Dear friend/brother or sister of CFY,

Again it took a while. This time it was because Johan and Naomi travelled to the Netherlands!

But here we are again sharing our EXTENSIVE update on the distribution of donations from 10.1 to 29.2.


Currently with 3,048 children.

On 10.1 Agape Family started to sow all the grounds. This was done under the guidance of Jean Pierre with
a team of 182 children aged 18 to 24 years.

On 12.1 an entire team of 241 children (16 to 24 years old) picked up the harvest.
The total amount of the harvest on 12.1 was
  • 2,900 kg potatoes
  • 3,200 kg beans
On 14.1 the children started to sow again. Everything that had been bought on 9.1 was now put
into the ground with the help of 296 children aged 17 to 24 years. Jean Pierre reported
Johan that there was a stock of 68 pieces of soap and 17 packets of menstrual pads that day in Agape Family.

On 15.1 Jean Pierre got the task from our Heavenly Father Yahuah to start training strong leaders.
This would lead to more leaders for the children and a better organisation within Agape Family.
It would also be easier for Jean Pierre.

On 18.1 there were empty pieces of land on ground number 11 and number 15.
More potatoes had to be sown into the ground. Jean Pierre got the news that again a good deal
could be made if we would purchase a substantial amount. Johan and Jean Pierre calculated that
the amount of seeds would have to be 1,560 kg for potatoes and 1,080 kg for beans.

On 19.1 a gift was sent to Jean Pierre for the seeds. With this gift Jean Pierre had been able
to buy the following seeds:
  • 1,560 kg potatoes
  • 1,080 kg beans

As usual we prayed for free transport and extra free beans and potatoes.
Our Heavenly Father Yahuah again answered our prayers.

He provided us with free transport as well as 60 kg seed potatoes and 100 kg beans for free!

The children spent 7 days sowing all the seeds for potatoes and beans into the ground with a total of 247 children.
Also Jean Pierre reported to Johan that he had started training 4 new leaders including their names,
according to the task he had received from our Heavenly Father Yahuah on 15.1.

On 26.1 Jean Pierre and the children finally finished sowing everything into the grounds
after a total of 7 days. They also brought home a lot of wood for Agape Family.

In January the total yield for Agape Family was:
  • 3,460 kg seed potatoes yielded 12,046 kg potatoes
  • 2,910 kg seeds for beans yielded 12,630 kg beans

Unfortunately there had not yet been a harvest for cassava, since cassava is a crop which takes
longer to grow. 400 kg seeds for cassava had been sown in January.

On 1.2 new crops could be harvested, which was done by 381 children. In total the children harvested:
  • 4,206 kg potatoes
  • 4,830 beans

In order to fill up the soil again after the harvest, Johan and Jean Pierre set up a new plan
to purchase the following seeds: 2,600 kg potatoes, 1,800 kg beans and 690 kg cassava.

On 5.2 Johan sent a gift to Jean Pierre to purchase the seeds. Jean Pierre purchased:
  • 2,600 kg potatoes
  • 1,800 kg beans
  • 690 kg cassava

After prayer our Heavenly Father again provided us with free transport and an additional 200 kg of free
seeds for beans. Praise Him!

On 7.2 Johan and Jean Pierre made a plan to purchase soap and menstrual pads.

On 8.2 Johan sent a gift to Jean Pierre with which he bought 300 pieces of soap and 360 packets
of menstrual pads. Jean Pierre also continued training the new leaders. In total he was now training
12 leaders instead of 4.

On 14.2 Jean Pierre had been able to harvest again with 183 children aged 18 to 24. The harvest was:
  • 2,700 kg potatoes
  • 3,108 kg beans

Johan and Jean Pierre started making a plan again since the government starts chasing Jean Pierre
and Agape Family every time after the harvest.

The government demands the soil to be filled immediately.
If that’s not done, they will take the ground. Johan and Jean Pierre always make a plan, pray for it,
wait for confirmations from our Heavenly Father and then the gift is sent.

On 16.2 it was planned that Jean Pierre would receive the gift. Johan and Jean Pierre were hoping
that the money would arrive in the morning, since the government would come later that day
to cause trouble for Agape Family. However, due to all circumstances the money only became available
later in the afternoon…

Praise be to our Heavenly Father since it was just in time before
the government would come. Yahuah is never late and ALWAYS on time!!!

Jean Pierre bought the following seeds from the gift:
  • 2,140 kg potatoes
  • 1,300 kg beans
  • 690 kg cassava

Also with the purchasing of all the seeds, we received 120 kg beans and 60 kg potatoes for free and
of course free transport again! Praise Him!

It was planned that in the following days (16.2-20.2) Jean Pierre would start sowing with 274
children aged 17 to 24.

In the meantime Jean Pierre had told Johan that the border with Burundi had been closed for two weeks
already and that houses were destroyed by rain. Also war had started in Congo.
These events led to a raise in prices. There was more famine, more people got in trouble and
unfortunately more people were dying from starvation.

However Agape Family harvested again that day and took in 2,690 kg potatoes with 168 children aged 18 to 24.
The harvesting process is always done by the older children, since it is heavy duty work.

On 23.2 Jean Pierre was still sowing with 279 children aged 16 to 24. These children were gathered
together to help.

On 25.2 Jean Pierre and 283 children aged 17 to 24 were still sowing. Also wood was brought into Agape Family.

On 29.2 wood was brought in again and Jean Pierre and 319 children harvested new harvest:
  • 3,324 kg potatoes
  • 2,680 kg beans

In February the total yield for Agape Family was:
  • 4,740 kg seed potatoes yielded 12,920 kg potatoes
  • 3,100 kg seeds for beans yielded 10,618 kg beans
  • 1,380 kg seeds for cassava had been sown. Unfortunately still nothing could have been harvested.


Currently with 200 children.

On 16.1 Shalom Family got 20 liters of milk from somebody on the street.
Praise be to our Heavenly Father Yahuah! Hallelujah!

On 22.1 Joseph and the children went to the hospital. Over there 20 souls gave their lives to Yeshua!
Praise our Lord and Savior!

On 3.2 Joseph and the children paid another visit to the hospital. This time 8 sick people and
7 helpers/nurses gave their lives to Yeshua. Hallelujah!

On 8.2 Joseph and the children had a meeting with 20 workers of the hospital who opened up their lives.
This means they are in process. We are looking forward to the miracles our Heavenly Father is
going to do with them!

On 9.2 there was a harvest of 250 kg corn. Shalom Family divided this harvest.
Just like Agape Family also the Shalom Family children are now eating every other day.
On a day of food 25 kg corn and 5 kg beans is consumed by the 200 children.

Joseph reported to Johan that it was very cold with lots of rain.

On 13.2 Joseph told Johan that 20 children were experiencing stomach pains due to the corn.

On 16.2 Joseph went shopping for their neighbour who is an old man. He bought apples and
oranges and put medication in his eyes. After that Joseph and the children went to the prison to tell
people about Yeshua. During that visit 5 people gave their lives to Yeshua.
Praise Him! That same day a man gave 20 liters of milk for the children and 10.000 RWF!
Praise be to our Heavenly Father Yahuah!

On 20.2 Johan sent the monthly gift for Shalom Family to Joseph. Joseph bought the following with the gift:
  • 100 kg rice
  • 193 kg Irish potatoes
  • Salt
  • Transport
The shop owner provided us with 5 bars of soap for free as well as 7 kg Irish potatoes!
Praise be to our Heavenly Father Yahuah!

You can send your donation through one of the following options

The Netherlands:
J.R.S. Langenberg
NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28.

Johannes R.S. Langenberg
Bankkonto: 1227 02 29385

Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402

You can use one of the two subjects when transferring donation:
  • Shipping the container Rwanda
  • The MAN camper
Sponsor the container for Rwanda on Gofundme
Sponsor our house on wheels on Gofundme

Sponsor via Paypal
Sponsor via WISE
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05/28/2024 10:25
Reply to  bas

HalleluYah Amen to that Bas!!!
Without our King and Savior there was no CFY.

Carina Meijer
Carina Meijer
04/24/2024 19:21

Wow, utrolig hvordan Den Hellige Ånd brukte Joseph og barna! 35 mennesker som ga livet sitt til Yeshua/Herren Jesus Kristus på mindre enn 2 uker! Halleluja! Pris vår Konge og Frelser Yeshua/Jesus Kristus!

Carina Meijer
Carina Meijer
04/24/2024 19:20

Wow fantastisch hoe de Heilige Geest Joseph en de kinderen heeft gebruikt! 35 mensen die hun leven aan Yeshua/de Here Jezus Christus hebben gegeven in minder dan 2 weken tijd! Halleluyah! Prijs onze Koning en Verlosser Yeshua/Jezus Christus!

05/28/2024 10:32
Reply to  Carina Meijer

Dat kan alleen de Heilige Geest Carina, en wij geloven dat er nog meer wonderen in CFY zullen gaan plaatsvinden in
Yeshuas Machtige Naam Amen!!!
Wij als CFY hebben een missie en die voeren wij samen met de Heilige Geest uit en zoals in Romeinen 8:31 staat,

Romeinen 8:31 Wat zullen wij dan over deze dingen zeggen? Als God voor ons is, wie zal tegen ons zijn?

Dank je wel voor alles wat je voor CFY doet!!!.

Wees Gezegend om een nog grotere Zegen te zijn in Yeshuas Machtige Naam Amen!!!

Carina Meijer
Carina Meijer
04/24/2024 19:19

Wow amazing what the Holy Spirit has done with Joseph and the children! 35 people who have their souls to Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ in less than 2 weeks! Hallelyah! Praise our Lord and Savior Yeshua/Jesus Christ!

05/28/2024 10:42
Reply to  Carina Meijer

Dear Carina,

That should be very normal in our daily walk with the Holy Spirit, right?
Our King and Savior Yeshua showed and taught us that we are Ambassadors for His Name, Honor and Glory!

We pray that many souls will be saved from darkness through CFY in Yeshuas Mighty Name Amen!!!

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