Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 September 2024 to 30 September 2024.
Currently with 200 ex-orphans (3 to 21 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

Preparing the ground for the new season
In our August updates we shared how 90% of the sweet potato harvest had been rotten (see photo below). Of the 4,000 kg, only 400 kg had been eatable… This happened due to disobedience of Joseph, leader of Shalom Family. When we are disobedient, our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God withholds certain blessings from us. Joseph admitted how he had been wrong. He asked Yahuah for forgiveness and repented. It is very important to repent when you have done something wrong. You don’t want to keep sinning like before and you must ask for forgiveness, for the Almighty will not be mocked. He knows our hearts. In case you fall again, of course you can ask for forgiveness and retry, but you want to keep watch.

Photo of the potato harvest sent by Joseph, leader of Shalom Family, to Johan on 30.07 . Whereas it had looked wonderful a few days earlier, they could now see that a large part of the harvest had been damaged. It had received too much sun and too little rain… Eventually 3,600 kg of the total of 4,000 kg sweet potato had turned out to be rotten.
Yahuah showed great mercy to Joseph: he would be dismissed as leader, but was allowed to stay within Shalom Family. We knew this due to what the Holy Spirit told Johan, founder of CFY. For He hears the Holy Spirit’s voice. Entire CFY is built upon the will of the Father, Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ andthe Holy Spirit. After prayer we receive confirmations about the Father’s will is and these can come in many forms. You might hear from the Holy Spirit directly, through another person, the bible and/or via teachings. Something out of the ordinary might happen as well. You might receive a special e-mail, have a special encounter with someone… the list is endless. When you combine these puzzle pieces, you might figure out His will. This time, however, His will was very clear when the Holy Spirit spoke to Johan. And as for Joseph’s dismissal: He now got the task of training 21-year old Emmanuel to be the new leader of the family. Emmanuel has lived with Shalom Family since it’s foundation in 2018 and is a true warrior who is not afraid of anything. He would easily give his life for the children. These are leadership qualities our Heavenly Father Yahuah is looking for! We are looking forward to Emmanuel’s leadership and wish him a wonderful time! If you want to welcome Emmanuel, feel free to comment in the comment section. We will pass on the messages 😊!
Praise our Heavenly Father for His heart for Joseph and everything He did for the 200 ex-orphans within the family! Due to the rotten harvest, the children hadn’t had food for weeks, but survived and did not get sick. What a miracle! At the same time, after putting so many children in danger, Joseph was allowed to stay on within the family as trainer of Emmanuel. He could have been kicked out of the family, but the Almighty God of Israel did not do that. What an amazing God we serve! What would you have done if your babysitter had put your 200 children’s lives at risk?
Since Joseph has been forgiven, we don’t want to keep looking at his past disobedience. It happened and he received a new start. So let’s dive into this new month and see what has been happening with Shalom Family in September 2024!
On 03.09 Joseph shared with Johan how they were preparing the ground for the new season. Not just the sweet potato harvest had been rotten, but the whole area had experienced a rotten harvest. For this reason people wanted to investigate the soil. Of course we are praying that everything with the seeding and harvesting works out well this time.
In 2 Chronicles 7:14 the Lord makes a promise about healing the land after His people change. They need to humble themselves, pray, seek His face and turn from their wicked ways. Joseph did all that, so let’s see what miracles will happen!
We are praying that Shalom Family may receive big harvests so the children will have enough food to eat! Are you joining us in prayer?

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14 (NKJV)).
A miracle: eating only every other day for a year
In case you have already read our September Agape Family update, you might recognize some of the text in this chapter. Some important details are different though, especially regarding the children in Shalom Family. Since we know repetition is good for us, we would like to encourage you to keep on reading 😊.
About a year ago there had been a lack of food in both Shalom Family (200 ex-orphans) and Agape Family (3,048 ex-orphans). After A LOT of prayer our Heavenly Father Yahuah provided a solution in the form of eating every other day. We were so grateful that the children had food to eat! This way they would not starve to death! HalleluYah!
Back then eating every other day was a miracle solution our Heavenly Father had provided. However, by now, perhaps an even bigger miracle had taken place: the children have now been eating every other day for a year…
An entire year! 365 days!
Wow. Can you imagine? To me it’s unimaginable what that must have been like. And they did not get sick from it! How powerful is our Almighty God, Creator of the universe? 200 children survived a year with only eating every other day and they even worked harder than we often do here in the west. They sow and harvest themselves! And they are children!
How is that possible? Without Yahuah/God it’s not. He is the One who not only provided them with the strength and health to survive an entire year eating that way… But also to sow and harvest. Wow wow wow!!!
And guess what: even being in the circumstances they’re in, the children are so happy (see the video below)! Would you? They know what they’ve been through, being without a father and a mother, not having a roof over their head and being left to rot, left to starve… All of the ex-orphans in Shalom Family are former street children. If they hadn’t come to Shalom Family, their fate would probably have been worse than mere starvation. There are underground networks at play involving child trafficking and satanic rituals with children that many people don’t want to know about. It’s often being put away as conspiracy theories, but it is real and IT IS HAPPENING. And children, left alone on the streets with nowhere to go, are a target. We, as CFY, are praying against it according to the Father’s will. And we are so grateful that our 3,248 children at CFY are saved from that horrific scenario!!! Praise the Lord for saving them!
Video of some of the 200 ex-street children in Shalom Family. The video was made by Joseph, leader of the Family, about a year ago in 2023. Look at their happiness! What a miracle! Only Yahuahcan provide this happiness. They have so little… being without a father and a mother, barely having enough clothes to wear, not even a bed to sleep in… We can learn so much from these children! Praise the Lord for saving them from starvation and worse… Let’s all step up and give them a dignified LIFE!
Now let’s get to the other part: how and why did the children have to endure eating only once a day for an entire year? Well, the most honest answer is: we don’t know. We know our Heavenly Father Yahuah can do anything and that He wants to provide them with more food. They need more food. Then why doesn’t He just give it to them? Again, we don’t know. However what we do know, is that Believers in God have a task here. His word states it very clearly in many places: care for the orphans, the widows, the poor and the oppressed (James 1:27). We, as Godly believers, have to care for the 200 ex-orphans in Shalom Family. And besides that, it’s our duty to care for them. Think about the following: if one of them was your own child and it only had food once a day for only one single day. What would you do? Now imagine a year…
And perhaps you should be happy that our Father hasn’t provided the children with quail (bread from heaven) like He did for His people when they were in the desert (Exodus 16). Now you have achance to do something for His Kingdom. We all know that we will be judged when we die. And us, as Godly believers, we will be judged for what we did and what we didn’t do. It is also sin if you know you have to do something and you don’t do it, as is stated in Ezechiel 16:49. It says: “Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”

As our brother in Christ Derek Prince stated: when you know what you must do and you don’t do it, it’s sin. Look at what Sodom did NOT do:
“Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” (Ezechiel 16:49 (NKJV))
We, as CFY, know our Heavenly Father is always caring for His children in Shalom Family. And He is not dependent on people. He can do anything, so also providing them with quail or giving them strength to even survive a year without any food at all. However, we do know that He wants to give people a chance to join CFY. In joining, they would do something for His Kingdom and have a chance to get through the judgment. So perhaps He is using His beautiful children in order for Believers to wake up and start caring for them. Just to give the Believers a chance. In that case, imagine the heart He has: leaving children without enough food so other people have a chance at eternal life!
We know He answers our prayers and that nobody can stop His will for the lives of the children. We know He is with them and gives them strength. However that doesn’t mean eating every other day is easy for them. So what are you waiting for? Do the Lord’s will and support CFY. Not because we beg you to do it, but because it’s His will and you want to 😊. Oh and what we could do together! Let’s give our all for the 200 ex-orphans in Shalom Family and improve their lives!!
And if you’re not a Believer (yet 😉) but you would like to help the ex-orphans and support CFY, you are so welcome! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah invites everyone to be a building block in the lives of the children! Praying and sharing our social media messages is always a good start. Sharing your gifts and talents with CFY and donating are very welcome too! If you have other ideas for supporting the children, we are really looking forward to meeting you! In that case feel free to submit our contact form on this website or leave a comment below!

Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuahand the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
Helping out a neighbour
On 11.09 Joseph went to help out his neighbour’s wife. Whenever we have accepted Yeshua, we have to be his hands and feet and help other people. Under guidance of the Holy Spirit you might figure out what exact people He wants you to help. For example, some people are left for other people to be helped by. Huh? Isn’t that strange? No. Our Heavenly Father Yahuah knows how His greatness is best carried out and His will is always good, whether we understand it or not.
In the Bible a good example is given. As you might know, Yeshua healed só many people! However, He left one man for his apostle Peter. This was the man, who was crippled from birth, at the temple gate. After Peter’s prayer in Acts 3, the man was instantly healed and walked into the temple praising Yahuah. Everyone saw him and recognized Him as the man who had been begging and they were filled with wonder and amazement! If Yeshua had healed that man, when He was on earth, this wonderful act and the resulting amazement wouldn’t have happened. Maybe there were some souls in the temple that day who hadn’t encountered Yeshua when He walked the earth. We don’t know. However His plan is always good, so we have to trust in Him.
When you accept that it’s not the Father’s will to help everyone, but only the right people, you might start wondering. How do you figure out whom the Lord wants you to help? There are two answers here: prayer and listening to what we tell you 😉. If you ask the Lord, He will provide you with an answer. If you find that hard or you don’t want to do that, you can trust that He does want you to help all the children in CFY. After all, they have been chosen by Him 😊. By helping them, you’re always good. Now let’s get back to Joseph and how he knew what to do.
Whenever Joseph acts in helping people, he always does this after being ordered by the Holy Spirit. This time Joseph received the assignment to help his neighbour’s wife. She needed some medicine and Joseph went into the city, on someone else’s motorcycle, to get it for her. We hope he had a good trip! How wonderful that must have been, being out and about like that after only one bus trip once a month. Maybe it was a gift from our Heavenly Father for Joseph, as a reward for his good behaviour 😊. Whatever it was, we thank Him for keeping Joseph safe and helping out the woman! May she be fully healed!
English lessons for the children
Since Emmanuel is going to be Shalom Family’s new leader, Joseph is teaching him English. After all, he has to become Johan’s new contact person. Johan had asked Joseph how the lessons were going and on 11.09 he shared how it took time to teach the children English.
At the end of 2022 Joseph started to teach the children how to say their names, greetings and counting. We can imagine English must be difficult for the children, since their native language is so different! In Shalom Family the children speak Kinyarwanda, Rwanda’s national language.
Let’s pray that Emmanuel’s English is improving fast so he can communicate with Johan and be Shalom Family’s new leader!
Trouble sending money to Shalom Family
In August we had transferred our last gift to Shalom Family via Remitly. Unfortunately, at the end of the month, our Remitly account was cancelled. The high amounts of money, that were sent to Agape Family each month, seemed suspicious to the company. The Rwandan government had demanded a lot of money in order to keep Agape Family open. After cancellation of our account, we were no longer able to transfer money to Rwanda. Obviously this also affected Shalom Family.
What would we do now? The 200 children in Shalom Family needed food and there was no option of sending money. Of course, we turned to the only One Who knows what to do in such a situation: our Heavenly Father Yahuah. So we prayed a lot and waited for an answer.
On 14.09 Joseph went to the nice shop owner, who is also a follower of Yeshua. In July he had paid for both Joseph’s release from prison and for a deceased widow’s funeral. Wow! Often when people do something that’s beneficial for Yahuah’s Kingdom, such as helping out fellow believers, they get an attack from satan.
Excuse me? Satan? Is he real? Isn’t that a fake story?
No. Satan is very real. The way he acts can be in many different ways. Without going too much into detail here, one of his strategies is influencing the decisions people make. Think of the cancelled Remitly account for sending money to Shalom Family. After the weeks of investigation, they could as easily have said things were not suspicious and kept the account open. But they didn’t. As for the nice shop owner, he was attacked through the government. They raised his taxes so much that his shop might have to be closed! Wow! Luckily we know that our Heavenly Father Yahuah is always in control.
Joseph was in the shop because we had received an answer from the Holy Spirit regarding the cancelled Remitly account! The Holy Spirit had said to ask the shop owner for credit, which we did. However, due to the higher taxes the shop owner could not give us the credit…
Do you see that, through the government, satan was now not only attacking the shop owner, but also the 200 ex-orphans in Shalom Family? He absolutely hates Yeshua and His followers, which is what the children are. He wants to make their lives as miserable as possible and give them a very awful death. Leaving them without enough food would be a good start.
We are grateful to know that we are always safe in the hands of our Heavenly Father and He has everything under control. So we turned to prayer again and trusted that a solution would come. He can do anything, so what would we worry about!? And, after almost 7 years with CFY, we know that without a test, there is no testimony. And what a testimony we got! Read all about it below 😉!
No complete meal for 11 days!
After spending so much time looking for a new payment system, on 22.09 we finally found one!!! HalleluYah! Praise the Lord!! We could now transfer money to Shalom Family!
However, due to the lack of a payment system, there had also been a lack of food in Shalom Family. We already shared how they had only been eating every other day for over a year. Last month, after the rotten harvest, the children had gone without food for weeks. And this month they had, had their last complete meal on 11.09…
Joseph shared how they did have some cooked vegetables on 15.09, 18.09 and 20.09. However this obviously isn’t a complete meal.
This means that, on 22.09, the ex-orphans had not had a complete meal for 11 days!!!
Can you imagine going 11 days without food with only some cooked vegetables on 3 different days? First you don’t eat for 3 days straight, then you have some cooked vegetables. Then 2 days without food followed by cooked vegetables. Then one day and cooked vegetables. And then another day and cooked vegetables. How would you manage that?
Let alone after having gone without food for weeks the month before AND having eaten only every other day for a year?
Is that even possible?
Yes it is. There is only one Who can help you and that is our King and Savior Yeshua, our Almighty God. And of course He helped the children in Shalom Family. Guess what:
Joseph and the 200 children survived and did not get sick!
Wow wow wow! What a miracle! This is huge!
All Glory and Praise for Yeshua! Thank You Father for Your amazing protection in not letting them get sick! And of course for all the strength You gave them during all those 11 days!
As you see, this test provided an amazing testimony. Like we stated before, our Heavenly Father Yahuah turns everything around for good (Romans 8:28). Due to this testimony you can now all see His great might and strength! He kept Joseph and the children going on such little food for such a long time. It was not His plan not to have credit from the shop owner for Shalom Family, but He still kept the children safe. And in such a miraculous way! Nobody else can do that. All Glory and Praise for Him! And it gets even better:
Food for Shalom Family!
On 23.09 a solution came and we could send the gift to Shalom Family! HalleluYah!!! Praise our Heavenly Father!!
Joseph went into town to spend the gift and buy food for the 200 children. He bought the following:
- 137 kg sweet potatoes
- 100 kg rice
- 20 kg beans
- 2 L oil
- Bus ticket
Even though the shop owner had such high taxes, he blessed Shalom Family with free groceries! Wow! He gave Joseph 3 bars of soap and 1 L extra oil for free. Thank You Father for the food and for working through that man! Also there was some cash left over for Joseph.
What an adventure! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah really carried Shalom Family through all these battles. He provided the children with everything they needed, from supernatural strength to actual food. Wow! All Glory and Praise for Him!
Preparing the grounds
On 28.09 Joseph and the ex-orphans were, again, preparing the grounds for seeding. This was all done in faith, since they didn’t have seeds yet. Joseph shared with Johan how he and the children were praying for corn seeds and bean seeds. We are praying they will get the right seeds the Holy Spirit wants for the family. It happened before that the Holy Spirit chose something different than the type of seeds requested by Joseph. Let’s see what He will choose this time 😉!
Ever wondered what the Shalom Family grounds look like? The video below was made a while ago by Joseph, but never published before! Besides showing the grounds Joseph also provides a lovely greeting for all the friends of Calling From Yahuah. Enjoy!
Video of the Shalom Family grounds, made by Joseph, leader of Shalom Family.
Joseph speaks: “Hello my dear, dear friend of Calling From Yahuah, this is the leader of Shalom Family, Joseph. This is our ground where we have cultivated the beans and maize (corn). We have to do what we have to do and you see the maize are attacked by the insects. We keep praying and believe that Yahuah is in control. We wait for the sun so it can help the beans to grow. This is all the part of our ground. We thank you for your support, we thank you for your love. Yahuah bless you in abundance.”
Prayer points
Wow, this was quite the ‘food’ update! From rotten harvest and no food from the store to the miraculous care of our Heavenly Father for the 200 ex-orphans! And let’s not forget He has been carrying them through only eating every other day for over a year already as well. Praise the Lord!
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,248 ex-orphans (200 in Shalom Family and 3,048 in Agape Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc)
- Harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are;
- Supernatural protection of Shalom Family and Agape Family;
- Good leadership training of Emmanuel;
- Stop of the forced monthly payments from the government for Agape Family;
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Via the top of this website you can easily navigate to the websites of CFY’s other projects MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle!
Within MAN goes Norway a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle is Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance (link provided at the bottom of this update).
Since each project is part of CFY, supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
Keep sharing!
Keep sharing our website and these updates in all your online and offline networks. Everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide! CFY is also active on social media, so keep watch and share all our messages on Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, TikTok and Pinterest as well! Sharing your gifts and/or talents with CFY is always welcome too, so contact us in case you have ideas!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas for improvement of CFY below!
Miracles & Expenses in October 2024
Stay tuned for next month… Will Emmanuel be providing us with a voice clip in English? Will the lands be blessed again? What seeds will the Holy Spirit choose to sow? And what people will Shalom Family be helping out?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart 😊.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Options for supporting CFY financially
We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!
The Netherlands:
ASN Bank
J.R.S. Langenberg
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28
DNB Bank
Johannes R.S. Langenberg
Bankkonto 1227 02 29385
Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402
You can choose the description:
– Children
– Container
– Camper
Other projects within Calling From Yahuah
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives
Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation