Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 September 2024 to 30 September 2024.
Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 25 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

A miracle: eating only every other day for a year
Before we start our September 2024 update, let’s first go back to a little over one year ago. On 28.08.2023 to be exact, it was the very last day that there was food in Agape Family. Imagine what the children must have gone through, knowing that there was no food left… How would you have responded?
The children knew that prayer was the answer. We had prayed A LOT and… our prayers were answered! After 11 days (!) without food, our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God provided an emergency solution on 06.09.2023. The children got the possibility to eat very small amounts of food every other day. Wow. Praise the Lord for keeping them safe and alive during those 11 days! What a miracle!!! And of course we thank our Heavenly Father for the solution! This way children would not starve to death. HalleluYah!
We are so grateful our Heavenly Father Yahuah kept performing miracles: the amounts of food as well as the types of food have improved a few times. First it was rice and now the children eat potatoes and beans. Those are more nutritious as you can read all about in our CFY Facebook group Medical Medium lifestyle (link provided at the bottom of this update). Also He did amazing miracles with the harvests: the potato harvests have at least tripled and the bean harvests have quadrupled!
And perhaps the biggest miracle of all is that, on 06.09, the children had been eating every other day for a year…
An entire year! 365 days!
Wow. Can you imagine? To me it’s unimaginable what that must have been like. And they did not get sick from it! How powerful is our Almighty God, Creator of the universe? 3,048 children survived a year with only eating every other day and they even worked harder than we often do here in the west. They sow and harvest themselves! And they are children!
How is that possible? Without Yahuah it’s not. He is the One who not only provided them with the strength and health to survive an entire year eating that way… But also to sow and harvest. Wow wow wow!!!
And guess what: even being in the circumstances they’re in, the children are so happy! Would you? They know what they’ve been through, being without a father and a mother in an orphanage that was about to close. This often meant little to no food for some time. And of course the prospect of being out on the streets on your own after the closing. As for the many children who come from the streets: they also endured not having a roof over their head and being left to rot, left to starve… And if they hadn’t come to Agape Family, probably even worse. There are underground networks at play involving child trafficking and satanic rituals with children that many people don’t want to know about. It’s often being put away as conspiracy theories, but it is real and IT IS HAPPENING. And children left alone on the streets, with nowhere to go, are a target. We, as CFY, are praying against it according to the Father’s will. And we are so grateful that our 3,248 children at CFY are saved from that horrific scenario!!! Praise the Lord for saving them!
Now let’s get to the other part: how and why did the children have to endure eating only once a day for an entire year? Well, the most honest answer is: we don’t know. We know our Heavenly Father Yahuah can do anything and that He wants to provide them with more food. They need more food. Then why doesn’t He just give it to them? Again, we don’t know. However what we do know is that the Christians have a task here. Having given our lives to our Lord and Savior Yeshua, we have to be like Him. It’s our job to carry out His will and be His hands and feet. He wants to work through us. We have to be His vessels. Then what should we do? His word states it very clearly in many places: care for the orphans, the widows, the poor and the oppressed (James 1:27). We, as Christians, have to care for the 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family. And besides that, it’s our duty to care for them. Think about the following; If one of them was your own child and it only had food once a day for only one single day. What would you do? Now imagine a year…
And perhaps you should be happy that our Father hasn’t provided the children with quail (bread from heaven) like He did for His people when they were in the desert (Exodus 16). Now you have a chance to do something for His Kingdom. We all know that we will be judged when we die. And, as Christians, we will be judged for what we did and what we didn’t do. It is also sin if you know you have to do something and you don’t do it, as is stated in Ezechiel 16:49. It says: “Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.”

As our brother in Christ Derek Prince stated: when you know what you must do and you don’t do it, it’s sin. Look at what Sodom did NOT do:
“Look, this was the iniquity of your sister Sodom: She and her daughter had pride, fullness of food, and abundance of idleness; neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” (Ezechiel 16:49 (NKJV))
We, as CFY, know our Heavenly Father is always caring for His children in Agape Family. And He is not dependent on people. He can do anything, so also providing them with quail or giving them strength to even survive a year without any food at all. However, we do know that He wants to give people a chance to join CFY. In joining, they would do something for His Kingdom and have a chance to get through the judgment. So perhaps He is using His beautiful children in order for Christians to wake up and start caring for them. In that case, imagine the heart He has: leaving children without enough food so other people have a chance at eternal life!
We know He answers our prayers and that nobody can stop His will for the lives of the children. We know He is with them and gives them strength. However, that doesn’t mean eating every other day is easy for them. So what are you waiting for? Do the Lord’s will and support CFY. Not because we beg you to do it, but because it’s His will and you want to 😊. Oh and what we could do together! Let’s give our all for the 3,048 children in Agape Family and improve their lives!!
And if you’re not a Christian (yet 😉), but you would like to help the ex-orphans and support CFY, you are so welcome! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants to give everyone a chance to help! Praying and sharing our social media messages is always a good start. Sharing your gifts and talents with CFY and donating are very welcome too! If you have other ideas for supporting the children, we are really looking forward to meeting you! In that case feel free to submit our contact form on this website or leave a comment below!

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
Beautiful harvest
Have you ever been through the sowing and harvesting process yourself? Perhaps you have a vegetable garden or you’re a professional farmer. If you have any advice for CFY, you’re welcome to contact us!
We would like to share the video below with you, which is an older one from about a year ago. In the video you see the children prepare ground number 11 before they would start seeding. Take into account that these preparations were all done in faith since the family didn’t have any seeds yet! Back then we were still praying for seeds! Look at the strength they had received from our Heavenly Father to prep the ground and realize with how many children they are! Can you imagine all 3,048 of them together? Enjoy the video 😊!
Video from 2023 made by Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family. He shares how the children are preparing ground number 11 for seeding. We praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for all the strength He provides them with!
What did you think? Slightly different than a city vegetable garden, isn’t it 😉. We, as CFY, believe that some of our team members will go to Rwanda to visit Agape Family. We are always praying for the right people to come along. So if you would like to join after seeing this video, feel free to share your thoughts with us!
With regard to the preparations of ground number 11 being done in faith, of course our Heavenly Father Yahuah came through for the family! He provided them with seeds at the right time, as always! HalleluYah! The seeds were sown into the ground and eventually the harvest was there. All Glory and Praise for our Heavenly Father! Thank You for providing the children with seeds, the harvest and so much strength to perform all the activities!
Now let’s go back to 2024 and our September update 😉. On 07.09 it was harvesting time again. The ex-orphans harvested 21,800 kg potatoes and 10,722 kg beans. Thank You Father for this beautiful harvest and for, again, providing the children with the strength to do the heavy job! Oh how hard they worked!
A major difference with a year ago, is that Agape Family now no longer is using bought seed potatoes. The children sow their own seed potatoes, achieved from other harvests. How amazing is that! Agape Family is officially self-sufficient! This was a long awaited dream and thanks to our Heavenly Father Yahuah it has come true! Thank You Father!
In August a test run was performed with their own beans as well, but that hasn’t worked out yet. Of course we keep praying, working on it and believing! We’re looking forward to sharing the good news of sowing and harvesting with Agape Family’s own beans. Stay tuned for that happy news 😊!
A Calling From Yahuah event
As you may know by now, at CFY we only want to live according to Yahuah’s will and plan. But how do you know what His plan is? Our Heavenly Father can make His plans known to us in several different ways. Sometimes He provides people with dreams and visions. It’s up to us to ask Him if this information is coming from Him, because the devil can also give us dreams. We ask Him for confirmations and don’t just start acting when we receive one vision. We want to be absolutely sure it’s His and understand the meaning behind it. And after we’ve asked, we let go and we wait.
Isn’t that boring? No! You go through your day, keep your eyes open and see what He provides you with. Maybe you receive nothing, maybe you receive confirmations. If you get something, you want to write it down and perhaps ask the Father for His meaning. For you want to know His will and every confirmation is a piece of the puzzle. It’s how our Almighty God works: with puzzle pieces. Those confirmations can come in many different forms. He might speak through people, you might see an e-mail, a post online or an advertisement. Eventually you might be able to put the puzzle pieces together and figure out what He is telling you. Isn’t that exciting! And through all this you’re building that important relationship with the Lord, with your Heavenly Father! That’s what’s most important to Him while we are here on this earth.
As a real life example we’d like to tell you about our upcoming Calling From Yahuah event! What? An event?! Where did that come from? Well… the One and only God of Israel. None of us were thinking about a CFY event. However, our Heavenly Father Yahuah thought differently 😊. It so happened that His Holy Spirit worked through our team member Lisa. Months ago she made a joke to Johan, founder of CFY, about organizing a birthday party in which CFY would be involved. Of course Johan decided to pray about it. Weeks later, on 09.08, several confirmations came together. Amongst others this was in the form of an e-mail, guidance to a Facebook post and a date. We realized it was the Father’s plan that there would be a CFY event! How exciting! Of course we prayed even more about it and other things happened. The birthday party was no longer applicable, but the confirmations for the CFY event kept coming. In this way we had received guidance. If we hadn’t asked our Heavenly Father for guidance, we could easily have planned this birthday party in August. However it wouldn’t have been according to His will and His plan. Perhaps that birthday party idea had merely been a kick-off. Do you see the importance of asking for guidance?
