Dear friend of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 December 2024 to 31 December 2024.
Currently with 160 children (5 to 24 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

All children in Shalom Family per age group!
Shalom Family is led by leader Joseph and only consists of former street children. Ever wanted to know how many ex-orphans there are per age group? After all, getting just a large number of people and an age range, doesn’t provide you with a good idea of what the family is like. Hereby an overview of all children per age group!
5 to 7 years old: 10 boys and 20 girls
8 to 12 years old: 17 boys
8 to 14 years old: 23 girls
13 to 17 years old: 65 boys
15 to 18 years old: 15 girls
18 to 22 years old: 5 boys
19 to 24 years old: 5 boys
Perhaps you noticed how the age range has changed over time. Also the family now consists of 160 children instead of 200. Unfortunately we lost a lot of children a while ago. We are grateful to know that these children are in the best place you can be, which is with our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God.
Chopping wood for cooking
On 10.12 the ex-orphans in Shalom Family collected wood for cooking. With 60 people between 12 and 22 years old they went to a place on their land where they could find some trees. What a difference with our lives in the Western World where we usually cook electric or with a gas stove. Do you enjoy going into your kitchen and just having things like that available? Oh how blessed we are! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for giving all 60 of them the strength to chop the trees! Did you know they did and still do that with only 3 meals a week. What a miracle!
No food left
On 20.12 there was no food left in Shalom Family.
Did you enjoy your meals today?
We already shared how, in Shalom Family, they only eat 3 meals a week and they have done so for over a year. Can you imagine having to do that? Again how blessed we are in the West! Most of us can just get up, walk to the fridge and get whatever we want. Did you know we are blessed to be a blessing for others? It’s how Yahuah organised it. His Word reads how we should care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed (James 1:27). Knowing how all ex-orphans in Shalom Family are former street children, what better way to be a blessing for others than by doing something for them? This can be fully free, like praying or sharing a post on social media such that more people get to know about CFY. You’re also welcome to share your gifts and/or talents with us. And did you know that Yahuah is so good that He blesses anyone who blesses the children? Oh the miracles that happened in the lives of people who did something for CFY! What an amazing God we serve! By the way, doesn’t it feel right to do something good for others?

“Yahuah/God, bless me, so I can be a blessing for others.” Johan, founder of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation, prayed this prayer for years.
An electricity meter?
On 20.12 Shalom Family got a note from Rwanda Energy Group. They wanted to have 50,000 rwf (about €35) for a meter to be placed inside the cupboard. Payment in parts would be 100,000 rwf (about €70) leading to a lower bill every month. This might not seem like such a bad thing, right?
However Johan, founder of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation, has received many dreams and visions over the last years. He read Yahuah’s Word and also received other confirmations, such as specific teachings. Through all this he learned a lot about the times we have ahead and they are not pretty. Did you know that they are building an antichrist system which is built on lies? The people building it hate Yahuah and are against Yeshua/Jesus, Who is the Christ and the Savior of the world. These people want to trick you into joining them. They are planning to destroy the economy, destroy real estate, control the way you eat and drink and so much more. An example of such a trick is the building of concentration camps disguised as 15-minute cities. Everything is supposedly nice and close by, but in reality it’s a prison. It’s called agenda 2030. In case you want to know more, feel free to contact us by leaving a comment or filling out the contact form on this website.
Johan foresaw that entering the system with this electric meter would turn out badly. After prayer it was decided not to have regular electricity anymore within Shalom Family but to search for alternatives. He asked Joseph to look for oil lamps and candles. Joseph reported how all that was not available, only solar energy. Isn’t that strange? How can oil lamps and candles not be available? Is this another sign of the upcoming system? Trying to control people by not having cheap alternatives to a demanded electric meter? We know the antichrist system is visible first in third world countries, but it will come everywhere.
77th prayer meeting for CFY!
On 20.12 it was the 77th prayer meeting for CFY! During these prayer nights we pray for all children over the world, also the ones still being in their mother’s wombs. Did you know that abortion is murder, no matter at what time it is done? Children are literally ripped apart during that process. Also the ones at 23 weeks, when they are about 30 cm long. Who would want to do that to a child? It really hurts our Heavenly Father Yahuah, for He loves all children, so we pray against abortion.
7 means perfect or complete in Yahuah’s Kingdom. How wonderful to have a 77th prayer meeting in this month, in which CFY exists 7 years! Shalom Family was founded in 2018 and hasn’t made it to the 7 years yet, but the Father has performed great miracles for the family. Did you know that an angel once provided Shalom Family with clothes? All of a sudden there was a man with a huge pile of clothing and the children could pick from it! Afterwards the man was gone and they never saw him again. Wow! It often happens with angels that they appear as regular people, but they’re not. What a miracle and blessing!
We believe that, just like with Joseph in the Bible, after 7 years of famine now the years of plenty have arrived for CFY. This not only considers the current children within CFY, but also those who are to come! CFY’s mission is saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. We want to give all of them a safe home. Shall we do this together? You’re welcome to join us in any way you can!
Gift for food!
On 23.12, 3 days after the last food of Shalom Family was finished, Johan received a go from the Holy Spirit to send a gift! The gift was done for a total of 500 kg of sweet potatoes. 300 kg would be for food and 200 kg would be for sowing. In Shalom Family all children assist with the sowing process. Thank You Father for the provision and keeping the children healthy when they had no food for at least 2 days!
Perhaps you notice how there were several days between the family being out of food and the gift that was sent. You might think that’s cruel, but it’s not. We pray for everything that happens within CFY and Yahuah decides whether a gift is sent or not. He provides this information through His Holy Spirit and He tells Johan. He is a good God and Father and never gives us more than we can handle (1 Cor 10:13). The delay could be due to many reasons, like disobedience, which pushes away blessings such as food. Or it might be a test in faith. He is Almighty and Omniscient. He can provide them with food or take away the feeling. Ever fasted for a few days without being hungry and had all the strength you needed for your activities? Guess Who took care of you then!

Yahuah/God is faithful, Who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13 (NKJV)).
Christmas is not Yahuah’s
On 25.12 Christmas was not celebrated within CFY. Did you know that Christmas is not Yahuah’s? It’s not found anywhere in the Bible. In fact, Yeshua wasn’t even born on 25.12. Most likely He was born around Spring.
Wow, isn’t that mind-blowing if you have celebrated Christmas all your life? Most of us, CFY team members, also had to come back from it after we accepted Yeshua as our Lord and Savior. Now every day is a festive day for us, for we live with Him! He saved us from going to a place where we don’t want to be. And He is so good! For me personally, I was almost completely paralysed and had been sick for months. Nobody could help me and eventually I prayed “God help, God help”. Via a post on Facebook Johan and his wife Naomi phoned me. The Holy Spirit told Johan to pray a specific prayer for me and straight after I could do ANYTHING! I could walk, dance, talk and even sing! Yeshua had healed me! HalleluYah! After that I accepted Him as my Lord and Savior.
Now if you want to truly honour Yeshua on 25.12 or any other given day, take the following advice. Care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed, for that’s where His heart is (James 1:27). After I started doing this, I have been blessed beyond measure. My life is amazing!!! It’s not about us. We always have to count others more significant than ourselves (Phil. 2:3). And then He cares for us. Truly.

Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuah/God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
A sowing machine in Shalom Family!
On 28.12 Johan asked Joseph about their sewing machine, for they have one in Shalom Family. Joseph reported how they use it to repair clothing. He shared that they were praying for pieces of fabric so they could make clothes again. Wow, something to think about next time we are in a store and purchasing some clothes, right?
Joseph shared how fabric in Kinyarwanda is called “igitambaro”.
The children now walk in rags, as you can see in the video below. However they are not sad, but very happy, since they know Yahuah saved their lives. They literally have nothing. This month they had to do without food for 2 or more days, they sleep on concrete floors and wear clothes that don’t even fit properly. What an example they are!
Text in the video: These children all lived on the streets. Yahuah/God gave them a safe home. They are so happy, even though they have nothing. They wear rags and sleep on concrete floors. Share and give them a LIFE! The Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation has saved 3,208 orphans and street children in Rwanda since 2017. Made by the Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (voluntary basis).
Let’s make sure they get proper clothes to wear, shall we? Ideas are welcome!
Prayer points
Wow, what an update with so many differences to our Western lifestyle! Chopping wood, no food left, no electricity meter, having to pray for fabric and being happy! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the blessing of a gift for 500 kg of sweet potatoes. And of course for keeping all the ex-orphans safe, healthy and strong! What a miracle! All Glory and Praise for Him!
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,208 ex-orphans (160 in Shalom Family and 3,048 in Agape Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc)
- Harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are;
- Supernatural protection of Shalom Family and Agape Family;
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
Want to assist?
In case you are on fire for the children as well and want to do something for them, you are more than welcome! If you are a believer, be aware they are our brothers and sisters. For they all chose to follow Yeshua on the narrow road (Matt. 7:13-14).
Everyone who is doing something for the ex-orphans will be blessed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah on a spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and material level. And it’s so much fun and rewarding! If you want to share your gifts and/or talents with CFY or have ideas for improvement, feel free to contact us. Sharing this update and CFY (social media) news in all your online and off-line networks is always welcome too! After all, everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. Let’s do it together!
Miracles & Expenses in January 2025
Stay tuned for next month… Will there be fabric so they can make new clothes again? Will everything go well with the sowing and growing of the sweet potatoes? Will the children be eating daily?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Other projects within the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Each project is part of CFY. Therefore supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,208 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle – Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance.
Written by:
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (voluntary basis)