-orphans within Agape Family are what we call “the little ones” (from 3 years old) and they are taken care of by the older children. How amazing that our Heavenly Father Yahuah takes such good care of them without volunteers or paid people. They don’t depend on anyone except our Heavenly Father Yahuah and each other. And they know that if they don’t work, they’ll literally die. Guess you do get a drive from that, don’t you think?
Oh I cannot get over how amazing it is, all the things our Heavenly Father Yahuah has done through Johan and Naomi, Jean Pierre and all our amazing ex-orphans for almost 7 years already… If they hadn’t started the purchasing of lands and seeds to grow their own food to become self-sufficient… where would we be now, with all these famines, knowing the antichrist system will come, meaning no money to buy food… wow wow wow. All Glory and Praise for our Heavenly Father Yahuah, our King and Savior Yeshua and the wonderful Holy Spirit for all the visions, ideas, epiphanies, dreams and so much more He has provided all these people with. This is all His work! This is HUGE! Thank You!!!
Video made by Jean Pierre in Agape Family. The children are cleaning the plates. In 2019 our Heavenly Father Yahuah provided the children with a 15,000 L water tank for collecting rain water so they don’t have to use river water with dead animals and waste anymore. HalleluYah! So Agape Family is now self-sufficient in both food and water. How amazing is that! To be honest, besides a water tank, a water well would also be appreciated of course ;). Perhaps a prayer point for you?
No more debt!
On 30.07 Johan was instructed by the Holy Spirit to pay off the credit we still had with the seed sellers. This succeeded! This was no small amount, but about 3 M rwf (about 2,000 euros). So after a long time with so much credit and being in debt (most of 2023), but always being saved by our amazing Heavenly Father Yahuah, Agape Family is now officially free from debt! HalleluYah! Thank You Father! Finally there is PEACE.
And that is what we want. That is what Yeshua wants for us too. He says so Himself in John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27 (NKJV))
What can you do for the children?
We hope you enjoyed this update. Any ideas for improvement of the updates or do you want to contribute to CFY with your ideas, gifts and/or talents? Contact us! Everyone is welcome!
If you want to keep on being informed with the latest news from CFY, follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and also on Pinterest.
As a new tool in providing the children with better lives, the MAN now also has his own website mangoesnorway.com (link provided at the bottom of this update)! There you can read all about this new phase of CFY and what it entails. Of course you can also follow the process of building the MAN into a house on wheels on social media!

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
Prayer points
We thank you for all your prayers and blessings for CFY! Special prayer points are of course the seeding and harvesting process. We pray for harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are (and you see how our prayers are answered!) Also we pray that the forced payments for Agape Family by the government will stop. And of course supernatural protection for Agape Family and Shalom Family, well-being of all the ex-orphans and abundance in all they need for the rest of their lives.
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart :).
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands
Options for supporting CFY financially
We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!
The Netherlands:
ASN Bank
J.R.S. Langenberg
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28
DNB Bank
Johannes R.S. Langenberg
Bankkonto 1227 02 29385
Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402
You can choose the description:
– Children
– Container
– Camper
It is also possible to donate via GoFundMe. Please make sure you reduce the provision for GoFundMe to 0%!
– Link container:
– Link camper:
Other projects within Calling From Yahuah
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives
Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands