Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 October 2024 to 31 October 2024.
Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 28 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).
Lots of rain
Let’s start off this month with some weather news. On 03.10 Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, reported to Johan how there was a lot of rain. Johan is the founder of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation and usually in daily contact with Jean Pierre through Facebook Messenger. Jean Pierre reports to Johan about everything that happens within Agape Family. He told him that the rain was great for the harvests, so we were very happy with that news! In Agape Family the children do the sowing and harvesting themselves.
Miracle: the police provides soap
On 04.10 Jean Pierre reported to Johan how Agape Family was praying for soap and menstrual pads. Johan was wondering why he was telling him this, since Jean Pierre hadn’t mentioned soap and/or menstrual pads for months. As it turned out he hadn’t told Johan about a huge miracle that had happened several months ago! This was all due to his busy schedule as leader of Agape Family. And who can blame him with 3,048 ex-orphans to take care of? Let’s get to this wonderful miracle of our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God!
Do you remember the 4 police officers who protect Agape Family? They were installed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah in the first half of 2024. As you might know by now, our Almighty God can work through people. Via these police officers He had provided Agape Family with multiple other blessings besides protection!
In April the police officers suddenly arranged 4 buses to pick up Jean Pierre and 201 children after they had been sowing and sleeping on the mountain grounds for many days. Can you imagine being out and about for days on end without sleeping bags?
In May the police paid for transporting the harvest, how wonderful!
And now it turned out that, in May, they had also provided Agape Family with… drumroll… 1,600 bars of soap!!!
Can you imagine 1,600 bars of soap all together? Jean Pierre took a photo from it, so let’s pray for good WiFi connection so he can send his photos and videos of the past months. In Rwanda everyone has weak internet for free, that can only be used for Facebook Messenger. So our Heavenly Father uses this means of communication for the daily connection between Jean Pierre and Johan. However sending photos requires WiFi connection. In the past it was possible to obtain WiFi in the centre of Kigali, but now it’s impossible. Even in the computer shops the muslims deny Jean-Pierre entrance, because they know that he believes in Yeshua and takes care for the children.
Because a follower of Yeshua is supposed to be a good steward, Johan started calculating the bars of soap that were used. After all, Yahuah doesn’t want us to waste anything. And why would we want to, when He created everything with so much love?
Johan, founder of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation, learned his stewardship from George Müller. In the 1800s George Müller was a true soldier of Yahuah/God. During his life he had cared for 10,024 orphans and had never requested financial support. All he had done was pray to our Heavenly Father Yahuah in faith and give thanks in advance. He kept very detailed records of everything that was bought for the orphans and now so does Johan. Hence also these monthly “updates”.
Agape Family uses about 75 bars of soap a week, which is about 300 bars a month. The last purchase of soap had been done in February 2024 and it made sense that all the bars were gone in May. Then the police provided the gift of 1,600 bars. By now 5 months had passed since May, which equals (5 x 300 =) 1,500 bars. This was 100 bars short of those 1,600, but Johan figured perhaps a bit more was used. So it was reasonable that, after 5 months, Jean Pierre mentioned soap again.
But what about the menstrual pads that Jean Pierre mentioned as well? Johan hadn’t heard about those either since the last purchase in February 2024… Eventually it turned out that something really sweet, but very unfortunate had happened regarding the menstrual pads…
518 sick girls
In May, when the family had ran out of soap, they had also ran out of menstrual pads. The police had only provided the family with soap, so what had happened? It turned out that the girls hadn’t wanted to be a bother (most likely financially). They had used the extra soap to wash the menstrual pads and they had done so for 5+ months! Can you imagine? Johan had not known about this and ofcourse this did not end well:
Jean Pierre reported that on 04.10, out of the 814 menstruating girls in Agape Family, 518 girls were now sick with infections…
The CFY team heard about all of this from Johan, while we were in our prayer time that same evening. It was the first night of a series of prayer nights. During these prayer nights we pray for all children over the world, especially those involved in satanic ritual abuse. Even though in the world satanic ritual abuse is often depicted as fake, it’s actually very real and absolutely horrific. We knew our prayers would be strengthened because we were in a group. After all Yeshua/our Lord Jesus Christ Himself speaks about that in Matthew 18:19-20. There He states that if two agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by our Heavenly Father Yahuah. For where two or three are gathered together in Yeshua’s Name, He is in the midst of them. So let’s see what all our prayers would do!
“If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:19-20 (NKJV))
When we heard about the 518 sick girls in Agape Family, we deliberated to see what we could do and of course we prayed! For guidance and obviously for healing as well. We asked the Father for supernatural healing and that the girls would not suffer any consequences. We also prayed for good communication such that this never happens again!
A plan was made to get new soap and menstrual pads to Agape Family. The family uses 136 packets of pads a month. 1 packet consists of 6 pads. 2 packets, so 12 pads, are distributed amongst 12 girls to use for 6 days. This means that every girl gets 1 pad for 6 days. For the ladies among you: can you imagine having only 1 pad for that length of time. Let alone washing it for 5+ months? And they are so happy even having a pad… because what would you do without… However, we believe this needs to change! If you believe that too, feel free to think or pray what you could do to provide the girls with better equipment for their periods. Ideas are welcome!
And do you remember Johan’s calculation of the soap and how 100 bars were missing? Eventually Johan was told that the extra washing of the menstrual pads was the reason they had used the 100 extra bars during those 5 months!! Wow! So Agape Family hadn’t wasted anything! How wonderful!
The One Who told Johan this news was the Holy Spirit of Yeshua. You might think Johan is an exception in hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit, but he is not. We all receive the Holy Spirit after we accept Yeshua as our Lord and Savior. He lives within us and constantly wants to provide us with information. He can do this by either speaking to us directly or for example by providing us with visions and dreams. The Holy Spirit will be with us for eternity and we need Him in ALL we do, every single second of the day (John 14:16). The Holy Spirit is the One Who made us and by Whose breath we are able to breathe. Without Him we are literally NOTHING. He is our Helper and Comforter, He provides us with a supernatural peace, He is the Spirit of truth (John 14:17), He provides us with wisdom and understanding, counsel, sensible policies, knowledge and fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2), He is the One Who convicts us of our sins, He is the Spirit of grace and helps us in our prayers when we don’t know what to pray for (Zacharia 12:10; Romans 8:6), He is the Spirit of promise and the guarantee of our inheritance (Ephesians 1:13-14) and He will always glorify Yeshua, for what He reveals to us comes from Yeshua Himself (John 16:14).
Perhaps you’ve just read the above and want that too, but don’t know how to achieve that. If so, don’t worry, you’re in the right place. You can receive free coaching by Johan and his wife Naomi. This all happens under guidance of the Holy Spirit Himself and believe me, it works! So feel free to contact us if you want to!
To see a beautiful demonstration of what the Holy Spirit can do through several different people, even at big distances, read the testimony below.
Jean Pierre is getting married!
On 05.10 the CFY team came together again for their second prayer night in a row to fight for the children. This night Johan was told, by the Holy Spirit, to ask Jean Pierre if he was available. This was a very unusual task. Jean Pierre responded he wouldn’t be sleeping that night due to a prayer night for breakthroughs for Agape Family! Wow! In Agape Family prayer nights are a regular thing actually. Can you imagine dozens of children staying up late to pray?
It became a special night. After almost 7 years of exclusive contact with Johan and Naomi within CFY, Jean Pierre was now allowed to spend the entire night with the CFY team! For his severe training ,necessary in order to properly care for the 3,048 ex-orphans, he had needed isolation. This had not been Johan’s decision, but Yahuah’s. Our Heavenly Father hadn’t even allowed him to be in touch with Joseph, leader of Shalom Family (200 children). This was determined in order for them to keep their focus on their heavy task given by Yahuah.
But this night was different. Jean Pierre introduced himself through voice clips and the team replied. Praise our Heavenly Father for technology by the way! Besides Johan and Naomi, as husband and wife, the entire team was scattered throughout different places and got together over videochat. Johan recorded the team’s questions and answers, from the videochat, on his phone and sent them to Jean Pierre. Jean Pierre replied and in this way we could have an actual conversation. How wonderful!
It went back and forth with questions about the children, their needs and how the team members heard about Agape Family. For example, Jean Pierre replied how the children need a good place to sleep and enough blankets. This is no surprise since they now sleep on concrete floors. And there was a big secret: Jean Pierre did not know his future wife was present in the CFY team that night! She and the other team members, however, all knew who she was and that she would be married to Jean Pierre. Wait, what? A wife? Where does this come from? And how come the CFY team members all knew about this and Jean Pierre didn’t?
First of all, this was all the plan of our Heavenly Father Yahuah. Regarding who got to know certain bits of information and who didn’t, is where the beauty of the Holy Spirit comes in. He can reveal different things to different people. And sometimes certain information is allowed to be brought forward and sometimes not. Yeshua Himself also said “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.” (John 5:12) Besides that, things are revealed at the Father’s perfect time.
In 2018, just after Agape Family had started in 2017, Jean Pierre had asked Johan to pray for a wife for him. Eventually Jean Pierre had let Johan know that he would be getting a white wife who was obedient to the Holy Spirit, to Johan and to Jean Pierre. He had received dreams and visions about her. He had also stated that she would be trained by Johan under guidance of the Holy Spirit. Upon hearing this news, Johan did not yet know who she was. At that time he was training several women so there were multiple options.
In October 2023 Jean Pierre’s future wife was told, by the Holy Spirit through Johan, that she didn’t want to suffer for the children in CFY. After fasting, she was given the task to write testimonies for CFY. In doing so, the Holy Spirit was working with her without her knowledge. She read about all that had happened with the ex-orphans and all she wanted was to be with Agape Family in Rwanda. She thought of how she could get to them. Also she figured that it would only work between her and a potential husband if he was obedient to the Holy Spirit through Johan. After having been disobedient to the Holy Spirit’s advice through Johan she had suffered many hardships. She had learned that she needed to obey what the Holy Spirit told her through Johan. Then she thought of Jean Pierre! After all he obeys whatever Johan says under guidance of the Holy Spirit! How convenient! Then she prayed to the Father if she could become Jean Pierre’s wife. It made her very happy and she imagined what the future would look like.
The very next day Johan spoke to her over the phone. Merely 10 (!!!) minutes before Johan had shared with Naomi how he was wondering whether this particular woman would become the wife of Jean Pierre. And he knew NOTHING about her prayer! Wow! And 1 day later!
Eventually Johan received much more information from the Holy Spirit about Jean Pierre and this woman. He also prophesied about her being Jean Pierre’s future wife and mother of mothers at Agape Family after baptising her in March 2024. Jean Pierre received dreams and visions and she, in her turn, received visions and different confirmations as well! The beauty of all this is that all different parties had received different bits of information. Johan and Jean Pierre knew things that the woman didn’t know and of course Jean Pierre still had no idea who his future wife was! Slowly, over time, the entire CFY team was informed about how one of their team members would be leaving them to be Jean Pierre’s wife.
On 05.10 this woman was speaking words of encouragement to Jean Pierre through voice clips. She told him to never give up. During this clip Johan, instructed by the Holy Spirit, suddenly told her to sing the CFY song (see below)! She had written the song under guidance of the Holy Spirit several months before. After listening, Jean Pierre suddenly asked Johan for her age. Wow! But none of the people involved had told Jean Pierre who she was?! Johan had only foretold that something would happen when Jean Pierre would hear her voice.
The CFY song Yahuah is my Shepherd written by Jean Pierre’s future wife in the first half of 2024. Melody inspired by Psalm 23 of the Psalms Project. It describes how, in 2022, a total of 1,006 children in Agape Family had died. After prayer Yahuah had resurrected over 700 of them! Furthermore, in 2024, our Heavenly Father tripled the potato harvest for Agape Family. He also provided the children with the strength to sow and harvest with only food every other day.
Yahuah is my Shepherd
I have everything I need
Yahuah is my Shepherd
I have everything I need
Everything I need
The Holy Spirit leads it all
He tells us what we need to do
And His plan is good, oh His plan is good
CFY is here for His Glory only
To show it to the whole world
This time on the mountain when thousands died
We prayed for resurrection
For He’s all powerful, He can do it all
Jean Pierre came where the bodies laid
And children moved!
He provides them with a harvest that’s abundant in every way
How He’s tripled it to stock it for scarce times that are about to come
Surely His goodness and His love will follow and pursue them
Look at the strength they get to sow and reap with only food every other day
All praise for You, for Yahuah, forever
It was so extraordinary! We all heard Jean Pierre speaking in tongues, which is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Then you’re praising Yahuah in a different language. Naomi said that she had never heard him so full of the Spirit before. He usually was exhausted from surviving life threatening situations (being thrown into prison, sleeping outside, etc) and/or caring for 3,048 children. And who can blame him? But now he was very much alive!!! The night was a very happy night and many jokes were made. Different team members were asked what to do, what information to give Jean Pierre. He had asked for a photo of the lady and Johan had joked he didn’t have one. Jean Pierre responded he would pray for that, haha! Eventually the team photo of our first CFY meeting in July was sent and Jean Pierre was asked whom he wanted to marry. And he responded with pointing to the correct person in the picture!!
Guess what had happened: upon hearing the CFY song, the Holy Spirit had told Jean Pierre that the woman singing was his future wife! And when he received the picture, the Holy Spirit had also told him which woman in the photo it was!!! HalleluYah!! All Glory and Praise to the Holy Spirit!!! How great is He!!
Jean Pierre and his future wife got the chance to speak a few times back and forth through voice clips during the prayer night. Jean Pierre revealed how he had seen her in his dreams so many times. Wow! That same night she herself had also received a vision of Jean Pierre. This came with the text “I’m a helper to my husband in the same way Yahuah helps me (Genesis 2:18; Psalm 121:2).” How great is our Almighty God!!! Only He can orchestrate something amazing like this! All Glory and Praise to Him! HalleluYah HalleluYah HalleluYah!
According to several CFY team members, it was all very romantic! And how wonderful that so many CFY team members were present to witness this huge event! Praise Yahuah!
So… Jean Pierre is getting married!!! HalleluYah! We are very happy for him! After 6 years of prayer! If you want to congratulate Jean Pierre or ask him questions, feel free to leave a comment!
Just in case you’re wondering who this lady is… it’s the very person typing this text. If you don’t yet know my name, just read the rest of this update and find it in the description at the bottom! It was an absolute privilege to write down this testimony and to write down the updates. All Glory and Praise to our wonderful and Almighty Heavenly Father Yahuah, our King and Savior Yeshua and the amazing Holy Spirit!!
It’s so special how the Father had assured that Johan and myself knew I was going to be Jean Pierre’s wife. When Jean Pierre had fallen terribly ill in August, the Holy Spirit had told him to ask Johan to pray for him. Johan, in turn, instructed me to pray. He told me that strength would come out of me, for I am his future wife. I had to pray sincerely to the Father for healing of Jean Pierre and so I did. I prayed like I had never prayed before. I prayed so hard. I kept going and going and even prayed some moments during the night. I prayed for healing, deliverance and salvation. Next to that I literally prayed for Jean Pierre to be as fit as a fiddle.
The next day the Holy Spirit instructed Johan to set up a full CFY healing, deliverance and salvation session whilst Jean Pierre was sleeping. That had never happened before. And the morning after Jean Pierre was being fully fit again! WHAT MIRACLES! My prayers were answered! Praise the Lord! How great is He?! HalleluYah!
During my first meeting with Johan and Naomi on 30.12.2022, which was over the phone, I had no idea who they were. At that time I was almost completely paralysed and the front door was open for the ambulance. Earlier I had, had moments in which I had been unable to speak. I expected not to live long anymore. That same night I accepted Yeshua as my King and Savior. After Johan’s prayer, which to me felt like deliverance, I could speak properly, walk and even dance and sing! HalleluYah!
And after that amazing miracle He now wants to give me a husband too?! And not just any husband, but Jean Pierre, man of Yahuah and leader of Agape Family with 3,048 ex-orphans?! I urge all of you to give your ALL for our Heavenly Father Yahuah. Don’t care about your life, your children, your job, your friends or whatever (Matthew 10:37). Be willing to do His will 100% and He will give you your heart’s desires. Prayers are answered and His will is ALWAYS GOOD! HalleluYah HalleluYah HalleluYah!
“He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:37-39 (NKJV))
In case you were wondering whether CFY was from our Heavenly Father or not, perhaps the above testimonies convinced you. They certainly worked through our team members. As our team member Lisa said the next day after this night with Jean Pierre: CFY is 1000% of Yeshua! HalleluYah Amen Amen Amen!
Now let’s get back to the children, whom we are doing it all for and who are where Yahuah’s heart is (James 1:27).
Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuah and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
The leadership system within Agape Family
For many of you, this might be a long-awaited update: the current leadership system within Agape Family! In our September update we mentioned how Jean Pierre was training more leaders. In this way Agape Family can keep running when he is abroad. For he will be going to the Netherlands and see Johan and his wife Naomi! They currently aren’t in Norway but in the Netherlands for CFY’s project MAN goes Norway, within which 2 mission vehicles are built to save more children’s lives (mangoesnorway.com – link provided at the bottom of this update).
Let’s first provide some background information. As you might know, entire CFY is the plan of our Heavenly Father Yahuah. This means Agape family is His as well. Everything is done according to the will of the Father, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. This includes Agape Family and it’s blueprint. We know that His plan is always good, even if we don’t understand it. After all Isaiah 55:5-8 mentions that His ways our higher than our ways. To provide you with a clear example: the Ark that Noah was told to build in Genesis has been researched. In the Bible its dimensions are provided and it turned out that it was the best sea vessel equipped for its task! It provided survival of the flood for 8 people and many animals. Other sea vessels would not have made it. So Yahuah’s plans ARE good!
Figuring out His will often starts with prayer. After prayer, we can receive confirmations about the Father’s will and these can come in many forms. You might hear from the Holy Spirit directly, through another person, the Bible and/or via teachings. Something out of the ordinary might happen as well. You might receive a special e-mail, have a special encounter with someone… the list is endless. When you combine these puzzle pieces, you might figure out His will.
Johan found out Yahuah’s plan regarding the structure of both Agape Family and Shalom Family. And we are still so amazed by it. Both families are led by only one adult leader and further consist of only children, teenagers and people in their twenties who grew up within the families (of course after almost 7 years they get a bit older). And they all take care of each other. Most of the 3,048 ex-orphans within Agape Family are what we call “the little ones” (from 3 years old) and they are taken care of by the older children. How amazing that our Heavenly Father Yahuah takes such good care of them without volunteers or paid people! They don’t depend on anyone except our Heavenly Father Yahuah and each other. And they know that if they don’t work, they’ll literally die. I guess you do get a drive from that, don’t you think?
Being the one main leader, Jean Pierre instructs certain subleaders. Since the beginning of the year Jean Pierre had been training more leaders. In July he had obtained 36 subleaders.
On 06.10 the leadership system consisted of Jean Pierre instructing 3 individual leaders:
- Igiraneza (25), who takes care of the children and the harvests. He is also Jean Pierre’s right-hand;
- Abayo (28) takes care of soap, menstrual pads and all other needs;
- Uwizeyimana (24) assures that all teams are functioning properly on a daily basis.
Jean Pierre, Igiraneza, Abayo and Uwizeyimana themselves instruct 182 trained helpers aged 19 to 24. These ex-orphans are all divided over several teams regarding the daily tasks within Agape Family.
The current Agape Family teams are:
- The cultivating team, which consists of 870 children aged 17 to 25;
- The washing team, which has 680 ex-orphans aged 14 to 21;
- The cooking team, with 460 children aged 19 to 25;
- Last but not least: the wonderful team which takes care of the 16 cows! They provide the little ones with milk. This team consists of 82 children aged 15 to 18.
The Holy Spirit, being the great God He is, also thought of how to keep everyone happy and motivated within Agape Family. The children are not appointed into a specific team, but they all get to decide what team they want to be in. How wonderful is that! And since everyone is growing up, “new” team members are trained as well. The washing team, for example, has children, aged 9 to 13, who are helping. In this way they are trained for later on!
But most importantly all children are getting love and attention, the way it’s supposed to be. For our Heavenly Father Yahuah loves His children. They deserve to be treated well. All children are being spoken to and receive time. They are checked to see how they are doing in every aspect of life: mentally, emotionally, spiritually and materially. Their clothes are being checked as well, whether they are the right size, whether they are not torn. Also their hair is being cut.
The children read the Bible and get English lessons. They take time for each other and get to know each other. After all, it takes some time to get well acquainted with over 3,000 family members! They are also having fun, with worshipping our Heavenly Father in song and dance. And they are playing soccer! See also the video below.
Text in the video: Playing soccer! Agape Family, Rwanda (3,048 ex-orphans). Ever played with only food every other day? Praise Yahuah/God for all the strength! He gives orphans a life! Do you see his flip-flops? We are praying our container with shoes will be shipped soon!
We don’t know when this movie was made. However we do know our ex-orphans are playing soccer while having eaten only every other day for over a year now. Praise the Holy Spirit for filling them with so much strength and happiness! Only the Almighty can do this. … Praise the Lord!
Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for all He does for the children. For the amazing leadership system and providing them with all the strength they need to keep going. After all, the ex-orphans have now gone over a year with only eating once every other day. How else can they play soccer, besides doing their daily tasks, other than with supernatural strength? All Glory and Praise to Him! Praise the Holy Spirit for providing them with so much joy, since that’s what the children deserve! We want to give them a LIFE! After all, they deserve to be a child, right?
No more cash
On 06.10 the decision was made to transfer money to Jean Pierre, so he wouldn’t have to deal with cash anymore. Before he was doing everything cash: paying for the grounds, the rent… Wow! Now he doesn’t have to do that anymore. This will be better for his safety considering robbers. Also it will be very convenient when he is the Netherlands and Agape Family has to keep running without him being present.
A beautiful harvest
On 06.10 the children harvested a staggering 31,400 kg potatoes and 18,900 kg beans! Thank You Heavenly Father for this beautiful harvest!
We are so grateful for the harvest and the self-sufficiency within Agape Family. The children are sowing and harvesting themselves. The harvested potatoes were grown from their own seed potatoes which they collected from other harvests. How wonderful! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for making this possible!
Text in the video: Food for the “little ones”! Agape Family, Rwanda (3,048 ex-orphans). Yahuah saved them from death by starvation. Yahuah gives orphans a LIFE! They now get food every other day. The two ladies are girls who grew up in Agape Family (3,048 ex-orphans). All children take care of each other without external resources.
The “little ones” in Agape Family getting food. Aren’t they adorable? We are so grateful that they are saved from death by starvation! And look at how calm they are waiting for their food, having only food every other day. Praise the Holy Spirit for providing them with the food and the supernatural peace. HalleluYah!
More self-sufficiency within Agape Family
We would like to take Agape Family’s self-sufficiency a step further. That’s why we currently are praying for self-sufficiency regarding soap and menstrual pads as well. We would love for Agape Family to make their own soap. Either by making it from scratch or creating small pieces out of large chunks. As for the menstrual pads, we are praying for the children to either make their own (washable?) menstrual pads. The alternative would be to buy these for them.
We have also spoken about a sewing machine. With the latter they could of course make their own clothes. How wonderful would that be, since so many children are still half naked? This is already a big difference with the 6,000 naked children back in December 2022. Children became naked due to the wear and tear of their clothes and washing as well. Besides that, there were many children who came from orphanages completely naked… Can you imagine being completely naked without any clothes day in and day out? What kind of life is that?
The Holy Spirit told Jean Pierre how ex-orphans, who owned clothes, had to give a piece of clothing to a naked child, hence now the half naked children. Yeshua also talks about this in Luke 3:11, where He states “He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” Of course the children didn’t have two tunics and gave one. They had pants and a shirt and had to give one away. So now there are no naked children in Agape Family anymore. Praise the Lord! However, we believe that all 3,048 ex-orphans deserve a complete outfit, don’t you?
“He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise.” (Luke 3:11 (NKJV))
In order to get the children the clothes they deserve, there’s a 40ft sea container ready for shipment stationed in Telemark, Norway. Johan and Naomi filled this container back in 2020 when they had just been sent to Norway by Yahuah. The container is packed with clothing for 10,000 children as well as 1,000 new blankets, many matrasses and so much more. Today many ex-orphans still sleep on the concrete floors. They don’t have beds, perhaps some banana leaves, boxes or blankets.
Maybe you’re wondering why the container hasn’t been shipped in 4 years’ time. When Johan and Naomi had enough money for the shipment, there was no company available for shipping. However, the moment a Danish company showed up through another brother in Christ, there were no finances for shipment due to other costs for the ex-orphans. Now, in 2024, the container is still ready for shipment and we pray and believe that it will be shipped really soon. You are very welcome to think or pray about how to make this possible. If you have ideas, you’re welcome to contact us. Let’s clothe all children in Agape Family! What a party that unpacking would be. Can you imagine: a 40ft sea container (12+ meters), absolutely STUFFED, being unpacked for 3,048 of the happiest faces on earth? Who wouldn’t want that to happen, let alone see that?!
The 40ft sea container which is ready for shipment to Agape Family. The container is stationed in Telemark, Norway and filled by Johan and Naomi. It is stuffed with clothing for 10,000 children as well as 1,000 new blankets (see the grey packages at the bottom-right photo), many matrasses and so much more. On the bottom-right photo you also see some private furniture of Johan and Naomi from their move to Norway. Of course items have now been exchanged for goods for the children. Any ideas for shipment to Rwanda are very welcome!
New menstrual pads and soap!
On 07.10 Johan received a go from the Holy Spirit to send a gift to Jean Pierre for menstrual pads and soap. Agape Family bought 335 packets of menstrual pads and 236 pieces of soap.
We are so grateful the children now have some form of hygiene again! Thank You Heavenly Father for Your provision! Oh how wonderful that would be for the girls, to have fresh clean menstrual pads after 5 months of washing the same pad… And of course for all 3,048 children to be able to wash and clean again!! HalleluYah!
Mandatory gift
On 09.10 the monthly gift, enforced by the government, was transferred from Johan to Jean Pierre. Every month the Rwandan government demands a substantial amount on Jean Pierre’s bank account. They threaten to close Agape Family if we don’t adhere to their request. Of course we don’t just agree with anything people say, since we are children of the Most High. But, after prayer, He allows for the money to be transferred, so He must have a plan! We believe some of this money will later on be used for the church which Yeshua Himself promised us through the resurrected children.
Yes. In 2022 a total of 1,006 children had gone to sleep (died) due to terrible circumstances. After prayer our Heavenly Father Yahuah raised over 700 children in different groups! HalleluYah! In February 2023 one group of resurrected children said they had seen a Man in white (Yeshua), Who had spoken to them. He had told them how He was sending them back to earth and how there would be a church, school and children’s hospital! So let’s keep on building that bank account for the church and praying for the building of it! HalleluYah!
Miracle: all 518 girls are completely healed!
Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah! All 518 girls, who suffered from infections on 04.10 after months of washing their menstrual pads, are COMPLETELY HEALED! For 9 days we prayed for them during our prayer nights. Of course our prayer army “Agape Family” prayed for them as well. During our prayer night on 13.10, just after I had prayed for healing of the girls, Jean Pierre reported to Johan that all girls were completely healed!! HalleluYah!
Be aware that this was all done through prayer! We can be absolutely certain about this, for the gift to buy soap and menstrual pads had only arrived that same day, 6 days after transfer. Wow! All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! What a miracle! 518 girls completely healed in 9 days’ time! Without any intervention! HalleluYah!
4,500 kg of beans ready for sowing!
On 15.10 Jean Pierre reported to Johan how they had 4,500 kg of beans ready for seeding. They scheduled the seeding for the upcoming week. These were all Agape Family’s own beans. How wonderful! This process had taken quite some time. It takes about 3-4 months for the beans to be ready and have the little roots they need to be properly seeded. If the seeding and harvesting of the beans would succeed, Agape Family would be completely self-sufficient regarding food!
Can you imagine 4,500 kg of beans altogether? To help you imagine the size, have a look at the picture below. These buckets are about 10 kg each, so for the entire sowing process about 450 buckets would be needed. Wow! We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father Yahuah for providing the children with the strength they need to carry these!
Beans in Agape Family. This picture was taken a few years ago, before Agape Family started sowing their own beans. For the scheduled seeding next week, 4,500 kg of beans were being prepared. Since these buckets are about 10 kg, the seeding next week would consist of about 450 buckets!!!
Update on Jean Pierre’s visa
On 16.10 Jean Pierre went to the visa agency to pick up mail from the Netherlands regarding his visa. CFY team members in the Netherlands had prepared documents for him and sent them to Rwanda. At the pick-up Jean Pierre encountered a very kind believing woman. He shared testimonies with her about the miracles Yahuah had done. She gave him lots of advice on what he had to do for his visa. How wonderful! Thank You Father for that woman!
Big harvest!
On 19.10 the children harvested again and brought home 32,450 kg of potatoes and 9,364 kg of beans. HalleluYah! Thank You Father for this beautiful provision!
Again there had been lots of rain. This harvest was bigger than the last one, so let’s pray that the next one will be even bigger! It’s still so amazing what our Heavenly Father Yahuah did for the children in terms of harvest! It might seem so normal, but the miracle is still so huge! Let’s not forget how earlier this year the potato harvest tripled and the bean harvest quadrupled… This all happened in a few months’ time as can be seen below. How great is He!!
Tripling of the potato harvest and quadrupling of the bean harvest within Agape Family. This all occurred in less than 4 months’ time. All Glory and Praise to our Lord and Savior Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ!
Jean Pierre visited the embassy
On 21.10 Jean Pierre went to the embassy to give out all the documents from the Netherlands he received at the visa agency on 16.10. This time he went not just by himself. Isimbi, his 9 year old half sister, was with him. Also her best friend Moses (about 3 years old) accompanied them. Moses’ age is unknown, since he was a foundling. What a big outing for them after all this time within Agape Family!
Back in 2017 Agape Family started off with just Jean Pierre and Isimbi, who was then almost 3 years old herself. If Johan hadn’t sent his last €20, when the Holy Spirit had told him to do so, she would have died after 3 days of eating mud. It truly matters what we do in life! We are so grateful she has grown up to be 9 already! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!
Photo of Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, and his half-sister Isimbi (almost 3 years old). This is the first picture Johan received of Jean Pierre in December 2017. Isimbi has now grown up to be a 9 year old girl and true prayer warrior! She leads prayer nights in which she prays with dozens of other children in Agape Family, can you imagine? Wow!
On 21.10 it rained severely. So much for their outing. At the embassy Jean Pierre was told that it would take 10 working days before he would receive an answer. Let’s see what the embassy has to say regarding his visa in our November updates! Of course we’re praying he will get his visa so he can go overseas!
Isimbi is sick
On 23.10 Johan received news from Jean Pierre that Isimbi had gotten very sick from the day she had been in the city… Moses was fine.
After much prayer, Isimbi’s health started to get better every day. After drinking lots of hot water, she was fully healed in 5 days on 28.10! Thank You Heavenly Father!! We are so grateful she is doing well again! HalleluYah!
Sowing potatoes only
Perhaps you noticed that most of Agape Family’s harvests consisted of both potatoes and beans. However on 25.10 it was decided that, from now onwards, beans would no longer be sown. Agape Family would now only sow their own harvested seed potatoes. This decision had been made for several reasons.
First of all, potatoes are healthier than beans. You can read all about that in CFY’s other project Medical Medium lifestyle (medicalmediumlifestyle.com – link provided at the bottom of this update), which is all about eating according to Genesis 1:29. This is the way Yahuah intended us to eat in the first place. In the Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group you can receive coaching from Naomi, Johan’s wife, who received a ministry from Yahuah to help the sick heal (link to the Facebook group is also provided at the bottom of this update).
Secondly sowing and harvesting Agape Family’s own beans had failed up to this moment. In the screenshot below Jean Pierre reported to Johan how sowing their own beans had failed 3 times… The last time the beans did not have roots.
Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 23.10 via Facebook Messenger. Johan asked Jean Pierre how the seeding of Agape Family’s own beans was going. Jean Pierre reported how they tried three times and how none of those times succeeded. Eventually, after this message and of course prayer, it was decided the family would stop trying to seed their own beans.
Agape Family would now finish all the beans they had left (after all, on 15.10 they had prepped 4,500 kg for seeding) and then switch completely to potatoes.
By switching to sowing and harvesting potatoes only, Agape Family is fully self-sufficient regarding food! They don’t depend on anyone outside of the family, how wonderful is that! They only depend on our amazing Heavenly Father for strength and the harvests. We know famines are coming and, with the upcoming antichrist system, there will be no money left either. It might seem crazy, but it’s true. In agenda 2030 they have lined up a world where people don’t have money. It’s the intention to go completely cashless and to implant everyone with a chip in order to be able to buy or sell. The latter is most likely the so-called mark of the beast. You can read more on this topic in the book of Revelation in the Bible. We are so thankful how our Heavenly Father Yahuah is preparing his children for the upcoming times. As stated in Revelation this world is getting darker, but we believe that there will be special blessings for the children of Yahuah.
Prayer points
Wow, what an update with so many different topics! From the miracle with the police in providing 1,600 bars of soap to Jean Pierre finding out who his future wife is! Let’s not forget the huge miracle of the 518 girls with infections being completely healed in 9 days’ time after prayer alone! Wow. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,248 ex-orphans (3,048 in Agape Family and 200 in Shalom Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc)
- Harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are;
- Supernatural protection of Agape Family and Shalom Family;
- Stop of the forced monthly payments from the government for Agape Family;
- Good preparation of Agape Family for Jean Pierre’s absence;
- Everything Jean Pierre needs for his overseas trip (visa, ticket etc);
- The 40ft sea container being shipped to Agape Family;
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
Want to assist?
In case you are on fire for the children as well and want to do something for them, you are more than welcome! Everyone who is doing something for the ex-orphans will be blessed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah on a spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and material level. And it’s so much fun and rewarding! If you want to share your gifts and/or talents with CFY or have ideas for improvement, feel free to contact us. Sharing this update and CFY (social media) news in all your online and off-line networks is always welcome too! After all everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150.000.000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide! Let’s not forget His heart is with the orphans, the widows, the poor and the oppressed.
Miracles & Expenses in November 2024
Stay tuned for next month… will the potato harvests be bigger, will Jean Pierre get his visa? Will there be a sewing machine? Will Jean Pierre have found WiFi so we can show you more pictures and videos? Will the children be eating daily?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart 😊.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Other projects within the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Each project is part of CFY. Therefore supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle – Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance.
Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation