Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 October 2024 to 31 October 2024.
Currently with 200 ex-orphans (3 to 21 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

Rain season and cold
On 02.10 Joseph, leader of Shalom Family, reported to Johan how they were in a rain season. Johan is the founder of CFY. Joseph also reported how it was very cold. We feel for our 200 ex-orphans. Can you imagine being in a rain season with coldness and then having to sleep on a concrete floor? Banana leaves, where some of them used to sleep on, are very hard to find nowadays.
Marburg virus
On 08.10 Joseph reported about the presence of the Marburg virus. As a result of this virus, the government would start vaccinating people again. After much prayer and guidance from our Heavenly Father we now know how bad vaccinations are for you.
We pray that the children in Shalom Family, in fact all ex-orphans within CFY, stay free from vaccinations. We want them to be healthy and live a good LIFE. Will you join us in prayer?
The government wants to steal the grounds
For months the Rwandan government had wanted to steal grounds from Agape Family, CFY’s other family with 3,048 ex-orphans. The rule was that, if the grounds would be empty after harvesting, the government would confiscate them. Due to this rule many people in Rwanda had lost their grounds and literally died from starvation…
On 08.10 Joseph reported how the government now wanted to do the same in Shalom Family’s neighbourhood and with Shalom Family’s grounds.
No food for the cow
On 15.10 there was a challenge for Shalom Family. There was no food left for the cow to eat!? Shalom Family owns a cow and she provides milk for the little ones.
Joseph shared how they had experienced a long period of sunshine which had led to all the beans being destroyed. After that long period of sun, all of a sudden, there had been a lot of rain. Of course rain is good, especially for grounds, but too much is not good either.
Could this be another sign of the antichrist system? After all, we know that they sabotage a lot. This might, in fact, be an example of how they are manipulating the weather (yes, they are doing that). And an example of being without food, as a result, as well.
Antichrist system? Antichrist? Aren’t we supposed to speak about Yeshua/Jesus, the Christ? If you don’t know what the antichrist system is, hereby an overview. Beware that this can be A LOT of information all at once. We spent hours of study under guidance of the Holy Spirit getting this information.
So the antichrist system. There will come a man, the antichrist (so against Yeshua, Who is the Christ), claiming to be God, whilst he is not. It’s a deception. This will be shortly before the world ends. The so-called antichrist system they’re building, is leading up to that moment and is built on lies and deceit. So it’s satanic. Satan is the father of all lies and was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). The builders of this antichrist system hate Yahuah and trick people into joining them. How are they or how will they be doing this, you might be wondering?
Note of warning: the following information might shock you. People were made to believe COVID was deadly whereas it was actually a planned crisis (a planned pandemic). They set it up in order to murder people and make people accustomed to giving up their freedom (think about the lockdowns). People were told that the COVID vaccinations, aka COVID death shots, were safe, but they were not. They lied. In fact, with the shots they’ve already killed about 1 billion people. This is more than during the holocaust, which were about 6 million people.
They are planning to destroy the economy, destroy real estate, control the way you eat and drink, and how you do transport. Everything. And you’re tricked into it. Everything Hitler did, they are doing, but on a global scale this time. And it’s called agenda 2030. It is so close. And they are even doing weird things with the climate, which might have led to so much sunshine and then so much rain.
Hitler? Holocaust? Yes, they’re even building concentration camps and selling them as 15-minute cities where everything is close-by. Everything will be watched. It’s a prison. And since people wouldn’t agree with the term prison, they are tricked into it with the idea of doing something good for the planet. Because there is supposed to be less pollution. They say you’ll own nothing and be happy. And there is so much more to tell.
Also in Revelation 13 it is stated that they will make people get a mark on their right-hand or forehead. If they don’t have the mark, they can no longer buy or sell. Think about what they did with the face mask during the COVID pandemic: if you didn’t wear the mask, you could not enter a shop.
However if you get that mark, you can no longer be accepted by Yahuah and get to heaven. Excuse me, not being accepted into heaven? Yes, this is very serious.
Besides the mark, they will make an image of a certain beast. If people don’t worship it, they will be killed. However, if you do worship that image, you will be denied by the Father. What?! So it could be that you die if you want to get into heaven? Yes. We all die. It’s not about this life, but about our eternity. And once you’ve accepted Yeshua as your Lord and Savior, you don’t have to be afraid. Not at all. Think back to the book of Daniel and the 3 Hebrew boys (Daniel 3). Back then, people were told to fall down and worship the golden image which king Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Upon refusal, people would be thrown into a fiery furnace. The 3 Hebrew boys refused. They stayed loyal and faithful to the one and true God, Yahuah. Guess what happened? They were thrown into the furnace and all of a sudden 4 (!) instead of 3 figures were seen in the fire. All of them were walking and not being hurt. And guess Who the fourth figure was? It was Yeshua Himself! He was literally with them in the fire. So we have absolutely NOTHING to be afraid of! Satan just wants people to worship and bow to him and see him as god, while he is the opposite.
So being a child of Yahuah, you want to stay away from both worshipping the image of the beast and receiving the mark. We believe there’s a good chance the mark is in fact a chip they want to implant in your right-hand or forehead. However, if you refuse the mark there will come a time you will have to live without money for you cannot buy or sell. Then how will you get food and other things? How will you survive?
You will need to have a personal relationship with Yeshua, with the Almighty. He can do anything and will keep you safe. Yes even if it will cost your life, for then you’ll be with Him, and that’s the best place to be.
Perhaps this was a bit of a dry run, with the cow not having food. For who will you trust when there’s no food? There’s only one good answer: our Heavenly Father Yahuah. After all, He is the only One Who can take care of you. He took care of the Israelites for 40 years in the desert. Their clothes did not tear, they received manna from heaven and water from a rock. For these things to happen, we need to accept His Son Yeshua as our Lord and Savior and have a personal relationship with Him. We have to entrust our entire being to Him and then He will take care of us. In Hebrews 13:8 it is written that He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. So if He took care of the Israelites, He can do the same for you. So we expect amazing miracles in the upcoming times. How amazing would that be: manna (bread from heaven) for our wonderful ex-orphans at CFY?

Yeshua Hamashiach/Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8 (NKJV)).
Empty food store
To continue with the lack of food, Joseph got a good example on 22.10. On that day the food store was completely empty…
Normally Shalom Family uses 14 kg of sweet potatoes, 15 kg of rice and 3 kg of beans a week. This is for Joseph and the 200 ex-orphans. They only eat every other day:
- Monday: (about) 4.7 kg of sweet potatoes, 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of beans
- Wednesday: (about) 4.7 kg of sweet potatoes, 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of beans
- Friday: (about) 4.7 kg of sweet potatoes, 5 kg of rice, 1 kg of beans
This is 23 g of sweet potatoes, 24.9 g of rice and 5 g of beans per child on the days they do eat.
Above we spoke about trusting our Heavenly Father Yahuah for food. In doing so, Johan received instructions very early on how to make Shalom Family self-sufficient. Instructions can come after prayer through dreams and visions or by hearing the Holy Spirit speak directly. Other confirmations can come through people, by watching videos, anything basically. And this is not just for Johan, this goes for everyone.
The Holy Spirit had told Johan that Shalom Family had to have their own grounds. Otherwise they would be dependent. Also, in the long run, shopping would cost more than purchasing lands and cultivating your own food. After all, as children of Yahuah, we have to be good stewards and use our money wisely.
Lands and seeds were purchased so Shalom Family could grow their own food. The Holy Spirit even wants to take it a step further and make Shalom Family as independent as Agape Family. At Agape Family even seeds are no longer bought. They put part of their harvested potatoes back into the ground to provide new harvests. Famines are already present in Rwanda and so, with the rise of the antichrist system, there will come a time when there’s no money to buy food or seeds. Being totally self-sufficient Shalom Family will be completely independent of the world. They will rely on our Heavenly Father Yahuah only, for strength for sowing and harvesting. And of course what He would provide them with through the land and more. HalleluYah! Praise the Lord for the amazing guidance!
Entire Shalom Family on their knees for Yahuah
Considering provision through the land, perhaps you’re now thinking back to the rotten harvest a few months ago. Back then 90% of the harvest was rotten… We wrote about disobedience. Yahuah cannot bless you when there is sin. So in order to receive good harvests, everyone in Shalom Family has to be obedient to whatever Yahuah is asking from them. The Holy Spirit had decided that leader Joseph would have to step down. He would have to train 21 year old Emmanuel to become the new leader of the 200 ex-orphans.
On 24.10 Joseph told Johan in the afternoon that he had taken the blame for many mistakes of the ex-orphans in Shalom Family (see screenshot below). Johan had a conversation with Joseph and Emmanuel that evening. The Holy Spirit had told Johan that no money would go to Shalom Family. First things would have to be resolved. Emmanuel told Johan how the children had been disobedient and not Joseph. They had not listened to Joseph. Emmanuel asked Johan for forgiveness in the name of the other children.
Wow… so Joseph had to step down as leader while it had in fact been the children who had been disobedient?!
Yes. When something like this happens, Joseph is in fact to blame. Let’s take a look at Adam and Eve (Genesis). Eve was the one who had been disobedient by eating the apple, but it was Adam who hadn’t controlled his wife properly. In this case Emmanuel and other children were to blame but, as leader, Joseph should have told Johan what was going on. As leader it’s his task to be Johan’s eyes and ears in Shalom Family and to tell him everything that’s happening. Due to him not telling Johan, he had to take the blame and step down as leader.

Conversation between Johan and Joseph on 24.10. Joseph shares with Johan how the mistakes from Shalom Family, that make Johan angry, are on his head like with Moses when the Israelites had sinned against Yahuah/God.
Johan told Emmanuel to get all the other children so all 200 of them could ask for forgiveness. First they had to ask Yahuah for forgiveness and then Joseph as leader. They did so and they had to repent. In the old testament, when Moses was the leader of the Israelites, the Israelite who had sinned had to be stoned to death. Since Yeshua died for our sins, there is now forgiveness and grace. The children who had sinned now didn’t have to die, but they did have to change their ways.
Johan prayed for them and asked our Heavenly Father for mercy and joy. He also asked for healing of the land so there would be good harvests again. Next to that all children received a severe warning. Nobody in entire Shalom Family was allowed to be disobedient anymore. All rebellious children had to come forward and receive proper punishment. If anyone did not want to obey Joseph they would be kicked out of Shalom Family, no matter the consequences. For the children this is a life or death situation. Wow, isn’t this a bit harsh? Harsh or not, it’s necessary. As we shared above, times are getting darker and pressure on people will increase. The entire existence of Shalom Family could later on depend on a single child. Therefore everyone needs to be strict and trustworthy now. Think about it: if you cannot be fully trusted now, what will you be like later on?
Joseph received instructions to tell Johan everything and Johan prayed for good communication with Joseph, even better than before. If any of the children would sin, they had to go to Joseph and he would ask Yahuah to forgive them.
Everyone in entire Shalom Family agreed with this.
And guess what, it was now decided that Joseph could stay on as leader! Wow! Emmanuel would be his right-hand and got the task to teach all children obedience. If he would do it correctly, he would be blessed. What mercy from our Heavenly Father Yahuah! Praise Him!
Do you remember how Joseph had contacted Johan in the afternoon about how he had taken the blame for many mistakes of the children? The Holy Spirit had showed Joseph in the afternoon what had been going on. That same evening the Holy Spirit told Johan entire Shalom Family needed to repent. Wow! This had all been the Holy Spirit’s plan and He worked through several people in order to achieve it. How great is He!?
Due to all the disobedience Shalom Family had not had food for 3 to 5 days. The children now had to realize that all this suffering had come due to disobedience. Is it hard? It might seem so. However, it’s the way it’s supposed to be done and the children learned a lesson. If you don’t do what the Father asks from you, you will suffer. This goes for everyone. Some people get a car accident or a disease and in this case the children did not get food. So the best way is to do what the Father asks from you, whether you like it or not. And His plans are always good. In James 1:27 it is stated that His heart is with the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed. He wants everyone to take care of them. So if you’d like to start doing what He is asking from you, think or pray what you could do for the children. We have not yet reached our goal of saving the 150,000,000 orphans and street children world-wide whom Yahuah appoints. And you want to give them a LIFE too, right?

Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuah and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
Multiple blessings and miracles for Shalom Family!
After asking for forgiveness and repenting, the Holy Spirit gave a go to Johan to send a gift to Shalom Family. In that way Joseph could buy food again for Shalom Family. What mercy and forgiveness! Praise the Lord!
That same day a miracle happened. A motorcycle was available and Joseph was allowed on the back for half the price of the bus! What a blessing! HalleluYah! The motorcycle brought Joseph to the city where he picked up the money from the bank. After picking up the money he went to the store with 10 children.
The food plan for Shalom Family was changed according to Medical Medium lifestyle information. Johan’s wife Naomi received a calling from Yahuah in helping the sick heal (medicalmediumlifestyle.com – link to the website provided at the bottom of this update). In this lifestyle you are eating according to Yahuah’s initial plan as explained in Genesis 1:29.
Due to Naomi’s calling the CFY families could be advised what to eat and what not to eat. Shalom Family would stop eating rice, beans, oil and salt. They would only eat sweet potatoes from now on. Sweet potatoes are more nutritious and 3 times cheaper than rice. What a win-win situation!
However, when Joseph and the children got to the store there were no sweet potatoes. In the market place the potatoes were 650 rwf per kg. Since we always want 500 rwf or less per kg, we prayed. And guess what: after prayer two men came to Joseph and the children. They told them to take sweet potatoes for 500 rwf per kg! What a miracle!! HalleluYah! What blessings! Praise the Lord! Asking for forgiveness and repenting works!
Joseph bought 500 kg of sweet potatoes. 200 kg of that would be sowed so that they would have more self-sufficiency later on. Shalom Family was even further blessed by receiving 5 pieces of soap for free.
Unfortunately Joseph had still bought salt and oil, but he brought it back later on.
We are so grateful for all these blessings! We imagine all 200 children dancing with joy for our Heavenly Father, just like below. Praise Him for His goodness! Aren’t you happy for Shalom Family?
Video of some of the 200 ex-street children in Shalom Family. The video was made by Joseph, leader of the Family.
Text in the video: A clip from Shalom Family Rwanda. 200 ex-orphans. Yahuah/God saved them from death! Look how happy they are! The children like soccer. They don’t have a ball. That’s why they dance like this.
The children are such a great example for us! They have so little and are so happy! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for their joy! Let’s follow their example and be happy too! And let’s give them a better LIFE, with clothes, shoes, blankets, food every day and soccer balls!
Seeding the 200 kg of sweet potatoes
From 29.10 until 31.10 Shalom Family sowed all 200 kg of sweet potatoes. For an impression of the grounds where they sowed their sweet potatoes, see the video below. Many people in the village didn’t understand. After all the ground had been empty and they thought the government would come to confiscate it. And now, all of a sudden, Shalom Family did have seeds to sow. Joseph answered the people that it is the work of Yahuah, our Almighty God! HalleluYah! He is always on time!
Video of Shalom Family potato fields, made by Joseph, leader of Shalom Family.
Text in the video: A clip from Shalom Family Rwanda. 200 ex-orphans. Yahuah provides for the 200 children. Here are their potato fields. Leader Joseph tells about the fields. The children sow and harvest themselves. Praise Yahuah for His provision!
Leader Joseph speaks: “This is the ground where we cultivate potatoes. We are thankful to Yahuah for what He has done.”
This video was made many months before the ground was empty in October 2024.
Prayer points
Wow, what an update with amazing transformations! First no food for the cow, an empty food store and days without food for the 200 ex-orphans. Then repentance of entire Shalom Family. All followed by Joseph, who can stay leader, and miracles with buying and sowing sweet potatoes! HalleluYah! All Glory and Praise for our Heavenly Father Yahuah!
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,248 ex-orphans (200 in Shalom Family and 3,048 in Agape Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc)
- Harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are;
- Supernatural protection of Shalom Family and Agape Family;
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
Want to assist?
In case you are on fire for the children as well and want to do something for them, you are more than welcome! Everyone who is doing something for the ex-orphans will be blessed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah on a spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and material level. And it’s so much fun and rewarding! If you want to share your gifts and/or talents with CFY or have ideas for improvement, feel free to contact us. Sharing this update and CFY (social media) news in all your online and off-line networks is always welcome too! After all everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150.000.000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide! Let’s not forget His heart is with the orphans, the widows, the poor and the oppressed.
Miracles & Expenses in November 2024
Stay tuned for next month… will there be more miracles after the repentance of the family? Will the cow have food again? Will the children be eating daily?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart 😊.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Other projects within the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Each project is part of CFY. Therefore supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle – Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance.
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation