
Are you stuck in life?

We’ve all been given gifts and talents by our Creator and God. Johan is called to coach and guide people who are willing to surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. These are individuals who want to live out their calling on this earth. He is often approached by people who, like himself, have a history of many problems, addictions, pain, and suffering.

It’s important to know that Yeshua/Lord Jesus will deliver you from your past according to Romans 8:28-39. Johan and Naomi are here to help you for free under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You can also find us on social media.

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Healthy lifestyle counseling

When Johan experienced health problems in 2017 due to 28 years of unhealthy eating, he asked the Holy Spirit of Yeshua for help. The Holy Spirit instructed him to start drinking green smoothies. When he then read Genesis 1:29, it became clear to him that he needed to repent, as he hadn’t consumed any vegetables since his 20th year of life. Fast forward: he met Naomi and taught her to adopt a plant-based diet as well.

In 2019, the Holy Spirit told Johan that it’s Naomi’s calling to help people with health problems, after which they will become sponsors for orphans and street children. We prayed a lot about this, and now she already has a Facebook group with over 7,000 followers called ‘Medical Medium Lifestyle’.

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