Dear friend of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (CFY),


Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 November 2024 to 30 November 2024.


A new feature this month is the option to listen to this update (see video below). Take your pick and enjoy reading and/or listening!



Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 28 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

A new option: listen to this update!

This update was recorded and published on our own Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation YouTube channel. Enjoy listening and/or continue reading below!

A 40 ft sea container in the Netherlands?


In our October updates we shared about the full 40 ft sea container we have stationed in Telemark, Norway. Johan and his wife Naomi, founders of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation, filled this container. It is packed with clothing for 10,000 children as well as 1,000 new blankets, many matrasses and so much more. Today many of the 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family are still half naked and sleep on concrete floors. They don’t have beds, perhaps some banana leaves, boxes or blankets. Imagine your child telling you he or she is going to bed. However, instead of going into his or her own room with a cosy bed, he or she simply lies down on the concrete floor to spend the night there. What kind of life is that?!


Everyone is welcome to help ship this container! You can pray, share this update, tell us your ideas, provide support and/or assist in the shipment itself. Feel free to contact us and/or leave a comment below!

The 40ft sea container that is ready for shipment to Agape Family. The container is stationed in Telemark, Norway and filled by Johan and Naomi, founders of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation. It is stuffed with clothing for 10,000 children as well as 1,000 new blankets (see the grey packages at the bottom-right picture), many matrasses and so much more. On the bottom-right picture you also see some private furniture of Johan and Naomi from their move to Norway in 2020. Of course some of those items have now been replaced by supplies for the 3,048 ex-orphans. Ideas and/or assistance for shipment to Rwanda are very welcome!

Back in 2020 Johan had received a dream about multiple containers that would go to Rwanda, one after the other. Dutch CFY team member Lisa had wanted to send a container to Africa for years, but it had never happened. This was before she joined CFY. On 16.10.2024, during one of our CFY prayer nights, we prayed specifically for a container in Lisa’s street. We also prayed for people to come from far and wide to bring clothes. 


On 28.10 Lisa’s daughter encountered tons of stuff being put outside, just around the corner from their home. It belonged to a refugee shelter and the people in charge told us we could take it away for the children FOR FREE! We took action immediately and prayed to see if it was the will of our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God to get the stuff for the ex-orphans. After all, at CFY, we only want to do His will. The MAN bus was and still is in the process of being transformed into a house on wheels. It is CFY’s mission vehicle to get more attention for the ex-orphans (mangoesnorway.com – link provided at the bottom of this update). We asked Yahuah to show us whether it was his will to get the stuff for the children. The MAN bus should be available and a Shurgard (a type of storage unit) should be arranged. If it was not His will, He would prevent either one or both things from happening.


Guess what: the MAN bus was free for driving and the storage unit got arranged, even on the ground floor. Praise the Lord! What a beautiful gift, all those items for our 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family! Together with Johan and Naomi, Lisa and her daughter took in about 60 matrasses, tables, chairs and clothing. After two rides it was all packed up and stored. Thank you, team members, for all your hard work! For an impression of the day, see our video below.

Text in the video: Supplies gathered for our 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape family Rwanda. Do you know about or do you own a sea container? Do you know or are you our transporter?

After months of prayer…  Around the corner from CFY team members. FOR FREE! The MAN 4×4 was picked up. We were happy the camper was still empty! Are you joining in filling it for our 3,048 children? Get in touch in case you:

  • would like to donate clothing;
  • know about a sea container or own one;
  • are or know our transporter

+31 6 53 97 15 16 (Johan, founder CFY)

The Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation has saved 3,248 orphans and street children in Rwanda since 2017. Give orphans a future!

Besides all the items we picked up, they told us we could get 150 matrasses more on 01.12. What a birthday gift, since that day marks 7 years of CFY! HalleluYah! Of course we prayed again for a Dutch sea container!

Fast transfer of the demanded 6 million rwf (over €4,000)


The Rwandan government demands a substantial amount of money on leader Jean Pierre’s bank account every month. They threaten to close Agape Family if we don’t adhere to their request. We are so grateful our Heavenly Father Yahuah provided the money for this month as well!


On 06.11 Johan transferred the amount to Jean Pierre. Usually it takes at least 6 to 10 days for the money to arrive. However this time it already arrived on 08.11, just two days after transfer! Thank You Father!

Lots of rain


On 07.11 there was a lot of rain in Agape Family. We feel for the 3,048 ex-orphans, since they don’t have rain coats. Especially the leaders often have to walk in the rain for hours. What would you do if you’re drenched and you don’t have central heating to warm you up and only a concrete floor to stand on? Oh how blessed we are!


We are sure the children felt blessed as well, since Jean Pierre shared how the rain is good for the harvests. So that means more food for them to eat, HalleluYah! They have only been eating every other day since September last year. Thank You Father for the rain!

E-mailing 40 ft sea container companies


On 08.11 the CFY team got a go from the Holy Spirit to make a list of all 40 ft sea container companies in the Netherlands. After accepting Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we receive His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lets us know Yahuah’s will. One way, in which He can do that, is by speaking to us directly.


On 09.11 we set up an e-mail to send to all the companies. Something similar was done before regarding the trailer for the MAN bus, where we got the task to e-mail all closed trailer companies in the Netherlands. The Father always wants to give everyone a chance to join CFY and do something for His Kingdom. He cares for souls and wants as many souls as possible to be saved. After accepting Yeshua, it’s our job to care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed (James 1:27). What better way to do that than by serving CFY? After all, our mission is to save 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!


Let’s see where these e-mails would lead us!

Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuah/God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)). 

Harvesting and room for multiple 40 ft sea containers


On 16.11 the ex-orphans harvested 32,608 kg of potatoes and 5,490 kg of beans. In Agape Family the 3,048 ex-orphans all take care of each other without external resources. They also do the sowing and harvesting themselves. Can you imagine sowing and harvesting with only food every other day? Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for providing them with all the strength and the amazing harvest!


The same day Jean Pierre also reported to Johan how they would have room in Agape Family for more than 1 sea container (12+ m long). 2 to 3 containers could easily fit on their terrain. The children of Agape Family currently live in 9 school buildings which can house up to 10,000 children.


Johan thought it was very special Jean Pierre shared this information about room for multiple containers. Just when we were busy with a Dutch container, Jean Pierre mentioned this to Johan. How extraordinary! What do you think it means? What if more than one extra container would come in the Netherlands? After all, Johan had had his dream in 2020. Sometimes things are present in the Spirit without our knowledge. The Holy Spirit is all-knowing and can work through anyone (1 John 3:20). How wonderful would it be if we would not only ship a Norwegian and a Dutch container to Agape Family, but others as well! Because ALL 3,048 ex-orphans deserve to live a dignified LIFE! And there’s so much they need! You don’t live life with food, clothing and matrasses alone, do you?

Big harvest and preparations for sowing


On 22.11 the older children harvested in the rain. Yuck! They took in a staggering 36,408 kg of potatoes and 2,976 kg of beans. How wonderful! This is almost 4,000 kg of potatoes more than on 16.11! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for this beautiful harvest! In the Bible it is said how Isaac had sowed in the land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold (Genesis 26:12). We like being bold and pray for harvests that are 7 million times bigger than usual. Over the past few months we have already seen the tripling and quadrupling of the potato and bean harvests! Prayer works, so join us! Oh how we are looking forward to the day that all 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family can eat every single day! We believe it will happen!

Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him (Genesis 26:12 (NKJV)). 

The same day the children made preparations to sow new seed potatoes. These seed potatoes come from earlier harvests, which makes Agape Family fully self-sufficient in terms of food. The government demands the grounds to be filled straight after harvesting and they threaten to confiscate them otherwise. By doing this, many people have already lost their lands and subsequently their lives as well through starvation. We are so grateful Agape Family still owns their grounds and is independent from outside sources for seeds. Praise our Heavenly Father for installing this amazing system and for all the times He protected the grounds (you can read more on those topics in the former updates).

Update on Jean Pierre’s visa


In our September update we shared with you how Jean Pierre is coming to the Netherlands! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah revealed that to us through dreams and visions and a multitude of other confirmations. Confirmations can come in many ways such as through reading His Word, someone telling you something, seeing an e-mail, a post online or perhaps an advertisement. It’s how we get to know His will. Johan, Jean Pierre, his half sister Isimbi, myself and also other people received dreams, visions and/or other confirmations about Jean Pierre’s trip overseas. When he will be over here, he will speak at our Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation event and other events! So you might be able to see Jean Pierre in person and ask him questions! What would you ask a leader of 3,048 ex-orphans? In case you have a question right now, feel free to leave it in the comment section. We will make sure Jean Pierre gets it and his answer will be delivered to you!


For the last few months we have been making arrangements for his visa. On 22.11 Jean Pierre shared the requirements with Johan after he had received certain rules he had to adhere to. CFY team members set up a letter for Jean Pierre to take to the embassy. Let’s pray his visa will be given out soon!

A 40 ft sea container in the Netherlands!


On 25.11 the time had started ticking: It was the final day we could use the storage unit. The rent either had to be extended or we needed a container. To all our e-mails we had received about 10 to 15 replies. The Holy Spirit had told Johan the name Mitchell, one of the repliers, a few times, so he called him. It turned out he had a 40 ft sea container ready that could be delivered the very same day! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!


Eventually it all went so fast that Johan couldn’t make it to the delivery on time. Lisa assured the placing of the container in her neighbourhood. A dream come true! Thank You Father! Johan and CFY team member Sigurd got all the stored items from the storage unit and placed them inside the 40 ft sea container (see the photo below).

Filling of our Dutch 40 ft (12+ m) sea container by our CFY team members Johan and Sigurd. The items from the storage unit were transported with the MAN bus to the sea container. How wonderful the MAN bus hadn’t turned into a complete camper yet! This was all part of Yahuah’s big plan. And His plan is always perfect!

What a timing! The very last day we could use the storage unit! All Glory and Praise for our Heavenly Father Yahuah! He is never late!

Further filling and transport of the Dutch container


On 27.11 we gave people a chance to assist in filling the 40 ft sea container by posting on our social media channels (see photo below). Follow CFY on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok and Pinterest and share our posts! This way more people get a chance to assist in reaching our mission of saving those 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. And who wouldn’t want that?

Social media post for filling the Dutch container.

Text in the post: Let’s fill the container together! For Agape Family, Rwanda (3,048 ex-orphans). List with needs in the message.

The same day Johan and Jean Pierre discussed the transport of the Dutch container. They spoke about what would be best: transport via either Kenya or Tanzania.


In order to equip our children in Agape Family with all they need, Johan asked Jean Pierre on 28.11 about their needs. He replied with the following (see screenshot below):

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 28.11 via Facebook Messenger. Johan asked Jean Pierre about the needs of Agape Family so we could try to collect the items. Jean Pierre responded how they would need clothes, beds, sheets, all types of kitchen materials, transport equipment such as bikes, toys, musical instruments (piano, guitar, mixers and others), balls for the children to play with and Bibles.


You might notice how Jean Pierre also mentioned televisions and radios in order to learn new worship songs. Johan, as instructed by the Holy Spirit, strongly advised against this. After all, as children from Yahuah we have to be very critical as to what we take in.

On 30.11 we also posted the Dutch container on our special missions page on this website. On this page you find all CFY’s current special missions, including the Norwegian container and the MAN bus. Below you find the link to the page as well as our current list with needs for our 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family. Feel free to share this link in all your networks! Let’s fill the Dutch container, ship it to Rwanda and give the children a LIFE!

In case you would like to donate supplies for our Dutch container, you can contact Johan on +31 6 53 97 15 16 or via info@callingfromyahuah.com.


Hereby our list with needs for our 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family, Rwanda:

  • All types of 4 season clothing, (rain) coats, scarfs, gloves for different ages (0 to 28 years old);
  • All types of shoes in all sizes (including wellington boots);
  • Seeds for fruits and vegetables (such as lettuce, apple trees and lemon trees);
  • All types of scissors (paper, fabric, nail scissors);
  • Band-aids, bandages, scissors;
  • (Toxic free) washable menstrual pads;
  • Cotton cloths, flannel and waterproof fabric for making washable menstrual pads;
  • Toothbrushes (no toothpaste!);
  • All types of tools;
  • Bibles in English and Kinyarwanda;
  • Basic toys (like teddy bears, skipping ropes, soccer balls, etc);
  • Colouring tools (paper, colouring pencils);
  • Different types of bicycles (small, big, etc);
  • Flashlights that don’t require batteries;
  • Old phones (chargers are welcome too and they do have electricity);
  • All gardening tools (such as rakes, brooms, shovels, wheelbarrows, and equipment for carrying harvest for they sow and harvest themselves);
  • (Waterproof) bags and backpacks;
  • All sewing supplies (such as sewing machines, (cotton) fabric, needle and thread);
  • All kitchen tools (ovens, spatulas, pots and pans, peelers, buckets, bowls, dishwashing bowls, towels and tea towels);
  • Baby baths for small children;
  • All bathroom linen (such as towels and washing cloths);
  • All sleeping gear (beds, matrasses, pillows, sleeping mats, sleeping bags, linens);
  • School supplies (pens, paper, backpacks);
  • Carpet and vinyl rolls and isolation foil (they now only have concrete floors);
  • Umbrellas;
  • All kinds of musical instruments (such as pianos, guitars, mixers and others);
  • Lamps (also light bulbs are welcome);


Please provide all the goods you want to give packed in a bag or a box. The children will be so grateful to you!

A new CFY team member!


Like good ambassadors, all CFY team members daily tell people about Yeshua and CFY. We do so wherever we go. We share what people can do to help the 3,248 ex-orphans in CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come. Likewise we did so regarding the Dutch container and people started to bring in supplies!


On 30.11 a sister in Christ/Yeshua, befriended by team member Jan, brought clothing. A day before she had spoken with Johan and Naomi over the phone. She had shared how she had prayed and fasted for 24 hours against abortion, satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking. When she heard about our daily prayer group, in which we pray against the same issues, she wanted to join us! How wonderful! Since 04.10 the CFY team has been praying online every single night for all children across the world, in order to save them from all those issues. A lot of people don’t want to see it, but situations regarding children haven’t changed since George Müller, Johan’s example, founded his orphanages in the 1800s. Many children disappear in underground networks and are treated terribly in, for example, sex trafficking. Our Heavenly Father Yahuah feels for ALL children and wants us to take action. As followers of Yeshua our first weapon is prayer. Already in the first week we received many confirmations that our prayers are being answered. For example on 08.10 we came across an article about a German child porn network that had been busted! HalleluYah!


Yvonne joined us and hasn’t left! She is on fire for the children and has become a full-on CFY team member! Do you want to join us too? Feel free to contact us and fight with us! Let’s save those 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints worldwide, together! Let’s give them a LIFE! And it doesn’t have to be by being in our (international) online prayer group every single night. You don’t even have to be a believer. Anyone with a heart for the children is free to contact us. You are welcome to pray, share your gifts and/or talents, propose ideas for improvement, donate and/or take some other form of action. You can leave a comment in the comment section or fill out the contact form on this website. We look forward to meeting you!


As for the containers, we believe that the unpacking will be a huge party with all 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family. Obviously with lots of praise for our Heavenly Father Yahuah. We believe that CFY team members will be present in Rwanda to join the party. Will you join us as well? Perhaps it will be something like the video below. Enjoy our beautiful children and be blessed to be a blessing!

Text in the video: Worshipping Yahuah/God in Agape Family, Rwanda (3,048 ex-orphans).

The children have so little… They sleep on concrete floors. They praise Yahuah/God for saving them. Let’s give them a LIFE!


All 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family were saved from death by Yahuah. We are so grateful they are safe and not in underground networks… With the little they do have they praise our Heavenly Father so beautifully! What an example, for we need to thank Him in ALL circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). And He deserves it for He is ALWAYS GOOD! HalleluYah!

Prayer points


Wow, what an update! From a Norwegian container to increased harvests to a Dutch container and a new CFY team member! Wow. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!


Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:

  • Well-being of all 3,248 ex-orphans (3,048 in Agape Family and 200 in Shalom Family);
  • Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc.)
  • Harvests that are 7 million-fold of what they usually are;
  • Supernatural protection of Agape Family and Shalom Family;
  • Stop of the forced monthly payments for Agape Family by the government ;
  • Good preparation of Agape Family for Jean Pierre’s absence;
  • Everything Jean Pierre needs for his overseas trip (visa, ticket etc.);
  • The Norwegian container being shipped to Agape Family;
  • The Dutch container being filled and shipped to Agape Family;
  • CFY going global both online and offline;
  • Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
  • The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
  • Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!

Miracles & Expenses in December 2024


Stay tuned for next month, which will be a very special edition! On 01.12.2024 it will be 7 years since the start of CFY! 7 means perfect or complete in Yahuah’s Kingdom, so let’s see what blessings He has in store for the children! Will Jean Pierre get his visa? Will the Dutch container be full? Will the children be eating daily?


Let’s find out! Until that time:


Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart.


He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!


We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!


Be blessed to be a blessing!


Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation

Other projects within the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation


MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle


Each project is part of CFY. Therefore supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!


MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.

Medical Medium lifestyle – Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance.

Written by:


Carina Meijer

Ambassador (voluntary basis)

Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation





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Jan van der Meij
Jan van der Meij
01/14/2025 22:50

Wow wat een grote wonderen weer in de maand van November. We dienen een Yahuah van mega grote bovennatuurlijke wonderen en ze zullen alleen maar groter worden. De oogsten zullen mega groot worden zodat alle kinderen meer dan genoeg kinderen te eten hebben. Laten we bidden dat de containers heel snel vol zijn en op een boven natuurlijke manier naar Rwanda gezonden worden en mensen spullen blijven geven zodat er weer een nieuwe zeecontainer gevuld kan worden. Dank Uw voor alles wat Uw doet en dat dit wereldwijd verspreid gaat worden, Uw bent groot Yahuah en Uw gaat verder.

Last edited 1 month ago by Jan van der Meij
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