We had checked several locations online and Johan had received a dream about a location! After several confirmations a few of our CFY team members paid a visit to the location from the dream. Also we had a live meeting with Dutch CFY team members to plan the event. Meetings like that are wonderful since the Holy Spirit can work through different team members. In that way we can come up with the most amazing ideas. Take note that these ideas are not our own, but given to us by our Heavenly Father. Everyone is valuable within CFY, no matter how big or small someone might seem and the Father can use anyone. Yes, even you 😉. And we always welcome new CFY team members! In 1 Corinthians 12 it’s beautifully stated how we are all members of the body of Christ. The ear is not any less of a member of the body than the eye, they are both necessary parts.

Unity and Diversity in One Body
For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. (1 Cor. 12:12 (NKJV))
God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? (1 Cor. 12:18 (NKJV))
So we came up with a plan, prayed about it and waited again. And this happens continually with every single part of the event. Even though we have received confirmations, we still pray to the Father that things will only happen if they’re His will. If this is not the case, we want Him to stop it. In that way we can be absolutely certain that the event will happen the way He wants to. Let’s see what the end result will be. We will keep you posted! We hope you enjoyed this explanation of what it’s like to walk with the Lord daily. If you’re (not yet) doing this, it’s our advice to try it. He won’t disappoint you!
Jean Pierre is coming to the Netherlands!
You might wonder why we just spent so much time discussing a CFY event in an update about Agape Family. Shouldn’t this be about what is going on in the daily lives of the ex-orphans in the family? Well in fact, it is! Huh?
We just shared how our Heavenly Father Yahuah can use dreams and visions to make His will known to people. The fact is that Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, has received dreams and visions about him coming to the Netherlands! Wow!
In case you didn’t know, Johan and his wife Naomi are currently in the Netherlands!
The Father sent Johan and Naomi there for the conversion of CFY’s mission vehicle MAN goes Norway (mangoesnorway.com – link provided at the bottom of this update and the top of this website). In this project, a MAN bus will be converted to a MAN camper to gain more attention for our 3,248 ex-orphans at CFY. Of course the ultimate goal of this is to provide them with better lives.
Besides Jean Pierre, other people received dreams and visions about him coming to the Netherlands as well! This includes Johan and a girl in Agape Family. How great is our Heavenly Father!?
As you can probably imagine by now, we prayed a lot about this 😉. Besides dreams and visions we also received MANY other different confirmations. Therefore, by now, we feel confident to let you know that it is truly the Father’s will that Jean Pierre is coming to the Netherlands. Since His will always prevails, we know this will happen! Wow! This is huge!!
Do you realize what this means? Jean Pierre will meet Johan and Naomi for the first time in real life after spending almost 7 years with CFY in Rwanda!
CFY started with Jean Pierre on 01.12.2017 after a divine connection with Johan over Facebook Messenger. On that date Johan was told by the Holy Spirit to give Jean Pierre his last €20 so he and his half-sister Isimbi could eat (see photo below). By then, they had been eating mud for 3 days… The very next day street children started to come to Jean Pierre and Agape Family was born. Wow! How great is our Heavenly Father! The children came to Jean Pierre by themselves, he didn’t even have to search for them! For Jean Pierre, these were huge answers to his prayers. It wasn’t just that he and Isimbi (almost 3 years old) now had food to eat. Jean Pierre had also spent 12 years praying if he could start an orphanage… Fast forward to 2024: the family now consists of 3,048 ex-orphans!
All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah for saving and improving all these lives!! Let alone all the miracles He performed in doing so! HalleluYah!

Photo of Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, and his half-sister Isimbi (almost 3 years old). This is the first picture Johan received of Jean Pierre in December 2017.
Wouldn’t you like to hear what Jean Pierre has to share when he gets to the Netherlands? If you’re blessed, you might, since we also received confirmations of Jean Pierre being at the CFY event!!!
Yes! We will have a CFY event with Jean Pierre as guest speaker!
