Dear friend of the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 December 2024 to 31 December 2024.
Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 28 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

7th anniversary!
On 01.12 it was exactly 7 years ago our mission started! What a journey it has been! In 2017 Johan, a former sex club owner, had screamed to Yahuah/God for his calling on earth. “Before the end of the year I need to know!” He begged, cried, fasted and prayed.
On 01.12.2017 Yahuah had arranged a supernatural meeting with Jean Pierre, an orphan from Rwanda. During the conversation on Facebook Messenger the Holy Spirit of Yahuah spoke to Johan. He said that he had to care for Jean Pierre and his half sister Isimbi (2.5 years old) from now on. At that moment they had been eating mud for three days! In obedience Johan transferred his last €20 and the next day street children started to come to Jean Pierre. Agape Family was born! Now, 7 years later, Jean Pierre is still leader of Agape Family with 3,048 ex-orphans! What a miracle! All Glory for our Heavenly Father Yahuah!

7th anniversary! From Jean Pierre and Isimbi on 01.12.2017 to 3,048 ex-orphans within Agape Family on 01.12.2024!
The 7 years were very long with many hardships, such as not eating for days, thousands of naked children, thousands of deceased children, sleeping on concrete floors and the government who wanted to close Agape Family. We are so grateful our Heavenly Father was always with them and has done so many miracles.
He raised over 700 (!!) children from the dead and quadrupled the harvests. He even let His voice hear to government officials in August 2024 after which they didn’t close the family! HalleluYah!
We believe that, just like with Joseph in the Bible, after 7 years of famine now the years of plenty have arrived. A start of that was the 40 ft sea container in the Netherlands ready to be filled with, amongst others, clothing and mattresses for Agape Family. And CFY won’t stop there.
Our mission is to save 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. And guess what: Johan found his calling on 01.12.2017, but this is not just for him. We are all CALLED by Yahuah to care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed. It’s found in so many places throughout the Bible, just like in James 1:27. Calling From Yahuah is for everyone, also for unbelievers. Shall we do it together, saving those 150,000,000 children?

Pure and undefiled religion before Yahuah/God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
Transfer of the 6 million rwf (over €4,000) demanded by the government
On 02.12 the monthly contribution, demanded by the government, was transferred again. Johan sent the 6 million rwf (over €4,000) to Jean Pierre. After adhering to all the monthly requests, Jean Pierre now has an amount of 50 million rwf (over €34,000) in his bank account! This amount was required before the end of the year in order for Agape Family to stay open. Wow! What other orphanage can get to such a large sum of money? We praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for His amazing provision!
This month the mountain had to be paid off for Agape Family as well, which was another 5 million rwf (over €3,500). Johan had wanted to do that the same day, but there was not enough money in the bank account. At CFY we fully trust our Heavenly Father Yahuah for provision. Johan and other CFY team members don’t take a salary. All money that enters CFY is spent according to the Father’s will and directly benefits the children. Johan and his wife Naomi even spared food from their own mouths when the Father told them money had to go to the children. And He always provided for the couple, for example by appointing a sister to bring them groceries. We only have to do His will and everything we need shall be given to us, as stated in Matthew 6:33. What an amazing God we serve!

But seek first the kingdom of Yahuah/God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Update on Jean Pierre’s visa
On 03.12 Jean Pierre joined our daily online prayer group. Here we pray for all children over the world. We are so grateful that, due to CFY, the 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family are safe and didn’t end up in dark underground networks. These are networks concerning satanic ritual abuse, paedophilia, prostitution, child labour and organ trade, to name some. CFY stands up for these children, for this HAS TO STOP! Especially street children are a big target. Did you know that Rwanda’s capital city Kigali alone contains 1,000,000 street children? We have to take action! Are you joining us?
During the prayer group Jean Pierre shared that his visa would be granted in January 2025. It was agreed upon that he would go to the embassy the following week. Jean Pierre is coming to the Netherlands and will speak at our Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation event and other events. If you want to, you can hear him speak! Oh the stories he would have to share about the 7 year journey and being a leader of 3,048 ex-orphans! Feel free to start asking him questions straight away by leaving a comment. We will make sure his answer gets back to you!
On 10.12 Jean Pierre went to the embassy with new documents made up by our CFY team, for the embassy had changed the rules again. They had stated that our event had to become a business meeting. We agreed to this. Let’s keep praying for his visa to be granted soon!
Unfortunately it had rained very hard on his way back and Jean Pierre had gotten sick from the cold. Can you imagine not just walking for hours when you have to go to the city, but also being absolutely drenched without a rain coat? Yuck! And afterwards you don’t have central heating to warm yourself up. Don’t imagine a hot meal either if it’s a day of no food in Agape Family. They have been eating every other day for over a year now. Their lives are so different from ours in the West.
Jean Pierre came home late. Because he had gotten so cold in his whole body he had to stay in bed until after 9 PM the next day. Then he started feeling better. What a miracle, especially in those circumstances! All Glory to our Heavenly Father Yahuah!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 11.12 via Facebook Messenger. Jean Pierre shares how it had rained so hard on him when he was leaving the city from visiting the embassy. It had caused him to be very cold in his whole body. He spent the entire day in bed until the writing of the message (9:49 PM). He was now getting better and praised our Heavenly Father Yahuah for rescuing him in the heavy rain.
Supplies for the Dutch 40 ft sea container!
On 11.12 Jean Pierre reported to Johan how all 3,048 ex-orphans were fine and prayed a lot for the container. They were praying for a good company to ship the containers very soon and reach Agape Family. Since last month we not only had our full container in Norway, but also a new 40 ft sea container in the Netherlands! We made a beginning with the filling and there’s so much the children need. Many are still half naked and they sleep on concrete floors. Of course that has to change, don’t you agree?
CFY team members had gotten into action and collected so many supplies! As true ambassadors we share about Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ and CFY wherever we go. Everyone needs to know it’s not about this life, but about the eternal one. You can only get to the Father if you accept Yeshua as your Lord and Savior. After accepting Yeshua, it’s your job to care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed (James 1:27).
People gave so many supplies! The living room of team member Jan was unrecognisable after being filled with so much stuff that people had given. It even contained a bike! This would mean less walking for hours, how wonderful!
On 12.12 Johan and his wife Naomi went to 5 different addresses to pick up all the supplies. They went with the MAN 4×4, that is still in the process of being transformed into a house on wheels. It is CFY’s mission vehicle to get more attention for the ex-orphans (mangoesnorway.com – link provided at the bottom of this update). We were grateful the MAN hadn’t turned into a complete camper yet and we could use it! Even as late as 11:30 PM Johan and Naomi were still loading the bus. Everything for the children!
On 13.12 our Heavenly Father Yahuah performed another miracle with the refugee shelter, that provided the first part of supplies for the Dutch container in October. They had said we could go through the entire shelter to take even more items for free! How wonderful! However, when multiple team members had travelled within the Netherlands and were ready to take action, we were suddenly told we were not welcome.
Now what?! After we accept Yeshua, we are given His Holy Spirit who knows all things. He can reveal things to you through dreams, visions, by speaking to you directly in an audible voice and by providing confirmations. Confirmations can come in many ways such as through reading His Word, someone telling you something, seeing an e-mail, a post online or perhaps an advertisement. It’s how we get to know His will. Since Johan hears the Holy Spirit speak audibly to him, he often knows what to say in a certain conversation. He was given the phone to speak to the refugee shelter, the Holy Spirit guided him and voilà, we could come and take goods from the building after all! What a miracle! All Glory and Praise to the Holy Spirit!
8 of our team members eventually took in mattresses, blankets, comforters, pillows and clothing, amongst other things. How wonderful for the children, for they deserve a dignified LIFE!
For an impression of the two days, see the video below. Thank you team and all other people who assisted and/or donated for our 3,048 ex-orphans! In case you would still like to give supplies, you can contact Johan on +31 6 53 97 15 16 or via info@callingfromyahuah.com.
Text in the video: Further filling of the container for 3,048 ex-orphans in Agape Family! They sleep on concrete floors. Many of the children are still half naked. CFY team members collected supplies! The MAN 4×4 is CFY’s mission vehicle. Filling or shipping: +31 6 53 97 15 16 (Johan, CFY founder). The Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation has saved 3,248 orphans and street children in Rwanda since 2017. Made by: Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (voluntary basis).
Team member Yvonne provided her own musical instruments for the container and they are so welcome! Jean Pierre is worship leader and sings. We all heard his amazing voice during the prayer meeting on 03.12. His future wife Carina, who is currently writing this update, sings as well. Jean Pierre’s right-hand Igiraneza plays the piano and on 16.12 Jean Pierre reported that 26 other boys and 3 girls in Agape Family are musical. Let’s provide Agape Family with all the music equipment they need so they can worship our Heavenly Father Yahuah properly! After all, he saved them from death! Can you imagine a choir of over 3,000 people?
(Washable) menstrual pads for 958 menstruating girls!
On 15.12 and 16.12 Jean Pierre reported to Johan how Agape Family was praying for menstrual pads. There were 958 girls having their period within Agape Family and they had no pads. Ladies among you, can you imagine having your period and no pad? Around 8 AM on 16.12 Jean Pierre reported how the girls had been inside since the night because they were bleeding so much…
Whenever the girls did have pads, they only got one for their entire period. While it’s better than none, it’s still no dignified life. Imagine what that would be like! Every time you would like to change a pad, you would have to leave it in. We feel this needs to change and thought of washable menstrual pads. Unfortunately after asking many sellers, Jean Pierre reported how there were no washable pads available in Rwanda (see screenshot below).

Conversations between Johan and Jean Pierre on 15.12 (left) and 16.12 (right) via Facebook Messenger. On 15.12 Jean Pierre shares how Agape Family keeps praying for a solution to the pad problem since there are no washable pads in Rwanda. Jean Pierre had asked many sellers. 958 girls were in their period and they didn’t have any pads. Around 8 AM on 16.12 Jean Pierre reported how the girls had been inside since the night because they were bleeding so much… By then they were on their knees praying for pads…
For these reasons, we wanted to make the washable pads ourselves. We also wanted to provide Agape Family with sewing machines so they could make their own. Jean Pierre had already told us how 68 girls in Agape Family could work with a sewing machine and even knew how to make clothes for the children! Oh how wonderful would that be!
Team member Saskia was already sewing menstrual pads herself in Norway and her mother wanted to donate a sewing machine! Team member Yvonne had wanted to donate a sewing machine as well. On 15.12 already 2 sewing machines were donated at Fripaan, the company who gave the trailer for the MAN 4×4 for free! Anyone is welcome to pitch in for the children! In case you want to help as well, but don’t know how, take your pick from the options below (see photo). There are so many things you can do (for free!)

How would you like to help the children in Agape Family? Feel free to pray, share our messages on social media, give sewing machines so they can make their own clothes and (toxic free) washable menstrual pads. Of course you can also make and/or give (toxic free) washable menstrual pads, place and/or send a 40 ft sea container, use your gifts and/or talents, share CFY in all your networks and/or give supplies such as clothing, mattresses and toys. Donating is also an option.
You are free to pray, share our social media messages and our updates such as this one. You can always use your gifts and/or talents. I like writing and am allowed to write these updates, but there’s so much more you can do! Besides making (toxic free) washable menstrual pads and providing sewing machines, you can give clothing or stuffed animals, and of course place and/or send containers! For a full list of supplies, see our Agape Family update of November 2024. Feel free to discuss your thoughts with us and call Johan on +31 6 53 97 15 16.
WiFi in Agape Family?
On 16.12 we were looking for possibilities to get a WiFi connection within Agape Family. Oh how wonderful would that be! For years Jean Pierre had to find places with WiFi and he was refused so many times. WiFi would mean more photos and videos of the children! And who knows, perhaps a live stream and different children testifying about the amazing miracles our Heavenly Father has done for them? How would you like to speak to a resurrected child!
New soap and menstrual pads!
On 16.12 we were also looking for ways to be self-sufficient in soap, since Agape Family now uses 308 bars of soap every month. The 958 menstruating girls now use 160 packets of menstrual pads per month. 2 packets contain 12 pads which are used by 12 girls for 6 days.
On 18.12 Johan received a go from the Holy Spirit to transfer a gift to Agape Family for 160 pads and 150 pieces of soap. HalleluYah! Thank You Father!
On 18.12 and 19.12 we learned from Jean Pierre how the girls now organise the pads on their bodies with normal clothes and how they don’t have underwear. Wow! Saskia had again made a bunch of washable menstrual pads and was ready to make the buttons for clinging them to underwear. She decided to make the buttons after all for she hoped there would come underwear and then they would have a better fit. Let’s do it by faith!

CFY team member Saskia had just finished making another stack of washable menstrual pads. As you can see, these are ready for buttons. Thank you for all your hard work, dear sister. If you want to join Saskia in making pads, you can! She’s in Norway, but let’s join in all over the world. After all, we’re aiming for at least 2 washable pads per girl, which is 1,016 pads. And since the children age, only more will be needed!
Multiple harvests!
On 21.12 the older children in Agape Family harvested a beautiful 31,807 kg of potatoes. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah! What a miracle. The ex-orphans sow and harvest themselves. Can you imagine doing that with only food every other day? What strength they got and what a huge harvest!
Jean Pierre reported how multiple organisations were closed again by the government for not having the demanded 50 million rwf (over €34,000) in their bank accounts. Again we are so grateful for Yahuah’s provision for Agape Family! Otherwise the family would have been closed a long time ago.
On 29.12 there was a smaller harvest of 12,580 kg of potatoes. It had been raining severely, so they couldn’t take a lot of potatoes. Yuck! Harvesting in the rain… Oh how blessed we are with supermarkets! By the way, did you know that our Heavenly Father Yahuah blessed us to be a blessing? And He is so good that He blesses anyone who blesses the children. In a physical, emotional, spiritual, financial and material way. Ask anyone who has done something for CFY and they can all testify to this!
Last container update
On 29.12 CFY team member Lisa provided us with a beautiful update regarding the Dutch container: it was almost full (see photo)!

Update of the container, provided by our team member Lisa on 29.12. Wow. On 28.10 her daughter encountered the supplies from the refugee shelter. About 2 months later the 40 ft (12+ m) container is almost full! All Glory and Praise for our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the amazing miracle of provision and touching so many people’s hearts! Will you transport it to Rwanda or do you know our transporter?
Oh how much has happened and how much everyone has done! Lisa has organised so much, having the container just around the corner from her home and even travelled to people to do pick-ups. Bas assisted with the loading. Sigurd as well and, just like Delia, he gave some of his own stuffed animals. Yvonne bought new fabric in the market place and Sarinah ordered 70 underpants for the children! Wow! Remember how Saskia decided to sow the buttons, hoping there would be underwear? Here it was already! Praise our Heavenly Father for working through Sarinah! Of course 70 underpants are not enough for 3,048 ex-orphans, but we have to start somewhere. Will you follow through?
Agape Family owns the mountain!
At the beginning of this update you read about the over 700 (!!) children who were raised from the dead. They were raised in different groups. 12 resurrected children testified on 24.01.2023 how a Man in white (Yeshua) had told them He would soon return to earth. Wow! Praise our Lord and Savior! He also shared how there would come 2 pieces of land on which a church, a school and a children’s hospital would be built.
Within a month the pieces of land, now known as “the mountain” presented themselves! Due to many miracles from our Heavenly Father Yahuah Agape Family was able to buy the mountain. And for an amazing price (also see our former updates)! HalleluYah! Before the end of 2024 we had to finish the payment of the remaining 5 million rwf (over €3,500). There was a lot of spiritual battle regarding the mountain. No wonder, since a church, a school and a children’s hospital are very important. In Ephesians 6 we are told that we don’t fight against flesh and blood. We fight against spiritual forces. Satan is real and can use anyone who has not accepted Yeshua. This time he used the government. Since the mountain sellers were under pressure because they were having a loan, amongst other things, the government took over the payment of Agape Family. They forced the family to pay in time and the final day for payment was 31.12. As we wrote before, in the beginning of the month there was not enough money in Johan’s bank account.
On 30.12, one day before the deadline, Johan had the money! HalleluYah!!! Praise our Heavenly Father for the provision! Again! However he couldn’t transfer to Jean Pierre’s regular bank account due to the time it would take. The spiritual forces also tried to stop the sending of the money via Western Union. Johan had to show his passport and his bank details. Also he got a block at trying to send the money in one go. However the Father’s will always prevails and he was able to send it in two parts! HalleluYah!
The very same day Jean Pierre went to the notary and everything was put on paper. Jean Pierre came home very late, but with good news:
What a huge blessing after 7 years! All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah! Oh He performed so many miracles with the mountain! Resurrections, Yeshua speaking to the children, the prophecy of the mountain coming true, the miracles with the pricing of the mountain, the provision of the money and the arrival!
Off to the next chapter: let’s go and have that church built!
Prayer points
Wow, what an update! From the 7 year celebration of the mission and Agape Family to menstrual pads, sewing machines, the container being almost full and of course owning the mountain!! HalleluYah! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!
Will you join us in prayer in order to keep the children safe and provide them with better lives? For your convenience, we have made a list to give you some ideas:
- Well-being of all 3,208 ex-orphans (3,048 in Agape Family and 160 in Shalom Family);
- Abundance in all the children need for the rest of their lives (e.g. eating every day, having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on, tables, Bibles etc.)
- Harvests that are 7 million-fold of what they usually are;
- Supernatural protection of Agape Family and Shalom Family;
- Stop of the forced monthly payments for Agape Family by the government ;
- Good preparation of Agape Family for Jean Pierre’s absence;
- Everything Jean Pierre needs for his overseas trip (visa, ticket etc.);
- The Norwegian container being shipped to Agape Family;
- The Dutch container being filled and shipped to Agape Family;
- CFY going global both online and offline;
- Everyone sharing CFY’s messages on social media;
- The right helpers, friends and sponsors for CFY;
- Everything necessary so we can reach our mission of saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!
Miracles & Expenses in January 2025
Stay tuned for next month. Let’s see what other blessings the Father has in store for the children! Will Jean Pierre get his visa? Will the Dutch container be full and shipped? Will the children be eating daily?
Let’s find out! Until that time:
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
We thank you for reading this update. Feel free to share comments and ideas (for improvement of CFY) below!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
Other projects within the Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation
MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle
Each project is part of CFY. Therefore supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? So feel free and take a look!
MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. It will be used to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come.
Medical Medium lifestyle – Naomi’s ministry in which she is helping the sick heal through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29. This way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the website, there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group with 8000+ members. It’s possible to receive guidance.
Written by:
Team Calling From Yahuah Netherlands Foundation (voluntary basis)