Some reading advice


Since the story of the arrival of the trailer is so special and filled with so many miracles from Yahuah/God we wouldn’t want to withhold that from you. For those who are still unfamiliar with Calling From Yahuah’s project “MAN goes Norway”, we’ve decided to provide you with a layout of this mission first. Subsequently we will take a deeper dive into the promises and the guidance Yahuah gave us about both the coming of a camper and a trailer. Of course the extraordinary journey for years that led to the eventual arrival and conversion of both mission vehicles will be covered as well! All Glory for our King and Savior Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ!


It can be quite a long read, so sit back, relax and enjoy 😊!


Of course you’re very welcome to immediately skip to the trailer part as well 😉. It’s all up to you!

MAN goes Norway – a new phase withing Calling From Yahuah


MAN goes Norway is officially one of Calling From Yahuah’s (CFY) projects since April 2024. A MAN camper and a trailer will be used as mission vehicles to save more orphan’s and street children’s lives ( – link provided at the bottom of this blog). Johan and Naomi, founders of CFY, will be travelling through Europe and Norway from city to city to raise more awareness for CFY. The focus will be on our current 3,248 ex-orphans in Rwanda and all the children that are still to come. At the moment the transformation of the MAN bus into a camper as well as the conversion of the trailer is taking place. All companies who support this mission through services, products and accessories will be mentioned with stickers on both the camper and the trailer, as well as on our websites and social media channels. This way not only the children get better lives, but also the sponsors are promoted in an extraordinary way.  Johan and Naomi are also open for collaborations with more affiliate partners. The profits from those collaborations will amongst others be used for our current 3,248 ex-orphans in Rwanda. And of course the more people who join, the closer we will get to the ultimate goal of Calling From Yahuah, namely saving 150,000,000 orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. So step in and join us!

Yahuah promises a camper


The Lord told Johan and Naomi that a camper would come. It was not their plan and they did not just wake up one morning and decided they wanted to get a campervan and bought one 😉. No… in fact that couldn’t be further from the truth…


In 2020 Yahuah had sent Johan and Naomi to Norway by providing them with a vision and 30+ confirmations. After prayer about their mission in Norway, they discovered in that same year that they would receive a camper to travel through entire Norway.


Wait a minute… isn’t it 2024? How hard can it be? The Almighty God tells you, you get a camper and you don’t have it right then and there?


No… it has to go through His plan. So…


Johan did try to get a camper in Norway, but that plan failed. Johan always prays before he acts and asks the Father to stop it if he wants to do something which is not according to His plan. And so the Father stopped that plan.


However every once in a while, sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month, the Father provided Johan and Naomi with information on details of the camper. Wow! How cool right?! This happened through dreams, visions, guidance to certain materials, websites, video’s and Facebook groups. During all this time Johan and Naomi kept asking Him questions through prayer. For example if this camper He was showing them was meant to be bought somewhere and what their actions should be. They searched for this particular camper with all its details, but were unable to find it and then let that idea go again.


For of course we don’t know if, when the Father shows us something, it’s something that will happen next week, next month or ten years from now, right? So we have to stay watchful and keep asking! This also strengthens that beautiful relationship we can have with the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth!

Johan and Naomi get the MAN bus!


In December 2023, after receiving a family inheritance after 3,5 years of prayer, a door opened for Johan and Naomi to travel to Germany to pick up the MAN bus. After all the puzzle pieces they had gotten from our Heavenly Father, they had figured out that it had to be a MAN camper and that it had to be built from scratch! Wow! And there was only one company that sold it, namely Stone Offroad Design! Praise the Lord!


Also, before going to Germany there had even been a time when they didn’t have money at all. They were instructed multiple times by the Holy Spirit to give money to the 3,248 ex-orphans in Rwanda so they would have food to eat. They do know the Lord as their provider, but of course they didn’t know how He would provide them with the camper. And then the inheritance came and, after 3 years of waiting, this huge promise of our Heavenly Father Yahuah came true (see picture below)!! And what promise: isn’t he beautiful, the MAN bus with its 7+ m in length and 3+ m in height! HalleluYah! All Glory and Praise for Him!


And yes you can be on there being promoted if you join us 😉

In December 2023 Johan and Naomi picked up the MAN bus, promised to them by our Heavenly Father Yahuah/God in 2020! HalleluYah! Here you see the MAN bus after wrapping from black to army green.

Sent to the Netherlands


After picking up the MAN bus in Germany, Johan and Naomi obviously thought they would return to Norway, since that’s where they live. However the Holy Spirit had different plans and told them that they had to travel to the Netherlands! Over there people would be ready to help them convert the MAN into a camper. Johan and Naomi didn’t want to, but since they dedicated their lives to the Almighty and wanted to do His will, they went in obedience. Fun fact: the Lord took Johan and Naomi out of the Netherlands in 2020 and now He sent them back. How extraordinary are His ways!


And what a journey it has been so far! So much has happened, which is too much to describe here in this blog right now. However a major highlight is that, after the Lord guided a very special phone call from our CFY team member Saskia, camper builder Wim from Camperbouw Holland was found.  In his company the MAN bus is currently being transformed into the amazing camper Yahuah has in mind (see picture below)! We are very grateful for this amazing gift He has provided us with. Beside his 40 years of camper building experience, Wim turned out to be another amazing brother in Christ as well! Who would have thought that would happen? Thank you Father!

Camper builder Wim together with Johan and Naomi, founders of CFY, at Camperbouw Holland, where the MAN bus is currently being transformed into the MAN camper.

Yahuah surprises with a trailer!


And here we have arrived at the reason why you might have started to read this blog in the first place; the arrival of the beautiful MAN goes Norway trailer!


What a journey this has been as well! Johan and Naomi had considered to buy a trailer for themselves whilst living in Norway in May 2023, but the Father had stopped this plan. Looking back, this turned out to be the very first indication of Him wanting them to get a trailer for the MAN camper! Again step by step He showed Johan and Naomi more information leading to them knowing for sure that a trailer was His plan for this mission. Wow! And this time again they didn’t know how the trailer would come to be. How exciting! Don’t you want a life like that?


Fast forward to a year later, May 2024. After many steps from our Heavenly Father and insight in what the trailer should be like, Johan was instructed by the Holy Spirit to go to a specific dealer who sold Hapert trailers. Johan and Naomi obeyed and on 10 May 2024 they went on a trip to the dealer together with CFY team member Bas.  Bas is also the creator of this beautiful website. And what a trip they had! Johan and Naomi always look for confirmations to see whether they are walking in the Father’s plan. Now I’m guessing, based on what they saw underway, that they were somewhat on the right track 😉. What do you think (see picture below)?

On 10 May 2024, whilst being underway to a Hapert trailer dealer, Johan, Naomi and CFY team member Bas saw this truck. The image contains the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Yeshua/Jesus Christ! HalleluYah!! What a confirmation that they were walking in the Father’s plan!

During the appointment the trailer dealer told Johan and Naomi he didn’t want to be of service to them. This was fine by Johan and Naomi, since they only want to do the will of the Father. Everyone gets a chance to step into this mission and it’s their choice whether they say yes or no. Time and time again the people who say yes are blessed in every area of their lives: physically, spiritually, emotionally, financially and materially. And there are sooo many testimonies about that within the CFY team (myself, Carina, included)!


The day after the meeting (yes, the Lord can also act FAST – He can do ANYTHING 😉) Johan received an assignment. During a conversation with me the Holy Spirit told him to make a list of all trailer dealers in the Netherlands. Johan then sent e-mails to all of them who sold closed trailers. Wait a minute, ALL of them? Isn’t that a bit much?


No… because it’s exactly what the Father is about: He wants to give everyone a chance to join this mission and be blessed! Yes, YOU as well! Believer, unbeliever, it doesn’t matter! Those e-mails are not because He cares about the trailer or the camper, those things are merely tools.


He cares about souls. Eventually all that matters is our eternal destiny. Everyone, whether believer or unbeliever, will come before Yahuah after they have died. Believers, then, have to give account of themselves and what they have done for His Kingdom.


By sending out those e-mails, imagine how many people heard about MAN goes Norway and Calling From Yahuah. By hearing about these projects, people not only get a chance to hear about Yahuah, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit. They get the opportunity to do something for His Kingdom as well, namely taking care of the orphans and street children, since Yahuah’s heart is with the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed (James 1:27).

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)).

So Johan did as he was told, prayed for the right dealer to come along and let the Father’s plan unfold. He would know what dealer, what trailer, everything. We know nothing.


And then Fripaan showed up as dealer! And how! Funny story: Johan didn’t even want a trailer!! But the Holy Spirit had other plans…


Johan got a phone call from Engbert from Fripaan at 9:01AM on 13 May 2024. However at that time Johan’s phone was muted, so he missed the call (and nothing happens by chance). That morning Johan and Naomi were reading the book of Galatians in the Bible when the Holy Spirit suddenly spoke to Johan saying how they needed to start reading Psalm 1. In obedience Johan and Naomi turned to Psalm 1 and read it out loud a few times. Then Johan immediately had to call Fripaan, which he did. And guess what happened:


Engbert from Fripaan turned out to be another brother in Christ and shared with Johan how Psalm 1 is his favourite Psalm! Psalm 1!! Which Johan and Naomi just had been ordered to read by the Holy Spirit!! What?!!!! You CANNOT make this up! Only the Almighty can do this!! All praise for Him! For those of you who now got interested, feel free to read Psalm 1 below 😊.


And it gets even better: Engbert explained how he had first thought that Johan’s e-mail had been about sponsoring. He decided to park the e-mail. Then he reread it and he also read our entire CFY website! He shared how special he thought it was that Yahuah and Yeshua were used instead of God and Jesus Christ. Eventually Johan, Naomi and Engbert ended up having a 40 (!) minute long conversation. About 80% was about Yahuah, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit and 20% or less about the trailer!!! I guess we can state they immediately had some sort of connection 😉! How wonderful!!!


And what miracles!!! Who would have thought this would happen? All Glory and Praise to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah!


Again: who wouldn’t want a life like that?!

Psalm 1 (NKJV) – favourite Psalm of Engbert from Fripaan, our trailer dealer


The Way of the Righteous and the End of the Ungodly

Blessed is the man
Who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly,
Nor stands in the path of sinners,
Nor sits in the seat of the scornful;
But his delight is in the law of the Lord,
And in His law he meditates day and night.
He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.

The ungodly are not so,
But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

For the Lord knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the ungodly shall perish. 

Going back to the trailer, since we have to finish that part as well 😉: after contacts with different (both believing and unbelieving) trailer dealers, Johan prayed for guidance. After all he is responsible for the money and although he liked Engbert as a person, Fripaan was the most expensive dealer of all. So he asked the Father to speak to him very clearly.


The next morning (!) he was woken up at 4AM and the Holy Spirit told him to call Engbert that day and tell him the truth. Johan called and told him plainly how Yahuah had told him to order the trailer from him, but how he didn’t want to because of the costs. Engbert responded how he had special news for Johan, for he had a quotation on which discount would be applied. Furthermore he wanted to know what the Father had to say about it, so Johan would receive a quotation and a discount, but that wouldn’t be all. Wow!


And guess what: after a lot of prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit, to this day, the trailer still hasn’t been paid for yet…

How is that even possible? What a miracle!


And it doesn’t stop there: after a lot of prayer and confirmations the trailer turned out to have to be a Hapert trailer and Engbert told us that the director of Hapert is very supportive of our mission as well! How wonderful! We feel so blessed that two companies with such big networks have put their faith and trust in us and our mission. This means more orphans and street children and so many more souls can be touched! 


And here we are: drumroll… on 23 August 2024 the beautiful Hapert trailer arrived at Fripaan (see picture below)!! What a blessing! What a gift! All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Yeshua! HalleluYah! What do you think? Isn’t it gorgeous!?

On 23 August 2024 the beautiful Hapert trailer arrived at Fripaan! All Glory and Praise for our King and Savior Yeshua!

Wow, think of the huge reward Johan and Naomi received for waiting on Yahuah: the trailer that had been available in Norway in May 2023 had been an open trailer that needed a lot of work. Back then they didn’t follow their own ideas or plans in buying the trailer, but listened to the Father’s guidance. Now they have a huge 5+ m closed Hapert trailer!! Faithfulness and patience is rewarded!


Currently, just like the MAN camper, the trailer is also being converted into the mission vehicle Yahuah has in mind, so stay tuned for more updates about the conversions!


We hope you enjoyed these (long) testimonies and got inspired.  Now we are looking forward to all the beautiful miracles our Heavenly Father Yahuah will provide us with in this amazing journey with Him. Join us, now you got the chance, in saving those 150,000,000 orphans and street children , whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide. Because that’s what we’re doing it for! And who wouldn’t want that!?

Chances are the MAN camper and trailer will also go to Africa, so besides international, also intercontinental promotion is on the table 😉.


If you have ideas that support our mission, feel free to contact us through our websites and social media channels! Whether it concerns the conversion of the MAN camper, the trailer, ways to reach more people and/or a better life for our 3,248 ex-orphans (they have been eating every other day for almost a year now). We are always open for advice and of course beautiful sponsorships and partnerships.


Be blessed to be a blessing!


Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands

Options for supporting CFY financially

At the moment we are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!


The Netherlands:

ASN Bank

J.R.S. Langenberg

NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28




DNB Bank

Johannes R.S. Langenberg

Bankkonto 1227 02 29385

Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402


You can choose the description:

–          Children

–          Container

–          Camper



It is also possible to donate via GoFundMe. Please make sure you reduce the provision for GoFundMe to 0%!

–          Link container:


–          Link camper:







Projects within Calling From Yahuah


MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives

Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it

Written by:


Carina Meijer

Ambassador (voluntary basis)

Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands

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09/25/2024 10:44

Wat een mooi verhaal! Dank Carina voor het overzichtelijk maken van alles wat er tot nu toe is gebeurd. Ik was me aan het voorbereiden om weer een bedrijf te bellen met de vraag of ze mee willen werken, maar ik ervaarde dat ik eerst de webside weer eens moest bekijken (geweldig Bas, hoe mooi is alles geworden!!) Na het lezen van dit verhaal ben ik weer meer gemotiveerd om te bellen en meer mensen de kans te geven in te stappen 🙂

09/25/2024 13:19
Reply to  Saskia

Hartelijk dank Saskia!

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