Wow! All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! How great is He? First he took Johan and Naomi out of their current home country “Norway” to the Netherlands. And now He is getting Jean Pierre from Rwanda to the Netherlands to be at a CFY event!! Wow!! Who would have thought of something like that? What a mighty and awesome God we serve! HalleluYah!
Preparations within Agape Family
As you can probably imagine, the fact that Jean Pierre is going to the Netherlands greatly impacts the daily lives of all the ex-orphans in Agape Family. After all, their main leader is going away and the family needs to keep running. In July Jean Pierre had 36 subleaders consisting of older children. Besides Jean Pierre, who is in his thirties, Agape Family only consists of children, teenagers and people in their twenties who grew up within the families. Of course, after almost 7 years, everyone gets a bit older 😉. They all take care of each other. Most of the 3,048 ex-orphans within Agape Family are, what we call, “the little ones” (from 3 years old). They are taken care of by the older children. How amazing that our Heavenly Father Yahuah takes such good care of them without volunteers or paid people. They don’t depend on anyone except our Heavenly Father Yahuah and each other.
The above system is Biblical and works beautifully. We are very grateful that the Holy Spirit implemented it in the family in 2018! However, now Jean Pierre has to make sure that Agape Family keeps running when he is abroad. For this reason, he is training more leaders. Everything will continue to function properly when he is leaving for the Netherlands. Imagine preparing for a trip overseas whereby you leave your family of 3, 4, maybe 6 people behind? Let alone 3,048!! Don’t you think you would need some help from the Almighty in doing so?
On 07.09 Jean Pierre and our Dutch CFY team were busy making preparations for the CFY event. Of course this also involved prayer. As usual, entire Agape Family (including “the little ones”) joined in prayer as well. How beautiful that we were now praying for the same event both in the Netherlands and in Rwanda! We know that prayer is an incredibly powerful tool. Remember that entire CFY is set up due to prayer. How amazing is our Almighty God!! We expect miracles to happen at the event. Will you pray with us for an amazing time in which we will receive many blessings? In that way, we will be able to help our current 3,248 children and many more. After all, our mission is to save 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide.
Questions for Jean Pierre!
Besides dreams and visions, our Heavenly Father Yahuah might also provide us with specific Bible texts to give us a message. On 10.09 Jean Pierre shared with Johan a very special Bible text, he had received from the Holy Spirit. This was Jeremia 33:14-15 (see below).

“Behold, the days are coming,” says the LORD, “that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah:
“In those days and at that time I will cause to grow up to David A Branch of righteousness; He shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.”
What do you think it means for Jean Pierre? When we look at the text, we see the description of “A Branch of righteousness” grown up to David. This refers to our King and Savior Yeshua, who was born into the lineage of David. He will indeed execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.
If you have any ideas about the meaning of the text, you’re very welcome to share your thoughts in the comment section below! In fact, we will pass them on to Jean Pierre, so he can respond if you’re right! In case you have any questions for Jean Pierre, feel free to ask them as well!
Isn’t that exciting?! What would you want to ask a leader of 3,048 ex-orphans? 😊
Pressure from the government
For months the government had demanded large amounts of money in order to keep Agape Family open. The amount had risen to 6 million rwf (over €4,000) each month. Before, we were allowed to have the money in Jean Pierre’s bank account near the end of the month. However, on 10.09 the government made a new announcement. They now wanted to receive the 6 million rwf each month before the 15th day of the month. This would leave us with only 4 days to spare to transfer the money…
Do you see the pressure they are putting on Agape Family? It’s not fair to demand such an amount of money only 4 days beforehand. And they threaten to close Agape Family if they don’t receive the money in time. In the former updates we’ve seen how very real those threats are. However, we are grateful to know that this is a spiritual battle and that the government is controlled by satan. The spiritual world is very real and we know that we don’t fight against people, but against the spiritual forces controlling those people (Ephesians 6:12). Therefore, we are not afraid. We know the Almighty is with us. So we prayed, asked for guidance and waited. We did not immediately jump towards transferring money, but wanted to know Yahuah’s plan.
Harvesting time again!
It had only been 4 days since the last harvest, but on 11.09 it was harvesting time again! 590 children harvested a beautiful 30,580 kg potatoes and 23,108 kg beans.
This might be an extra answer to our prayers! Besides big harvests, we have been praying for the food to grow faster. The harvests usually came in about once every week. In August they had even been 10 and 15 days apart, so 4 days apart this time was really fast! Whether it’s an answer to our prayers or not, we want to thank and praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for it! Thank You Father for the beautiful harvest and the strength You gave the children for the entire harvesting process!
Do you realize that, with this total harvest of 53,688 kg and 590 children to help, every child had to carry 90+ kgs of harvest? Converted to our western standards, that is 18 bags of 5 kg potatoes!
Closing of Agape Family?
On 12.09 the government had started to frequently call Jean Pierre. This was about the money they had demanded to keep Agape Family open. The deadline of payment was before 15.09, so we were still in time. We hadn’t paid yet, since we didn’t receive a go from the Holy Spirit to transfer the money.
Being so close to the date of the deadline, our faith was tested again. We could have started to worry whether the money would be there in time and gotten scared after all the phone calls from the government. After all, the lives of the children were on the line. If Agape Family were to close, they would have nowhere to go. They would either starve or end up in those underground networks involving child trafficking and satanic rituals. However, we did not go into fear mode. We prayed some more and trusted that our Heavenly Father Yahuah is always fighting for Agape Family, since the children are His. He could come up with anything, so we just kept asking Him for guidance.
On 13.09 Jean Pierre received the news that again 8 private schools had been closed. Considering the amount of private schools and orphanages that have been closed, it’s an absolute miracle that Agape Family has stayed open for so long.
On 14.09 the government came to Agape Family with the intention of closing the family (again). After all, it was the due date for the demanded 6 million rwf (over €4,000) and the government had not received it. Huh? No payment had been done? Isn’t that strange? Had Yahuah done nothing? Would Yahuah, our Almighty God, leave the children hanging? He could have done something, right?
Guess what: He did. At the moment the government officials came to Agape Family, Jean Pierre was not present. Due to his absence they came to the conclusion that he was away to get the money. And for that reason they kept the family open!! What?! Just like that?! Yes!!!
Our Heavenly Father Yahuah is Almighty and He can do anything! He is never late, but always on time! All Glory and Praise to Him! What a miracle!
By the way: the government officials had come to the right conclusion. That day Johan had received a go from the Holy Spirit to send the money to Jean Pierre. Upon that news, Jean Pierre had gone into town to get it. Wow! So this had indeed been the Father’s plan for saving the family! How great is He!?
Imagine if Johan had started to act without guidance from the Holy Spirit and transferred money to Jean Pierre before 14.09. Often it takes a few days for the money to arrive in Jean Pierre’s bank account. If the money wouldn’t have been in Jean Pierre’s account on 14.09 and Jean Pierre had been present, they would have closed the family… Are you seeing it? Even if we don’t understand it, we always have to rely on and trust in our Heavenly Father! He knows best and His ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9).
All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah for keeping Agape Family open AGAIN!!!
We have said it before and we’ll say it again: Agape Family is His plan and nobody can stop His plans! HalleluYah!
We are so happy that all of our 3,048 children are still safe! Aren’t you? Thank You Father for Your powerful protection!

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
(Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV))
When the government officials were with Agape Family, they spoke bad words about the family. We are grateful to know how to break the negative spiritual effect of such words and turn them around. Words are very powerful and can have an uplifting or devastating effect on people’s lives. If you want to know more about this topic, feel free to ask!
Jean Pierre’s visa
On 16.09 Jean Pierre, Johan and Naomi made a plan for Jean Pierre’s trip to the Netherlands. They discussed what to arrange for his visa.
On 17.09 Jean Pierre visited the embassy where he was told to go to the visa agency. At the visa agency they told him they work by appointment only. However, they said they would give him an answer the next day about a meeting with them.
This was all a bit unfortunate. Johan had told Jean Pierre to call the visa agency straight away, but Jean Pierre had most likely missed that message. Eventually he had spent an entire day and had not come back to Agape Family until midnight! Oops… However, we know that our Heavenly Father turns everything around for good (Romans 8:28). So let’s see what good will come from this! Maybe some of CFY’s greatest sponsors will be at the embassy, who knows 😊!
On 18.09 and 20.09 Jean Pierre phoned with the visa agency. On 20.09 Jean Pierre was told that he might have an appointment with them on 23.09.
Another harvest!
On 19.09 Agape Family brought in another harvest of 34,608 kg potatoes and 21,580 kg beans. Thank You Heavenly Father for the provision!
I, Carina, find it hard to imagine the amount of potatoes and beans all together when I see the numbers above. Don’t you? To help you out a bit, we’ll share a photo of a ‘small’ portion of the beans below. How many of those do you think will make the 21,580 kg? The answer is in the description 😉

Beans in Agape Family. This picture was taken a few years ago, before they started sowing their own beans. We are grateful that our Heavenly Father Yahuah always provided and will always provide for the children. HalleluYah! Can you imagine carrying a few of these? They are about 10 kg! (so the entire bean harvest of 19.09 would be around 2,000 buckets… wow!!!)
The 6 million rwf arrives!
On 19.09 the demanded 6 million rwf arrived in Jean Pierre’s bank account! This was 5 days after the transfer. Remember how the government stated on 10.09 that the money had to be paid before 15.09. If we had started to send money straight away, at the moment they told us about the advanced deadline, we wouldn’t have been in time. We did not know this, but our Heavenly Father Yahuah did! Do you see His greatness here? By trusting Him and waiting for Him, we didn’t make any hasty decisions. In that way, He could perform the miracle He did. Namely having Jean Pierre outside of Agape Family at the exact moment the government officials arrived. Because of that, they did not close Agape Family. Wow wowwow. All Glory and Praise for Him!!
This reminds me of Exodus 14:14. There it’s written how we only need to be still or hold our peace and the Lord will fight for us. By keeping quiet, He had saved us this time. Oh how great He is and how He fights for the children. Thank You Father! HalleluYah!

“The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” (Exodus 14:14 (NKJV))
So the demanded 6 million rwf for September is paid again. Let’s see what miracle our Heavenly Father Yahuah will perform next month, since there is a new demand of 6 million rwf (over €4,000). We trust that, whatever happens, it will be for His Name, Honour and Glory!
Jean Pierre’s overseas preparations
On 23.09 Jean Pierre finally had his appointment at the visa agency! The conversation went well and he received information as to what to prepare. The very same day our CFY team already prepared some of the papers for the visa. What team work, right!
We are now praying that Jean Pierre will receive his visa as soon as possible. Are you joining us in prayer?
Last harvest of the month
On 26.09 it was another harvesting day! This time the children harvested 26,700 kg potatoes and 14,200 kg beans. As always, we are so grateful for our Heavenly Father Yahuah’s provision for the children! Thank You Father! It’s such a miracle that the grounds are still used by Agape Family. After all, the government had tried to confiscate them so often… Their rule is to sow straight after harvesting, otherwise they take the grounds away. Many people in the neighbourhood have lost their lands and have literally starved to death already…
Thank You Heavenly Father for Your protection of the grounds! HalleluYah!
Since Agape Family now reuses parts of their harvests as seeds, it’s become much easier to sow straight after harvesting. Before, seeds had to be ordered and that could take some time. They now sow each time after they’ve harvested, so on 27.09 they started sowing the grounds again. Since the sowing with own bean seeds hasn’t worked out yet, the sowing this month was done each time with own seed potatoes. We keep praying for even bigger harvests so the 3,048 children can start eating every day real soon! What a day that will be 😊
Prayer points
Wow, what an update with so many different topics! From the children having eaten only every other day for over a year to a CFY event with Jean Pierre in the Netherlands! Let’s not forget the huge miracle our Heavenly Father provided in keeping Agape Family from closing this month. Wow.
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,248 ex-orphans (3,048 in Agape Family and 200 in Shalom Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc)
- Harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are;
- Sowing and harvesting with Agape Family’s own beans;
- Supernatural protection of Agape Family and Shalom Family;
- Stop of the forced monthly payments from the government for Agape Family;
- Good preparation of Agape Family for Jean Pierre’s absence;
- Everything Jean Pierre needs for his overseas trip (visa, ticket etc);
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Via the top of this website you can easily navigate to the websites of CFY’s other projects MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle!
Within MAN goes Norway a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle is Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance (link provided at the bottom of this update).
Since each project is part of CFY, supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
Keep sharing!
Keep sharing our website and these updates in all your online and offline networks. Everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide! CFY is also active on social media, so keep watch and share all our messages on Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, TikTok and Pinterest as well! Sharing your gifts and/or talents with CFY is always welcome too, so contact us in case you have ideas!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!
Miracles & Expenses in October 2024
Stay tuned for next month… how will Yahuah keep Agape Family open in October? Will Jean Pierre be flying to the Netherlands? Will the children be eating daily?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart 😊.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Options for supporting CFY financially
We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are appreciated as well!
The Netherlands:
ASN Bank
J.R.S. Langenberg
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28
DNB Bank
Johannes R.S. Langenberg
Bankkonto 1227 02 29385
Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402
You can choose the description:
– Children
– Container
– Camper
Other projects within Calling From Yahuah
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives
Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation