Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),
Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 June 2024 to 30 June 2024.
Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 25 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

Some advice
Since the Holy Spirit had wonderful ideas for this update, it is quite a lot of text ;). We are grateful for chapter titles and advise you to read the update in parts if it’s too much to read at once. The information is very valuable and important and we praise the Holy Spirit for what He did through us! HalleluYah!
Sit back, relax, take a cup of tea, and soak it all in: the great wonders of our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God, our Lord and Savior Yeshua/Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Of course you will receive all the details of everything that happened this month with our wonderful 3,048 ex-orphans!
Let’s start!
Remember how we started off the harvesting journey by our Heavenly Father Yahuah on 24.3 with 7,108 kg of potatoes and 3,464 kg of beans? In less than a month, He doubled the potato harvest to 18,430 kg potatoes and TRIPLED the bean harvest to 10,662 kg beans (see graph below). HalleluYah!

Doubling of the potato harvest and tripling of the bean harvest between 24.03 and 22.04 by God/our Heavenly Father Yahuah for Agape Family in Rwanda.
On 2.6 Jean Pierre harvested 19,470 kg of potatoes and 10,510 kg of beans together with 483 children. This means even more potatoes than the increase in April! Thank You Lord!
On 3.6 Johan and Jean Pierre made a plan as usual and Johan received a go from the Holy Spirit to send a gift to Jean Pierre. With the gift Jean Pierre bought 2,000 kg of seed potatoes and 1,000 kg of bean seeds. A piece of credit was paid off as well. Agape Family was blessed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah who made the seed sellers give 100 kg of potatoes and 80 kg of bean seeds for free. HalleluYah! Thank You Father!!
Jean Pierre and 379 children started to sow all this straight away!
On 9.6 it was harvesting time again and *drum roll*…
26,105 kg of potatoes!!
14,690 kg of beans!!
AND 6,300 kg of cassava!!
Do you realize what this means? Since 24.3 our Heavenly Father Yahuah has TRIPLED the potato harvest as well!! And the bean harvest is QUADRUPLED! Wow wow wow! Praise Him! Only He can do this! Thát is our Almighty God! He is só good!
And how did this happen? Only by prayer. Before every big meal, we have been praying for big harvests, massive harvests and rapid seed growth. We believe our harvests will be more massive than harvests in Almolonga Guatemala, also named God’s miracle city. And see what our Heavenly Father Yahuah provided us with! This is not done by a little bit of fertilizer 😉 (in fact: NONE was used!)
Answer to prayers by bank restrictions
On 10.6 Johan and Jean Pierre made a plan as usual. However this time Johan wasn’t allowed to send the amount of money he intended to. The bank only allowed Johan to send about half the amount. Eh… excuse me?!
3,048 ex-orphans depended on that money. How would they eat?! What to do now?
This is where faith comes in. Johan knows that our Heavenly Father Yahuah has everything under control. So he stayed calm. He told Jean Pierre to pray and come back with a proposal what to do with the money.
At the same time Johan reported to me how this was an answer to his prayers. For several months in a row Johan and Naomi had been transferring huge amounts of money to Agape Family every week. The amounts were so big that Johan had started to pray to our Heavenly Father Yahuah to change the situation. Johan and Naomi have been able to send that much due to the family inheritance they had received at the end of 2023. However, it still was a lot of money. And now Johan wasn’t even allowed to transfer the regular amount. He was literally restricted and he saw this as a prayer answer.
And guess what Jean Pierre said? The expected worldly response would have been to buy seeds with the small amount of money so the children could get food. However Jean Pierre came up with the right thing to do: he proposed not to buy seeds, but to first pay off the debt we had with the seed sellers. That is acting in faith! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah takes care of Agape Family!
Besides the children needed food, Agape Family got supernatural pressure from the government to sow. In this we also see the hand of our Heavenly Father Yahuah. Due to all the extensive sowing the children are building a large stock for the scarce times with famine that are coming. See how He is turning it around for good?
With the money they paid off the largest amount possible (which was about 80% of the debt) and upon that Agape Family was blessed with 50 kg of seed potatoes for free. HalleluYah! Thank You Father!
The government wants to close Agape Family!
On 11.6 the battle with the government began. They wanted Agape Family to sow again since the grounds were not allowed to be empty after harvesting. In Rwanda a lot of people had already lost their grounds due to them being empty. Leaving these people to literally die…
The government tried to enter Agape Family. Jean Pierre would not allow this to happen and it never happened. HalleluYah!
The government wouldn’t allow Jean Pierre inside Agape Family either. Johan tried to send money again, but the restricted amount was even bigger. So he could transfer even less money than last time. Upon consultation with the police officers, who were sent by our Heavenly Father Yahuah, Jean Pierre went outside and slept outside!? Can you imagine? Just lying there under the open sky, without food, without water? In the cold? We are grateful to know that the hand of our Heavenly Father Yahuah is in this situation.
On 12.6, the next day, Jean Pierre went to the bank since Johan had managed to send a little bit of money. Since the seed sellers had problems with their truck it was not possible to bring seeds to Agape Family. Jean Pierre went to the seed sellers with the little money he had. And guess what happened?
Johan always says that the Father backs you up when you speak the truth. Which is exactly what happened with Jean Pierre: he told the seed sellers how Johan couldn’t transfer that much money anymore due to the restrictions. Also he asked them how to solve this. Then they offered Jean Pierre to take credit!!! The sellers were saying they could offer Agape Family credit of 2,500 kg of potatoes and 1,500 kg of beans. After all this time! Wow!
Remember how Johan had been sending so much money to Agape Family every week and prayed to the Father for a solution? Over the course of 2024 Johan gradually could send less and less money to Agape Family. As stated in the previous update, the Holy Spirit worked through people and we came up with the idea of putting harvest back into the ground. This means that we wouldn’t have to buy seed potatoes anymore. However, it was not yet the time and this would probably be one of the last times seeds and seed potatoes had to be bought. And look what miracle our Heavenly Father performed! Jean Pierre reported he had not asked the sellers for credit. Wow wow wow! That’s how we do it as children of God: we pray and wait. He is the provider and He uses people. We never have to ask them.
Same with donations for CFY. It doesn’t matter if people donate or not. CFY will continue to exist. Our Heavenly Father Yahuah is Almighty. He can do anything. He can twist the children’s stomachs so they don’t have to eat, he could use thousands of people who give some money. Everyone gets a chance to invest in Yahuah’s Kingdom. Cause it’s to Him you are giving, not to Johan and Naomi. Please be aware of that! A lot of people have stopped donating when Johan and Naomi received an inheritance since they thought they had money now. It’s not about that. And by the way: the Holy Spirit informs Johan and Naomi how much of ‘their” money (which is not even theirs, but from our Heavenly Father Yahuah) goes to the ex-orphans. They don’t decide, He does.
And if people don’t want to, the Father will make a way.
Johan informed me that from all the money that has gone to Agape Family in total, only 10-15% consisted of donations. Wow… The Holy Spirit allowed Johan and Naomi to receive donations from 2021 onwards when they did not have any money themselves. Since these donations only make up 10-15% in total, let’s wait for the billionaire the Father is going to arrange! HalleluYah! With Yahuah anything is possible (Matt. 19:26).

With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26 (NKJV)).
Eventually Johan agreed with the suggested credit, but said that we would pay it back in steps, free from wining and without any pressure! This they agreed upon on paper! HalleluYah! Back in November 2023 there was a lot of trouble with the seed sellers, but now things are different. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!
Jean Pierre now paid off a piece of old credit and a very small part of the new freshly offered credit.
And another miracle happened: they provided Agape Family with 180 kg potatoes and 100 kg beans for free! On top of the credit! How?!! Thát is our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah!
After Johan had replied to Jean Pierre he could take the offer and he also told him he would have to use the seeds many times, weeks after a harvest, so we wouldn’t have to buy every time after 1 harvest.
The reason this transaction was made was due to pressure from the government. At that time Agape Family was already prepping the harvest so they could seed with the harvest (the potatoes have to grow their ‘legs’). Johan explained to Jean Pierre that we have these seeds and step by step we put them into the ground until we can use our own seeds from the harvest (see the screenshots below).
And guess what: we did what we could in transferring money and buying seeds and our Heavenly Father Yahuah made sure that the government left Agape Family alone. HalleluYah!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 12.6. Jean Pierre shares with Johan how the sellers offered credit for 2,500 kg potatoes and 1,500 kg beans without Jean Pierre asking for it plus 180 kg potatoes and 100 kg beans for free! Praise God/our Heavenly Father Yahuah for this offer!! Johan replied to Jean Pierre he could take the offer and told him he would have to use the seeds many times, weeks after a harvest, so we wouldn’t have to buy every time after 1 harvest. Johan explained to Jean Pierre that we have these seeds and step by step we put them into the ground until we can use our own seeds from the harvest.
Jean Pierre started sowing with 489 children. In total they sowed 2,680 kg seed potatoes and 1,600 kg beans. And Jean Pierre then told Johan that next week they would put their own potatoes in the ground. How wonderful!!
Do you see the steps here?
First they did everything the government told them. And they sowed so much into the grounds. Then the money was drained and they had less to sow. They started widening the space between the seeds. Then the money was further drained. We got the idea of sowing with our own harvest. Then the money was further drained. We got another credit miracle.
And also that same day, the Holy Spirit worked through me and I looked up the possibilities of sowing without ‘legs’ and they said it was possible. HalleluYah! So they could start sowing even sooner and wouldn’t have to wait for 2 weeks!!!!
Johan and Jean Pierre then also prayed especially for the mountain the next day, about what to do with it, since the government was also chasing the mountain and the pieces of ground on the mountain. At that time it was already clear a new government would come with elections on 15 July, which is why so many orphanages got closed. All of a sudden it was stated “if you don’t start building on the mountain, then we will put a hospital there”. All of a sudden… isn’t that strange? Well… we know that in the spiritual world demons know what’s going on. But they don’t know everything and they certainly don’t have the power our Almighty Creator has. He is, as it says “Almighty” and all-knowing. And guess what Jean Pierre had reported to Johan: “we could use the money for the church or hospital”. Wow!!
Do you remember, when Yeshua told the resurrected children in the beginning of 2023 about a church, school and a hospital that would come? Wow wow wow!
And so many special things have happened since then. One is that Isimbi, Jean Pierre’s half-sister, got the instruction from the Holy Spirit in November 2023 to pray for the church. Wow! For those who don’t know: in December 2017, when Johan spoke to Jean Pierre online, he had been eating mud for 3 days together with Isimbi. Instructed by the Holy Spirit, Johan saved their lives by sending his last 20 euros to Jean Pierre. And see where it led to! Only the Almighty can do this. HalleluYah! And there’s so much more to tell ;).
Jean Pierre spent a night in prison
On 19.6 there was another battle with the government. Government officials came by and wanted to close Agape Family again and take the mountain into their hands. Jean Pierre had stopped them from doing so, but was sent to prison (see screenshot below). He went there since the government wanted to show they are in charge. To Johan he reported how hard it had been. The officials had said to Jean Pierre that he denigrated them and then they put him in prison. Jean Pierre had immediately phoned Igiraneza (the boy who was chosen by our Heavenly Father Yahuah as the right hand of Jean Pierre). Igiraneza then told the police officers (who were installed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah as well) about what had happened to Jean Pierre. The next morning the police went to the prison, spoke with the prison officer and upon that conversation Jean Pierre was released again! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for this miracle!!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 20.6. Jean Pierre reports to Johan how he had spent a night in prison when he stopped government officials from closing Agape Family and taking the mountain into their hands. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the release!
The government had said to Jean Pierre to start with building on the mountain before the election of the president on 15 July (see screenshot below). The police had told Jean Pierre how he had to assure money was in the bank so the government would leave him alone.

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 20.6. Jean Pierre reported how hard it had been on 19.6. Government officials had said to Jean Pierre that he denigrated them and then they put him in prison. Jean Pierre had immediately phoned Igiraneza (the boy who was chosen by our Heavenly Father Yahuah as the right hand of Jean Pierre). Igiraneza then told the police officers (who were installed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah as well) about what had happened to Jean Pierre. The next morning the police went to the prison and after a conversation the government officials set Jean Pierre free! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for this miracle!! The government had told Jean Pierre to start with building on the mountain before the election of the president on 15 July.
So here we see how satan tried to put out all the stops again: trying to close Agape Family and starting to whine about all kinds of different things. For months the harvests and the grounds were the problem and now all of a sudden there has to be money in the bank and they want the mountain?! Leading to Jean Pierre having to spend another night in prison. This all takes away valuable time and energy. Fortunately we know our Heavenly Father Yahuah is in control and He will turn everything around for our good (Romans 8:28).

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28 (NKJV)).
Also we are beginning to see a date here: Jean Pierre had told Johan how there is an election for a new president on 15 July. This is extra special, since Jean Pierre believes the new president will be one who is actually good for orphans and street children. What a difference that would make! The children are the most important!
Isn’t it strange that all of a sudden the government is pushing for building of the church on the mountain before 15 July?
We are grateful to know our Heavenly Father Yahuah is in control in all this and He allows certain things, but eventually satan is his doormat. If He doesn’t allow it, satan can do nothing (think of the book of Job in the Bible and what he was blessed with after he went through everything he had to go through).
Biggest harvest yet!
On 19.6, while Jean Pierre was in prison, the children harvested anyway. Jean Pierre reported to Johan how he was counting the harvest on 20.6 after he returned from prison.
And they took in a MASSIVE harvest of 28,400 (!!!) kg potatoes and 11,720 kg beans!!! Wow!!! The biggest harvest yet!!! At the end of March it was 7,108 kg potatoes. Our Heavenly Father is sooo good! Praise Him praise Him praise Him!
This is so wonderful in so many ways! The children now have more food to eat, more food to stock for the scarce times that are coming as well as new potatoes to put into the grounds for future harvest (since they’re going to sow with harvest and no longer buy seed potatoes). HalleluYah!
Jean Pierre also reported to Johan how they planned to go seeding with harvest on Friday 21 June! (see screenshot below) Wohoo! This marks a new point in Agape Family. How big is this: no more buying seeds but seeding with their very own seeds (seed potatoes)! How fully sustainable can you be?! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for providing multiple people with different ideas that eventually came up with the plan to put the harvest back into the ground. He is só good!!

Conversation via Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 20.6. Jean Pierre reports how the children harvested on 19.6 a MASSIVE harvest of 28,400 kg (!!!) potatoes and 11,720 kg beans! This is the biggest harvest yet!! He also shares how the next day they will start seeding with their own seed potatoes from their own harvest for the very first time! All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Jesus Christ/Yeshua!

Increase in potato harvests in kg at Agape Family in 2024. The biggest harvests per month have been used in this graph. Between March and June 2024 our Heavenly Father Yahuah has TRIPLED the potato harvests for Agape Family! HalleluYah! All Glory for Him!!
Divine conversation after bank problems
On 20.6 Johan tried to send money again to Jean Pierre. This time Jean Pierre had been waiting at the bank from early on in the morning since there was an error. Johan and Naomi tried so many things to get the money to Jean Pierre. They had to send a specific file, they asked me to help, but I couldn’t make it work unfortunately. Eventually Johan said he would call with Remitly, since that would be faster.
And then he reported how he ended up having a DIVINE conversation!!! The man he had spoken to on the phone had been sooo happy to speak to someone with faith! His name was Daniel by the way, a Biblical name, HalleluYah! Johan had told him about the end times. Because this world is going to end. What? Isn’t that a fable?
Wasn’t that 2012?
No. In fact it is the truth. We haven’t been around for billions of years. Only a few thousand years in fact. Our Heavenly Father Yahuah created the earth and how He did this is all written about in the Bible in the book of Genesis (the first book). In the final book, the book of Revelation, we can read about a vision that is shown to John by Yeshua about the ending of the world. Where first sin was dealt with by a world-wide flood in the times of Noach, it will now be done with fire.
If this is the very first time you’re hearing this and you’ve grown up with the idea of evolution and how we all evolved etcetera, I hear you. I grew up as a medical biologist in fact and even thought I had studied fossils who were millions of years old. All fake. If you want evidence, of course I hear you. Look up the teachings of pastor Billy Crone with hours and hours of evidence (photos, videos and interviews) on the flood, Noah’s ark, dinosaurs, underwater cities and so much more…
Evolution is all a lie of satan so we wouldn’t see Yahuah’s truth. How good He is and how He wants to save us and provide us with eternal life. Which we can have because His Son Yeshua died for our sins on the cross and suffered a horrific death for us out of His own free will!! And anyone who is willing to surrender his life to Him will be saved and gain eternal life with Him. Forever!!!
Who wouldn’t want that?
Anyway, Johan explained to Daniel about the end times from the book revelation. He told the man how we are now actually living in that book and how he expects that in a couple of years we don’t have bank accounts anymore that are open for us, for if we are Christians and don’t take vaccinations, we are out of the system. What?! No bank accounts? Vaccinations? What’s wrong with vaccinations?
Oh so many things…
They change your DNA so you are no longer the way Yahuah intended you to be and He can no longer accept you in heaven. And of course the god of this world, satan, wants you to go to hell with him and will try to make it as hard as possible for you here on earth. However, Yeshua is the Almighty and He will take care of you. All you have to do is assure you have a good relationship with Him and He will make a way.
Johan already shared so many testimonies of miracles our Heavenly Father Yahuah performed in his life: from calling for another hour with a phone charged with 1% to a miracle with an empty gas tank. The tank was empty and Johan left it there. The next morning the Holy Spirit told him to check: it was almost full to a quarter!! How?!!
And perhaps you’re thinking now… “Oh it’s Johan again”. Or “well he can say those things, but, how do I know it’s true?”
Well I recently actually had a similar testimony myself: my phone cable was broken and I had to rely on our Heavenly Father Yahuah for help. As children of God we are not supposed to run to the store for a new cable, but to pray and wait and see what He will do. And He performed so many miracles: from the cable suddenly working to charging my phone without it being charged to 19% battery! How?! Well… He is Almighty and can do anything!
So for the end times, we have to fully rely on Him and He will make it work. You don’t know how, but He is the Creator and can do anything. Isn’t that fun and exciting too?
So let’s go back to Daniel. Johan explained to him that really heavy times are coming, but if we are walking on the narrow path with Yeshua nothing will happen, because there’s guidance, protection by his blood and He is always the provider. In Genesis, Exodus, He always took care of the Israelites, His chosen people. In the New Testament now we are also His chosen people. You and me are chosen if we want and do the will of the Father, of Yeshua Himself.
How amazing is that?!
Johan continued and told Daniel how it was not easy to stay out of this world and all it’s attractions, deceptions etcetera. What kind of attractions and deceptions? Well, what are you not willing to sacrifice for Yahuah, Yeshua, the Holy Spirit? Your friends, your children, your car, your clothes? You have to be willing to give it all to Him and not to care about your own life. Then nothing will happen to you. It’s written in Revelation 12:11: we overcame him, satan, by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of our testimony and by not loving our life to the death. If we are radical for Yeshua, the devil is a loser and he can do nothing.
Johan explained how the devil is always coming with fear and how Johan doesn’t care. “If someone wants to put you in prison, just say ‘okay put me in prison. Then many people will go to Yeshua.’ And then they don’t do it. If you have fear, then the devil has you and he will take you with his claws.”

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death (Revelation 12:11 (NKJV)).
Daniel agreed with Johan. Johan also shared how every knee will bow down and every tongue will confess Yeshua is Lord, but how it will be terrible times when people are going down, because most of them are stubborn.
Daniel reported how he had read in Matthew not to worry about what you will eat/drink/wear. And how Yahuah will provide you with all that you need (Matt. 6:24-34). Johan also provided him with Proverbs 3:5-6, which says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (NJKV).

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? (Matthew 6:25 (NKJV)).
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you (Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)).
And guess what happened: Johan got instructions how to send the money to Jean Pierre and it was exactly the same as he had done for years! So… perhaps this was one of the miraculous ways of our Heavenly Father to touch this beautiful soul Daniel? He is so amazing!!!
And then another miracle happened: usually this money transfer had to take 48 hours, since Johan had to place a special request to be able to send more money. It had taken him all day, he spoke with several Remitly people. Then they had to send all these documents, which was very hard. He spent the entire day doing that. Then the transfer succeeded. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah!!
One of the Remitly people actually phoned Johan back and guess what she asked: ‘Who is your provider?” and Johan replied “God Almighty”. HalleluYah! Which is true! He is the best provider and should be the provider for all of us! HalleluYah!
Jean Pierre gives his life for the children
Unfortunately the same night, on 20.6, things with the bank had not been resolved. Jean Pierre connected with Johan and the Holy Spirit told Johan how Jean Pierre had to give his life for the children. Literally.
Which he did.
Jean Pierre had told the government how he disagreed with the closing of Agape Family and how they were not allowed inside. Upon that message they told Jean Pierre how then he had to go outside. Again he spent the entire night outside of Agape Family without food, without drink in the cold on a piece of land with a little shelter. All for the children.
Are you willing to give your all for the children? It’s what our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants from us. He wants us to give our all. And He will never ask you to give more than you can bear (1 Cor 10:13). And giving your all can look different for everyone, since He knows how to transform you into the likeness of His Son.

No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it (1 Corinthians 10:13 (NKJV)).
On 21.6, so the next day, Jean Pierre went to the city again (take into account how this is up to a 2 hour walk and this time he had slept outside!!!) Around 4PM Jean Pierre was at the bank and due to the amazing miracle of our Heavenly Father Yahuah the money had been transferred in less than 48 hours even though Johan had had to make a special request to send the money to Jean Pierre. Jean Pierre then arranged everything with the bank: he had to take the money Johan had sent him and put it into a new account at a different office. Once that was done, he could get the papers stating the amount of money in Jean Pierre’s bank account and he went on his way back to Agape Family.
And guess what: the government officials had stayed outside Agape Family the ENTIRE NIGHT!! These are no ordinary officials (here in the west they are known for dropping all their work once it’s 5PM, but not when satan wants something done). However, Jean Pierre could show them the papers upon which they went away! Agape Family hadn’t been closed and Jean Pierre was back inside with the children! HalleluYah! All Glory and praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah, our King and Savior Yeshua and the Holy Spirit! They provided Johan, Naomi, Jean Pierre and the children with all the strength, wisdom and peace they needed and they performed the wonderful miracle with the bank and assured the touching of those souls at Remitly. HalleluYah! And thanks to Johan’s obedience to the Holy Spirit and Jean Pierre’s sacrifice Agape Family is still open!
Sowing with our own harvest!!!
On 22.6 it was a very special day: Agape Family sowed with their own harvest for the first time!!!
2,600 kg potatoes of the own Agape Family harvest was sown back into the ground to provide another harvest!! How amazing is that!? We have been waiting for months for this to happen and the moment was finally here!
Jean Pierre did the sowing with 293 children and not just that. They were on the grounds non-stop, even slept there and after all the sowing was done, our Heavenly Father Yahuah also provided them with the strength to take in a new harvest!!!
They took in 17,940 kg potatoes, 9,370 kg beans and 4,700 kg cassava! HalleluYah!
This all took several days. On 25.6, so 3 days later, the job was done.
Do you see how hard they work for their food? They don’t even have beds to sleep in, but they stay away from sleeping indoors, sleep on the grounds ánd take in another harvest. And be reminded that they did all this with only food every other day. And Jean Pierre had spent a night outside in the cold without food or drink. So be reminded to thank our wonderful Heavenly Father for all the blessings you have and how good He is to you! He deserves it so much!
Madness with the government
The most important thing considering orphanages, should be the lives of the children right? Now here’s where the true madness comes in.
After Jean Pierre had given his life for the children on 20.6, the government started pushing again and trying to close Agape Family.
On 25.6 Jean Pierre reported to Johan how so many orphanages were closed already and how the government was trying to push Jean Pierre to put money on the bank account every week.
A few days later, on 27.6, Jean Pierre received a paper from the government stating how every orphanage without a substantial amount of money in the bank before 15 July will be closed before 12 July. Basically they want to close all orphanages, because how much money do orphanages usually have? They stated how a big amount should be on the bank account and they also mentioned mandatory child education (see screenshots below). Excuse me?!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre over Facebook Messenger on 27.6. Jean Pierre reports to Johan how he received a paper from the government stating how every orphanage without a substantial amount of money (15,000,000 rwf, which is over 10,000 euros) in the bank before 15 July will be closed before 12 July. They wanted to see 3,000,000 rwf (over 2,000 euros) in the bank account every week and also ordered Agape Family to start thinking about child education.
The children don’t even have enough food on their plates and have been eating every other day for over 9 months, but they have to go to school?!! And what do they learn there? Evolution? The best teachings can be found in the Bible, which is exactly what the children are taught already!
On 29.6 Jean Pierre reported how so many orphanages were already closed because of lack of funds. The police advised Jean Pierre to put money in the bank account. Of course Johan replied that we do what and when the Holy Spirit reveals it to us like always.
Underground networks
But wait a minute… isn’t that strange? There will be an election and most likely a new president from 15 July onwards who will actually be good to orphans and street children. And now just before the instalment of that good president, so many orphanages are closing?! Do you see what satan is trying to do here? Trying to ruin those children’s lives just before proper help is finally coming. And he also tries to close Agape Family. We are extremely grateful to know that Agape Family belongs to the Almighty and nobody can stop His plans.
But what about all those children? Where do they go? And what if Agape Family were to close? Where would 3,048 orphaned children go who were once street children already? Keep in mind that the capital city Kigali already has 1 million street children…
Wouldn’t the streets be flooded with street children from all the closed orphanages? Most likely not. Why?
At CFY we have learned how there are very dark underground networks at play who are not regularly known yet in mainstream media. Think about it: who would miss the children if they are taken away? They don’t have parents, nobody misses them… so they could very easily be snatched away and taken to different places to be used for… It goes into too much horrific detail to explain what we have learned about the things happening to the children, but take my word for it that mere starvation would be better for them than being in such networks. Elite people are involved as well as a lot of money. It’s truly satanic and we are willing to fight for them in Yahuah’s timing.
From the closing of the orphanages we believe that a lot of children are going to come to Jean Pierre and Agape Family will grow even more. So we are not only praying for Agape Family to stay open for the 3,048 current children, but also for the ones who are still to come. And we can house about 10,000 children in the 9 school buildings, so let’s bring it on! It’s our mission to save 150 million orphans and street children who Yahuah appoints, so we are ready!
On 27.6 also Shalom Family chipped in and reported to Johan how they had set up special prayer time for Agape Family from 4AM to 10AM every day! How consisted are you in your prayers? We can all learn from this!

Pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17 (NKJV))
Another massive harvest!
On 28.6 Jean Pierre and 460 children started to take in the new harvest. They were done on 29.6 in the evening. They took in 21,400 kg potatoes and 10,570 kg beans. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for another huge harvest!!! HalleluYah!
Is this really the closing of Agape Family?
And then things got even MORE INTENSE. Jean Pierre had shared with Johan how there was so much control from the government every day.
On 30.6 8 government officials showed up again and wanted to close Agape Family and throw Jean Pierre in prison. This is how they had managed to close several other orphanages. With the leader gone, they could easily close it down.
The government officials told Jean Pierre how he denigrated them because there hadn’t been any movement on the bank and how they could close Agape Family with a lack of funds. The amount necessary for the bank suddenly became insanely high (50,000,000 rwf instead of 15,000,000 rwf on 27.6, which is about 35,000 euros) (see screenshot below). See what satan is doing? Trying to install fear and make you jump through insane hoops. No way!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 30.6. Jean Pierre shares how the government officials suddenly increased the necessary amount of funds in the bank account from 15,000,000 rwf (over 10,000 euros) to 50,000,000 rwf (over 35,000 euros) in order for Agape Family to stay open.
Johan and Jean Pierre now had more than enough training after over 6 years in this battle field that they knew that they only do the will of the Father, not of the government. This time Jean Pierre didn’t have to be told to give his life. He reported to Johan how he didn’t care whether he was put in prison or had to go outside (see screenshot below). Wow!
Johan and some other people within CFY had gotten Exodus 14:14 for days in a row, stating how our Heavenly Father Yahuah will fight for us and we only have to be still. Nothing had been going on in our own lives and all of a sudden it turned out how the Holy Spirit had been warning us all about Agape Family and how the Father would fight for Agape Family (see screenshot below).

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre via Facebook Messenger on 30.6. Jean Pierre reported to Johan how he was prepared to give his life for the children. He didn’t have to be told to do so! He didn’t care whether he would go outside of Agape Family or was put in prison. Wow! Johan shared Exodus 14:14 and indicated how the Holy Spirit was warning us already about Agape Family, since it means that our Heavenly Father Yahuah will fight for us and we only have to be still.
The government officials went further this time. They even tried to close the family by pushing the children out of the buildings!? Also they tried to install new locks on the doors so Jean Pierre wouldn’t be able to get to the children anymore…
Jean Pierre again stated how he was okay with going, but how the children had to stay inside. He had told the children to stay inside and be quiet.
The police told Jean Pierre that going out would be the best thing to do since it would give out the signal that Jean Pierre would trust money to be coming in the bank. Jean Pierre left Agape Family at 5:30PM and AGAIN he slept outside, in the cold, in the wind… can you imagine? This is the 3rd time in a month!?!
And then it was the end of June…
Especially for you, we’ll continue a little bit into 1 July.
On 01.07 Johan was woken up by the Holy Spirit at 4:30AM and strangely Jean Pierre was still sleeping (they usually wake up at the same times). Johan waited for Jean Pierre. He got a go from the Holy Spirit to send money, which he did. Jean Pierre went to the local bank (one and a half hour walk) to get the money, put the money into a different bank where we now have our account, got the papers, went back to Agape Family and again found the government officials waiting at Agape Family having stayed there all night… Upon seeing the papers with proof of the money in the account, they left and Agape Family was still open.
Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah!!! HalleluYah!!
Realize the greatness of this miracle. The amount of money necessary was several thousands of euros.
In 2023 there was a time when Johan and Naomi did not have any money. Our Heavenly Father Yahuah then used our dear sister Celine who set up a fundraiser for her birthday to send money to CFY. And one of her father’s colleagues chipped in several thousands of euros!? Who does something like that?
That money eventually saved CFY. Without it, it would have been the end of CFY.
And due to Johan and Naomi’s obedience, they now have a family inheritance which they can use. It’s a large inheritance, but they also have to be very good stewards with it. Be reminded that for months the children have been eating only every other day. It’s not like they just throw the money overboard now that they have some. No, the Holy Spirit decides what happens. And since they listened, they had enough money to put into the bank account to save Agape Family from closing. HalleluYah! So it all comes down again to obedience obedience obedience.
And another big testimony is the following: I’m guessing you’ve heard about the MAN as a new phase within CFY. The MAN is the bus which is currently being transformed into a campervan as a new tool to raise greater awareness for CFY (see also the new website mangoesnorway.com – link provided at the bottom of this update).
Johan received information from the Holy Spirit that also a trailer will be added to it. And guess who is the provider of the trailer? He was the most expensive salesperson and Johan was told by our Heavenly Father Yahuah to buy from him even though he did not want to since it was that much money… it’s the colleague who put in thousands of birthday money for Yeshua and CFY!!! How big is our Heavenly Father Yahuah!! Johan and Naomi were blown away when they heard this. Thát is our Heavenly Father! He is só great! He can do anything! So we now have an amazing new brother in our midst at CFY from Fripaan (fripaan.nl) and are very grateful and happy about it and amazing things are going to happen. HalleluYah!
And remember how we always state that our Heavenly Father Yahuah will bless you for giving to Him and His children? He doesn’t need money, He can do everything on His own, but He wants to work through us. So if we are obedient by giving to Him, He will bless us. And see what He did with Fripaan! Fripaan gave money to Yeshua, to CFY, and got blessed! They now have a new brother and sister in Johan and Naomi and so much more!
EVERYONE who gives to our Heavenly Father Yahuah, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit by donating to CFY WILL be blessed! Period. So what are you waiting for ;).
Praying for Agape Family
As you know by now Agape Family continued to be open during the rest of June and we are still expecting the BIG miracle from our Heavenly Father Yahuah. Oh how grateful we are for the amazing 201 prayer warriors in Joseph and the 200 children of Shalom Family. Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for training them via Johan and Joseph!
As Johan stated so often: you are only as strong as your prayer army. The Holy Spirit had told Johan how he was able to do all he does due to the children. Imagine the power that’s behind over 3,000 children who are praying to the Almighty. Nobody can fight that! Ever heard of a bigger current prayer army?
Join us in prayer for keeping Agape Family open and see what God/our Heavenly Father Yahuah will bless you with. And if you don’t know what to pray for exactly and it’s your first time, please contact us! Johan and Naomi are very happy to counsel you and help you surrender your life to Yeshua/our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He loves you and He will make everything well again in your life when you surrender to him and want to obey Him. Not always fun, not always easy, but oh so worth it!
And it’s true what’s being said in Matt. 11:28: He does give you rest. Johan never experienced peace until the Holy Spirit gave it to him and myself neither. Always running around, adrenalized. And now… I’m grateful our Heavenly Father Yahuah made it extremely difficult for me in my old life since I was too stubborn to accept Yeshua as my Lord and Savior when things were still a bit easier and I don’t have many people left from my old life as a result, but if they would see me now, they would probably barely recognize me. All due to Him! So if you want a better life, say yes to Him! It’s so worth it! And eternal life! HalleluYah!

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).
What can you do for the children?
We hope you enjoyed this update. If you want to keep on being informed with the latest news from CFY, follow us on social media. We are on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and also on Pinterest.
As already mentioned above, as a new tool in providing the children with better lives, the MAN now also has his own website mangoesnorway.com (link provided at the bottom of this update)! There you can read all about this new phase of CFY and what it entails. Of course you can also follow the process of building the MAN into a house on wheels on social media!
If you want to know what you yourself can do for the children, think or pray about it! Our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants to give everyone a chance to help, so if you have an idea, contact us! And if you don’t have any ideas, but you know you want to join CFY, feel free to start a conversation!
Special prayer points this month are:
– The government leaving Agape Family at peace and open!
– The government leaving Shalom Family at peace;
– Huge sweet potato harvest for Shalom Family so they can stack enough food for scarce times.
We are also praying that the beans and potatoes grow at least twice as fast and will be at least ten times more nutritious. This will be for all children in Agape Family and Shalom Family, as well as for all the children that are still to enter the families! Because they WILL come! The borders with Burundi and Congo are still closed, and a lot of people in Rwanda are dying because of famine. We are so grateful that our Heavenly Father Yahuah is with the families and that He always protects them. Praise Him for all He does for the families and for the children!! HalleluYah!
Thank you for all your prayers and blessings for CFY!
Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY.
He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!
Be blessed to be a blessing!
Team Calling From Yahuah
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Written by:
Carina Meijer
Ambassador (voluntary basis)
Team Calling From Yahuah
Such a long but impressive story! Thanks for sharing. Here you clearly see many parts of the Bible reflected in this, such as Joshua (e.g. 1:9), Psalms (e.g. 23:1 and 37:4), Proverbs (e.g. 3:5-6), Isaiah (e.g. 41:10 and 55:8), Jeremiah (29:11), Romans (e.g. 8:28 and 10:9-10) and Philippians (e.g. 4:6 and 4:19) are described. Encouraging for us all!
Dear Emmely,
Thank you for your comment! All Glory to our King and Savior Yeshua. We can do nothing without His strength.
Wow thank you for sharing all these references from the Bible! Wonderful to see them all together like this.
Thank you for all you do for CFY, your heart for the orphans and for being such a kind sister. Your clips are amazing! (To everyone reading this: if you want to check them out, visit our social media channels via the bottom of this page, and like and share!)
Yahuah’s Abundant Blessings for you and lots of love,
Team Calling From Yahuah
Zo wat een lang maar indrukwekkend verhaal! Bedankt voor het delen. Hier zie je weer heel duidelijk vele stukken uit de bijbel in terug komen zoals in Jozua (bijv. 1:9), Psalmen (bijv. 23:1 en 37:4), Spreuken (bijv. 3:5-6), Jesaja (bijv 41:10 en 55:8), Jeremiah (39:11), Romeinen (bijv. 8:28 en 10:9-10) en Filippenzen (bijv. 4:6 en 4:19) staat beschreven. Bemoedigend voor ons allen!
Wow thank you for your beautiful addition Emmely! How special to see all these Bible references being put together like this!
Thank you for all you do for CFY and your heart for the orphans. How wonderful are your clips! (To everyone reading this: if you want to check them out, visit our social media channels via the bottom of this page, and like and share!)
Much love from all of us and thank you for being such a wonderful friend of CFY,
Team Calling From Yahuah