Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2024.
Currently with 200 ex-orphans (3 to 21 years old) and leader Joseph (since 2018).

Look after those in need…
In the Bible it is written how we need to treat other people. And how we especially need to look after those in need. As you may probably know by now Yahuah’s/God’s heart is with the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed.
Does that mean the children don’t have to do anything for our King and Savior Yeshua/Jesus Christ Who gave His life for us? No! Take a look at their example and it might make you re-examine your own life, whether you are a believer or not.
On 08.06 Joseph visited a woman with 2 children. He paid the visit together with 30 children from Shalom Family and one of the helpers who helped the family fix the kitchen in May. Back then the Shalom Family kitchen had been damaged by storms and our Heavenly Father Yahuah performed an amazing miracle through the police commander as well as helpers that He sent to help fix the kitchen (see our May update for that full and amazing miracle of our Heavenly Father Yahuah).
This time Joseph, the children and the helper were there to help the woman with 2 children. They fixed her house with cement and gave her food (see screenshot below).

Conversation between Johan and Joseph via WhatsApp Messenger on 09.06. Joseph shares how he visited a woman with 2 children together with 30 children from Shalom Family and one of the helpers who helped the family fix the kitchen in May. They fixed her house with cement and gave her food.
Take into account that the cement was given to Shalom Family by our Heavenly Father Yahuah to fix their kitchen and now they are passing it on. How wonderful! And as for the food: be reminded that the children at Shalom Family are only eating every other day and they are sparing food from their own mouths to help other people. That is what Yeshua would do! HalleluYah!
Does this mean you need to help everyone in need? No.
Why not?
Well, because only God Almighty knows who needs help and in what way. And His plan is always good. It could well be that because of something someone’s going through they get closer to Yahuah if you let them be than if you were to provide them with help. Or perhaps our Heavenly Father wants to perform a different miracle (remember the kitchen from last month: Johan was not allowed to send money to Joseph and the Father performed a beautiful miracle through the police commander which wouldn’t have been possible if Johan had sent money).
Therefore you always need guidance from the Holy Spirit. You need to have His wisdom in whom to help. To make it easy for you: it is okay to help the children in Shalom Family and Agape Family, for they have been chosen by our Heavenly Father Yahuah Himself! But Joseph helps other people with the children under guidance of the Holy Spirit. Just so you know.
And if you want to operate under the guidance of the Holy Spirit as well and you don’t know how to do this, you can always contact Johan and Naomi (also see the tab counseling on the website – link provided at the bottom of this update), for they counsel people in this regard, as well as in all other aspects of life (body, mind, soul, emotional, financial, and material). Naturally they also provide help for all the children in the families, as well as the leaders. And when you are doing well, you can even be of better service to Yahuah and the children!
The flu in Shalom Family
On 10.6 entire Shalom Family had been coughing and suffering from the flu. Joseph reported to Johan how he had been hit as one of the worst. He also told Johan how they expected a big harvest of sweet potatoes soon!
On 18.6, a week later, Joseph was fully healed. Since he didn’t have access to honey and/or lemon, he healed with natural plants (see screenshot below). Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the healing!
Is it strange that Joseph had to do something to heal? Why did he do something? Couldn’t he just pray? Of course he could.
In fact Joseph had prayed about it and then did what the Holy Spirit had told him to do.
Oftentimes our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants to see us do something else as well and then He can bless it. In this case He certainly did that. Cause how special is it, that you are only eating every other day and a little over a week later you are cured from the flu with natural plants? That has to be the blessing of our Heavenly Father! And how beautiful that He both made the plants who helped with the cure as well as answered Joseph’s prayer for healing! All praise for Him!

Conversation between Johan and Joseph via WhatsApp Messenger. Joseph shares how the Holy Spirit had instructed him to use natural plants and how step by step healing from the flu was taking place. Praise God/our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the healing!
The village leader is ashamed again!
On 20.6 the village leader was filled with shame again, because he came over to check the kitchen and saw it was fully restored. After that he hasn’t been back to Shalom Family anymore.
Joseph told Johan how they expect a big harvest between 14 and 20 July. Of course we are praying for a huge harvest!! Are you praying with us? As you’ve probably read in the updates, from March onwards our Heavenly Father Yahuah has already performed MULTIPLE miracles regarding the harvests. After initial doubling and tripling, He then quadrupled the harvest for Agape Family in May! So enjoy praying and thanking Him in advance for the biggest harvest of this year!!!
10 people surrender their lives to Yeshua
On the same day (20.6) Joseph also visited the hospital again. This time he went with 30 children. The children were from 6 to 10 years of age and 12 to 16. Over there 10 people (4 men and 6 women) surrendered their lives to Yeshua. Johan reported that most of the time women are the majority when it comes to people giving their lives to our King and Savior.
Joseph reported that the gate this time opened without any problem. The last time they weren’t allowed in the hospital. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah that the gate did open this time! In the hospital Joseph shared Yahuah’s Word and started off with a beautiful passage from Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28 (NKJV)).
Joseph also told them about eternal life (see Joseph’s own report to Johan below).

Conversation between Johan and Joseph via WhatsApp Messenger.
Joseph shares with Johan how he visited the hospital on 20.6 with 30 children (6 to 10 years of age and 12 to 16). In the hospital Joseph shared Yahuah’s Word about the love He showed us through our Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua and shared a beautiful passage from Matthew 11:28: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”
He shared how the people were surprised how that can happen and he explained how through Yeshua we got eternal life after believing in Him. He told them that that day was the chance and asked if there were some people who were ready to surrender their lives to Yeshua and then 10 people (4 men and 6 women) bowed down on their knees for Yeshua! HalleluYah! Another 10 people saved!! Praise Yeshua, our Lord and Savior!
Trusting our Heavenly Father Yahuah for provision
On 26.6 there was no food left in the house anymore at Shalom Family. However, Johan didn’t hear anything from Joseph. Isn’t that strange? No, it’s the right and normal thing in fact. Why? Shouldn’t Johan and Naomi be the provider for Joseph and the children? No. No? But they send them money? Huh? True. Listen to this:
Back in 2015 Johan read about George Müller, a true soldier of Yahuah, who took care of 10,024 orphans in his lifetime by only praying for everything he needed and thanking our Heavenly Father Yahuah in advance. HE IS THE PROVIDER. Nobody else. Yes, he can set people up to give you what you need, and He does that, but if we need something, we always need to go to Him first. Not to people. And I, Carina, have to admit, it’s a big change, since before we become believers, we are so used to run to people for help, aren’t we? But as children of Yahuah, the Almighty takes care of us. So we only need to ask Him. And then He assures you’ll get what you need. And He knows best. And He can do it in so many ways. Think about the children only eating food every other day. Wouldn’t they need food every day? Yes. Do they get it? Right now no. Are they healthy? Yes. How? Well because the Almighty takes care of them: He provides them with food every other day ánd He gives them the strength they need to get through that day without food. Isn’t that amazing?! And I’m sure He hopes that people step in to assure that the children do get to eat every other day. Cause how hard can it be since we are so blessed over here in the west with so much food that even goes to waste and so much money. How difficult can it be to share with the poor? Not that you have to transfer money. Please only do so if you WANT to. Because we know our Heavenly Father provides. He always does. And He can do so in sooo many ways. He is unlimited! HalleluYah!

Fragment of a clip made by Calling From Yahuah (CFY) ambassador Emmely Tans about George Müller and our ex-orphans. Do you want to be an ambassador as well? Contact us! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants to give everyone a chance to join CFY and support the children. Everyone is welcome to share their gifts and talents. What are you waiting for? Come and work for the Lord! There is nothing more rewarding than that!
Anyway, Joseph didn’t ask for food and the most beautiful thing happened: a day later, on 27.6 Johan sensed from the Holy Spirit to ask Joseph whether there was food left within Shalom Family. Joseph honestly reported how they didn’t have any food left. Upon that information and a go from the Holy Spirit Johan sent money to Joseph. From that he bought:
– 143 kg sweet potatoes
– 100 kg rice
– 20 kg beans
– Salt
– Bus ticket
Again Shalom Family was blessed via the shop owner with 5 bars of soap for free and 1 L of cooking oil! Thank you Heavenly Father!!
And please keep in mind that Shalom Family has had worse than one day without food. They once went over a week (!) without food without asking Johan for anything. They fully trusted in the supply of our Heavenly Father Yahuah. How amazing is that faith! We can learn so much from that! That’s how it should be. Trusting in the Lord, food or no food, clothes or no clothes. He is our provider! Always!
Praying for Agape Family
As many of you might have seen on our social media pages, the government wants to close Agape Family. For some time now they have threatened to close Agape Family (read all about that in our Agape Family update of June). At the end of June it got so intense that Shalom Family scheduled special prayer time for Agape Family. And this was not just a simple prayer. Here is what they did:
On 27.6 Joseph reported to Johan how they scheduled prayer time for Agape Family from 4AM to 10AM!!! Yes, you’re reading it correctly: 6 hours (!) of prayer time. HalleluYah!!!
And we can already report you that MIRACLES happened, that Agape Family continued to be open during the rest of June and we are still expecting the BIG miracle from our Heavenly Father Yahuah. Oh how grateful we are for the amazing 201 prayer warriors in Joseph and the 200 children of Shalom Family. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for training them via Johan and Joseph!
As Johan stated so often: you are only as strong as your prayer army. The Holy Spirit had told Johan how he was able to do all he does due to the children. Imagine the power that’s behind over 3,000 children who are praying to the Almighty. Nobody can fight that! Ever heard of a bigger current prayer army?
Join us in prayer for keeping Agape Family open and see what our Heavenly Father Yahuah will bless you with. And if you don’t know what to pray for exactly and it’s your first time, please contact us! Johan and Naomi are very happy to counsel you and help you surrender your life to Yeshua. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He loves you and He will make everything well again in your life when you surrender to him and want to obey Him. Not always fun, not always easy, but oh so worth it!
And it’s true what’s being said in Matt. 11:28: He does give you rest. Johan never experienced peace until the Holy Spirit gave it to him and myself neither. Always running around, adrenalized. And now… I’m grateful our Heavenly Father Yahuah made it extremely difficult for me in my old life since I was too stubborn to accept Yeshua as my Lord and Savior when things were still a bit easier and I don’t have many people left from my old life as a result, but if they would see me now, they would probably barely recognize me. All due to Him! So if you want a better life, say yes to Him! It’s so worth it! And eternal life! HalleluYah!

What can you do for the children?
We hope you enjoyed this update. If you want to keep on being informed with the latest news from CFY, follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and also on Pinterest.
As a new tool in providing the children with better lives, the MAN now also has his own website mangoesnorway.com (link provided at the bottom of this update)! There you can read all about this new phase of CFY and what it entails Of course you can also follow the process of building the MAN into a house on wheels on social media!
If you want to know what you yourself can do for the children, think or pray about it! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants to give everyone a chance to help, so if you have an idea, contact us! And if you don’t have any ideas, but you know you want to join CFY, feel free to start a conversation!
Special prayer points this month are:
– Huge sweet potato harvest for Shalom Family so they can stack enough food for scarce times;
– The government leaving Shalom Family at peace;
– The government leaving Agape Family at peace and open!
We are also praying that the beans and potatoes grow at least twice as fast and will be at least ten times more nutritious. This will be for all children in Agape Family and Shalom Family, as well as for all the children that are still to enter the families! Because they WILL come! The borders with Burundi and Congo are still closed, and a lot of people in Rwanda are dying because of famine. We are so grateful that our Heavenly Father Yahuah is with the families and that He always protects them. Praise Him for all He does for the families and for the children!! HalleluYah!
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings for CFY!
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah
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Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah