Dear friend of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2024.
A new feature this month is the option to listen to this update (see video below). Take your pick and enjoy reading and/or listening!
Currently with 200 ex-orphans (3 to 21 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

New option: listen to this update!
This update was recorded and published on our own Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation YouTube channel. Enjoy listening and/or continue reading below!
Lots of rain
On 01.11 there was a lot of rain in Shalom Family. We are grateful to know that rain is good for the harvests. So that means more food for them to eat, HalleluYah! The children have been eating only every other day since September last year. They usually eat on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Can you imagine doing this, let alone as a child?
Last month Shalom Family bought 200 kg of sweet potatoes that were sown into the grounds. The children did the sowing themselves. In Shalom Family ALL children help with the sowing process. The 200 ex-orphans are one community and take care of each other without external resources. Can you imagine sowing and harvesting with only food every other day? We praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God for all the strength He has given the children!
On 06.11 leader Joseph checked the grounds with the sweet potatoes. He reported to Johan, founder of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation, that they were looking very good! We are so grateful for that! Thank You Father for this wonderful blessing! For an impression of the potato fields of Shalom Family, see the video below. We also shared this video in our October updates.
Video of the Shalom Family potato fields, made by Joseph, leader of Shalom Family.
Text in the video: A clip from Shalom Family Rwanda. 200 ex-orphans. Yahuah provides for the 200 children. Here are their potato fields. Leader Joseph tells about the fields. The children sow and harvest themselves. Praise Yahuah for His provision!
Leader Joseph speaks: “This is the ground where we cultivate potatoes. We are thankful to Yahuah for what He has done.”
This video was made many months before the ground was empty in October 2024.
All 200 ex-orphans in Shalom Family are former street children. We believe that they do not only deserve to be off the street, but to live a dignified LIFE as well. To us that means more food than a mere 3 times a week, do you agree?
Very cold
On 14.11 Joseph reported how it was very cold. Banana leaves were not available and they didn’t have enough blankets. At other times they had used banana leaves to sleep on. The children were very cold, especially during the night. There was a cold wind and rain. Can you imagine feeling that cold wind and then having to sleep on a concrete floor without blankets or banana leaves as a last resort? The children live in unfinished buildings. If you live in the Western world, imagine a building consisting of only its foundation, such as concrete floors, a roof, doors and windows. That’s it. Insulation such as floors is very luxurious and most people in the world don’t have it.
We feel for the children and prayed for them in our prayer group. Since 04.10 we have an online prayer group. We do not only fight for the children in CFY to get better lives, but we fight for all children across the world. We pray against child trafficking, sex trafficking, abortion, satanic ritual abuse, organ harvesting, and so on. We know that the 200 children in Shalom Family would most likely have been incorporated in horrible underground networks if they hadn’t been saved from the street.
Chat with Emmanuel
On 17.11 Johan was chatting with Emmanuel over WhatsApp Messenger. This was for the first time since 2018/2019, when Johan and his wife Naomi would have regular chats with Emmanuel. Emmanuel is a 21-year old boy who is Joseph’s right-hand. He has been with Shalom Family since the beginning in 2018. It’s his duty to make sure all children in Shalom Family stay obedient to Joseph and do as he tells them.
In CFY everything is done according to the will of our Heavenly Father Yahuah. We know His will by praying and waiting for confirmations. His Holy Spirit can speak to us directly and, for example, give us dreams and visions. He can provide us with confirmations by speaking through His Word, through people, through an e-mail, anything really. When Johan receives instructions from the Holy Spirit for Shalom Family, he has to communicate them with Joseph. Joseph, in turn, has to instruct the children what has to be done. In October the children had been disobedient to the instructions, which had led to a lack of food. Yahuah doesn’t tolerate disobedience. Entire Shalom Family went on their knees asking for forgiveness and repented. And shortly after that, money to buy sweet potatoes was allowed to be sent to Shalom Family! HalleluYah! What a merciful God we serve!
During the chat with Emmanuel, Joseph was on his way to/at the grounds to check those sweet potatoes again. We pray they will receive a big harvest!
Not enough food
On 19.11 it was very cold again and they were finishing their last 20 kg of sweet potatoes. The 200 children did not have enough food… What a situation! Being so cold, being used to eating every other day and now having even less food to eat!
To give you a rough idea of the amount of food the children usually eat, we will show you a calculation with the 300 kg of sweet potatoes Shalom Family got in October. 300 kg divided by 15 days (for eating every 2 days) is 20 kg of sweet potatoes for 200 children. This is a mere 100 grams of sweet potatoes per child every other day. To help you realize how little it is, see the photo below. How much food do you give your children?

Food for 2 days in Shalom Family, Rwanda (200 ex-orphans). Everyone in Shalom Family gets 100 g of sweet potatoes every 2 days. 1 sweet potato weighs about 600 grams. So they each get about a sixth of a sweet potato…
Take into account that everyone in Shalom Family gets the same. A 4-year old child gets 100 grams as well as a 16-year old child. Also Joseph gets just 100 grams every 2 days. Perhaps you now realize what a miracle it is that nobody is sick in Shalom Family, that they are alive and even have strength to sow and harvest! All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah!
As amazing as these miracles are, we know that it’s the Father’s will that they get more food to eat. That’s where we have to take action.
Blankets for the children!
According to Philippians 4:6 we were not worried about the children, but we prayed for warmth for them with thanksgiving. Then it was up to our Heavenly Father to decide how the children would be kept warm. For He is Almighty and can do anything. He could keep them warm supernaturally or provide them with something like blankets. In fact there are multiple testimonies within the CFY team of people being warmed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah Himself! HalleluYah!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplications, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to Yahuah/God (Philippians 4:6 (NKJV)).
The fact that He can do anything doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do something for the ex-orphans. He welcomes everyone who wants to help the children within CFY. CFY’s mission is saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. And if you’re a fellow believer, know it’s our task to care for these children, as stated in James 1:27.

Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuah/God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
On 22.11 we got a go from the Holy Spirit to arrange blankets for the children! We were so happy and jumped into action immediately. Joseph reported the different sizes available and their prices, which were shocking! They were higher than similar products in the Netherlands! The cheapest, a blanket of 160 x 200 cm, was 10,000 rwf (almost €7). We went for that size and calculated for 16 blankets in total. 1 blanket would cover 10 children, so this would only cover 160 children. In 2018 and 2019 we had also bought some blankets, which could still be used. This way all 200 children would be covered.
Thank You Father for giving a go for blankets! What a blessing!
A miracle: out of a coma in less than a month!
A month ago, on 22.10, Joseph had asked Johan to pray for a miracle for Adolphe. This is a 24-year old boy who had, had a motor accident when a car had crushed him. He had ended up in a coma 2 days after the accident. Besides that he had gotten fluid in his lungs and his leg had been broken (see screenshot below). Joseph shared that Adolphe was a believer as well, but lived in another village.

Conversation between Johan and Joseph on 22.10 via WhatsApp Messenger. Joseph asked Johan to pray for miracles if it was Yahuah’s will. This means only praying if it’s the Father’s will to pray and praying according to what He wants you to pray. He asked this for a 24 year old boy who was on a motor cycle when a car crushed him. His leg bone was broken (see the picture in the screenshot) and he experienced pain in his chest. He had also gotten fluid in his lungs. 2 days after the accident the boy had ended up in a coma.
Johan adhered to the prayer request since it was the Father’s will to pray the prayer. Johan always prays what the Father wants him to pray and prayed for a miracle for Adolphe. The Father wants everyone to be healed by Him in His time. Johan spoke life to Adolphe’s bones and asked for the Holy Spirit to touch him and to heal his leg. He asked the Father to let this be a miracle for whole Rwanda and for the whole world, for His Name, Honour and Glory. His words were as follows: “we believe miracles are coming, we believe resurrection is coming, resurrection power is coming into his bones, all will be straightened, all will be good and strong like never before”. He prayed in the Name of Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ and told the boy he only needed to thank the Lord Yeshua Hamashiach for healing his body. Then Johan let it go and didn’t pray for him again.
On 22.11, only a month later, he was out of his coma and speaking again (see screenshot below)!!! What a miracle! Adolphe’s parents arranged a motor cycle and asked Joseph to bring their son some fruit. Joseph went and brought him the bananas, oranges, mangoes, maracuja and pineapple. During the hospital visit Adolphe said how grateful he was that Yahuah had healed him. He also shared his gratitude for Johan and for how Yahuah had used Johan.

Conversation between Johan and Joseph on 22.11 via WhatsApp Messenger. Joseph shared how Adolphe had gotten out of his coma and is now back to normal life. Johan asked Joseph what had happened in 1 month. Joseph answered that first Adolphe had been silent with his eyes closed and now he was able to speak again! HalleluYah!
Wow, what a testimony! Out of a coma in a month through prayer! All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah, HalleluYah!
Food, blankets and more blessings!
Besides the blessing for Adolphe, the motor cycle was a blessing for Joseph and the 200 ex-orphans in Shalom Family as well! On that very day, 22.11, Johan had received a go from the Holy Spirit to transfer the gift to Shalom Family. Now Joseph could pay a visit to Adolphe, get money from the bank and save money on the same day. On this occasion going by motor cycle was cheaper than a bus ticket. On his way back Joseph bought food as well as the 16 discussed blankets! HalleluYah! Thank You Father!
Joseph bought 300 kg of sweet potatoes and Shalom Family got 10 kg for free. What a blessing! Out of the 16 blankets they got 1 for free, which was what we had prayed for! Thank You Father for answering our prayers and for all these blessings!
Joseph reported how the children were now warm again. They were doing well due to the blankets. How lovely! After all, how wonderful is it to snuggle into a nice warm blanket when you have been cold! All children deserve this! We know the children in Shalom Family praise our Heavenly Father continuously, as we should all do. But how much so after having received these blankets. Wouldn’t you jump and sing?
What can you do for the children?
We are so grateful the children are warm again. However, their circumstances are still so far below the standard they deserve to be living. Do you want to improve their lives? Perhaps you do, but don’t know what to do. Know that you are always free to pray, share our social media messages and our updates such as this one. You can also use your gifts and/or talents. For example I like writing and am allowed to write these updates, but there’s so much more you can do! Feel free to discuss your thoughts with us and call Johan on +31 (0)6 53 97 15 16. Anyone with a heart for the children is welcome within CFY. Let’s save those 150,000,000 street children TOGETHER and give them a LIFE!
Prayer points
Wow, what an update with such blessings! From 200 ex-orphans being very cold with insufficient food to being warm with blankets and having food! Let’s not forget the huge miracle with Adolphe who woke from his coma! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah!
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,248 ex-orphans (200 in Shalom Family and 3,048 in Agape Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc.)
- Harvests that are 7 million-fold of what they usually are;
- Supernatural protection of Shalom Family and Agape Family;
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
Miracles & Expenses in December 2024
Stay tuned for next month, which will be a very special edition! On 01.12.2024 it will be 7 years since the start of CFY! 7 means perfect or complete in Yahuah’s Kingdom, so let’s see what blessings He has in store for the children! Will the children be eating daily? Will Shalom Family get a container as well?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Other projects within the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Each project is part of CFY. Therefore supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle – Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance.
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation