Dear friend/brother or sister of CFY,

Here is the EXTENDED
update on the distribution of donations from
28 September till 23 October.


Currently with 3,048 children.
As you now know, we, as CFY, buy food for the children in Agape Family as long as the new harvest has not yet arrived.
The same again on 28 September
Jean Pierre ordered 700 kilos of Rice and 700 kilos of Beans.

The following is now applied in Agape Family:

700 kg of rice and 700 kg of beans. This is good for 9 days, of which the children can eat on 4 or 5 days.
The children can now only eat once every 2 days and the equivalent is 46 grams of rice with 46 grams of beans.
That’s just enough to keep the children alive.
But we believe that our Heavenly Father “Yahuah” knows what the children need and that He will provide it.

On 04 October it was time again to think about the 762 girls who have their monthly periods. They used their clothing to catch the blood.
We always had to choose between buying food and buying sanitary towels.
Unfortunately we were only able to buy 35 boxes, but the drugstore owner gave us another 35 on credit,
We see this as a Heavenly Blessing and it gives us extra motivation to walk on this narrow path.
Another miracle took place. Johan was told by the Holy Spirit that Jean Pierre had to go to Kigali to select a telephone. This was an Answer to Prayer.
After visiting several stores, Jean Pierre came across a nice man who wanted to help Agape Family with a telephone on credit.
The man indicated that Jean Pierre now had to pay him 100,000 rwf (+/- 100 euros) and the rest of the amount could then be spread over three months.
Earlier we told you about the battle for the last piece of land, namely a forest with many trees that the children cut down and process into fuel wood for cooking.
The government is currently confiscating all unsown plots of land and all plots of land that have not been fully paid off. These actions have resulted in many deaths and suicides.
Agape Family still shares what little food it has with its poor, elderly neighbors.
Thanks to your gift, it was finally possible to order the next load of food.

On 09 October; 700 kilos of Rice and 700 kilos of Beans for the next week or longer if necessary.

At 10 October the wood ran out in Agape Family so there was no longer any possibility to make food.

On 12 October the government started cutting down the trees in the forest (land no. 17) and Jean Pierre and the children were sent away, while we, as CFY, have already paid off 50% of this forest.
We still have to pay off 3,000,000 rwf (+/- 2400 euros). Then we can register the forest in our name and the children will have firewood for cooking again.

On 14 October, 1867 children were able to eat again because the neighbors brought some residual wood from their destroyed house to the Agape family.
85 kilos of Rice and 85 kilos of Beans were used for this.

At 16 October it was party time again in the Agape family because the neighbors brought more wood. Their relatives refuse to help because they are not happy with these people’s hearts for Agape family. That is why they work increasingly closely with Jean-Pierre and the children
This morning Johan and Jean Pierre made a deal with the seed seller and a plan was drawn up for lands 11 and 15 that have recently been registered in our name.
This nice man, with a heart for the children, wanted to give us credit and he trusts us completely, what a blessing.
Now you can see that the Father is always with CFY despite all the challenges in Agape Family.

So on 16 October, Johan sent the first deposit for all the seeds below.
For Ground 11;
1900 kilos of beans
1600 kilos of Cassava
920 kilos of potatoes
For Ground 15:
1800 kilos of potatoes
1300 kilos of Cassava
740 kilos of corn

We pray and we believe that the children will be able to eat from this for many months to come.
Agape Family is slowly becoming a self-sufficient community again, as it was intended from the beginning. Thank you for your prayers and for your support of CFY so that we can keep the children alive.
From the moment the seeds arrived, the children in Agape Family have been hard at work on the grounds sowing all these seeds.

On 19 October the food was gone again and the balance was not sufficient to feed the children. That’s unbelievable in 2023.
But the Father was with the children. Jean Pierre shared all the updates with Johan and there was only 1 conclusion: the Holy Spirit was with all the children because they were at rest and they prayed for a miracle. And that miracle came!!!

On 23 October, after 4 days without food but with heavy work, we as CFY received some donations again, which we were able to convert into 570 kilos of Beans and 570 kilos of Rice.
That gives the children food for 4 days. Without a miracle it is gone again on 29 October.
Fortunately, there is also some firewood to cook dinner, brought by the older neighbors.
That wood came from their destroyed house and that didn’t happen without a fight.
Jean Pierre told Johan that the children of those neighbors were furious (mental struggle) and that they even started fighting with their parents.
What chaos, but in this chaos we see our Heavenly Father “Yahuah” at work.
Without Test we have no Testimonies to share and we will distribute them here and everywhere online, including on our new website.
Bas, our brother with a heart for children, is committed to supporting CFY in his field.
He wants to use his talents more and more for CFY and we are extremely grateful to our Heavenly Father for that.
An Answer to Prayer!!!
Keep sharing our info or start doing so today; it really works and you will experience more happiness in your life.
Pray and ask what you can do for CFY 🙏🔥🙏

ASN BANK The Netherlands
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28
Children in Rwanda.


Valid until 29.10

Johannes R.S.
Bankkonto: 1227 02 29385
Children in Rwanda

Calling From Yahuah Norway
830 486 402



Be blessed to be a Blessing for many poor children in Yeshuas Mighty Name Amen!!!

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