Dear friend of Calling From Yahuah (CFY),


Here we are again sharing Yahuah’s/God’s miracles and monthly expenses for CFY from 1 August 2024 to 31 August 2024.



Currently with 3,048 ex-orphans (3 to 25 years old) and leader Jean Pierre (since 2017).

Establishment of Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands


Let’s start off with some happy overall CFY news!


On 02.08 our Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands was established!! Hooray!! The purpose of our Foundation is to give 150 million orphans and street children worldwide, whom Yahuah/God appoints, a loving home with Yeshua/the Lord Jesus Christ. All Honour and Glory for our Heavenly Father Yahuah. Thanks to Him it was possible! It was His plan (we didn’t want to and hadn’t even thought of it) and His way! The extraordinary journey of over 3 months included confirmations through several people, the touching of many souls, a lot of prayer and waiting for His guidance, spiritual opposition and the privilege of witnessing His greatness. HalleluYah!


For the full testimony check 02.08.2024 MILESTONE: ESTABLISHMENT OF FOUNDATION CALLING FROM YAHUAH NETHERLANDS on callingfromyahuah.com/updates.

Beautiful harvest – flashback to one year ago


On 02.08 Agape Family harvested 19,700 kg potatoes and 10,080 kg beans. We thank our Heavenly Father Yahuah for this beautiful harvest!


Wow, what a difference with one year ago. On 28.08.2023 to be exact, it was the very last day that there was food in Agape Family. We praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah for the emergency solution He provided, so the children got the possibility to eat very small amounts of food every other day since 06.09.2023. Wow, take into account that the children went without food for 11 days straight!!! Since then, the amounts of food as well as the types of food have improved. First it was rice and now the children eat potatoes and beans, which are more nutritious as you can read all about in our CFY Facebook group Medical Medium lifestyle (link provided at the bottom of this update). However, the children are currently still eating every other day and on the days they do eat, it’s only once a day. Can you imagine? Is your stomach never growling when you wake up? If you’re like many of us, you can most likely just get up and go to the refrigerator whenever you want to and even get what you want. We are so blessed by our Heavenly Father! And did you know we are blessed to be a blessing?


Next month the children will have been eating every other day for an entire year!! We are so grateful for how our Heavenly Father Yahuah takes care of them. We know it is not easy, but He carries them through. And they are still sowing and harvesting. It’s a true miracle.


We know our Heavenly Father Yahuah wants to provide them with more food. They need more food. And, as Christians who are the hands and feet of Yeshua, it’s our job to carry out His will. This is so beautifully stated in James 1:27.

Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world (James 1:27 (NKJV)). 

If you don’t do that, please read Matthew 7 where Yeshua says “I never knew you”. We all come before the Father and, as believers, we have to give account for what we’ve done with our lives. We only enter heaven if we have done the will of the Father. And His will is taking care of the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed. It’s our duty.


And besides seeing it as a duty, don’t you want to feed those children? They are children and they’ve been through so much! No parents, no home, living on the streets, being treated like rats and now… they do have a loving home, but still many of them are half naked, they don’t have beds or enough blankets, and they only have food every other day.


We, as CFY, see their food as first priority. We know there will be famines in the future so we are saving parts of the harvests for those times. But as Derek Prince, one of Johan’s (founder of CFY) examples as men of Yahuah, quoted his grandson so beautifully in the teaching below: “Do something somebody!”


Want to know what you can do? Think or pray about it and contact us at CFY. We are always open for conversation and our Heavenly Father might just have given you the idea we need to provide the children with more food. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be used like that by our Almighty God?

Sowing test


On 06.08 Jean Pierre and the children sowed a staggering 4,890 kg of their own potatoes back into the ground. In addition to that they did a test run with 100 kg of their own beans! It was the very first time their own beans were sown into the ground. Of course we are praying that the bean harvests are even more wonderful than the potato harvests the Father has blessed them with these many months. Are you joining us in prayer?

Agape Family gets “the mountain”!


In case you have read our extended report on the mountain on our social media pages, the information in this chapter will not be entirely new for you. We did add a few new details though. Feel free to read it again or skip to our next chapter 😊. If you want to be updated with posts like the one below as well as the latest news about CFY, follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and/or TikTok channels. Share our information as well so the whole world knows about our 3,248 ex-orphans and the miracles our Heavenly Father Yahuah does for them! Now, let’s go to this AMAZING testimony:


In 2022, due to horrible circumstances, 1,006 children had died within Agape Family. After prayer our Heavenly Father Yahuah resurrected over 700 children in different groups!!! HalleluYah!


Wait… resurrection? Truly?


Yes! We know He can do ANYTHING, so we started praying for resurrection. And then one time Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, came to the place where all the deceased bodies laid (can you imagine 1,006 deceased children bodies altogether?). There he saw children’s bodies MOVING!!!! Wow wow wow!! All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Yeshua!!!


And it gets even better… (yes it can get better than resurrection!!!)


Multiple children indicated that they had been in a beautiful place where they had seen a Man in white. Wow!


On 24.01.2023 it was reported by 12 of the resurrected children how this Man (Yeshua) had told them that He would soon return to earth!




Is this sinking in? To be sure here’s the message again:


Yeshua is coming back to earth and He is coming QUICKLY!


Furthermore He told the children that He would send them back to share this message on earth. Also they would receive two pieces of land on which a school, church and a children’s hospital would be built.


What a message!!


And such a miracle!


Another miracle is that the pieces of land presented themselves within a month! Now also known as “the mountain”! The negotiations went in a very special way. We were allowed to pay off the amount within 3 years, but the Holy Spirit said 11. And after many days we got a payment plan for 11 years!!


Praise the Lord!


And now… like you most likely have read in the former updates, the government, seemingly out of nowhere, started pushing about the mountain. In May all of a sudden Agape Family had to start sowing more on the mountain (whereas they had only started sowing there back in April). In June, subsequently, they were told “if you don’t start building on the mountain, we will build a hospital there”.

Back in November 2023 the Holy Spirit told Isimbi (the half-sister of leader Jean Pierre) to pray for the building of the church.


In June 2024, when the government came to close Agape Family and confiscate the mountain, Jean Pierre stopped them and he was put in prison. The police, deployed by our Heavenly Father Yahuah, got him out of there. HalleluYah!


And then, on 07.08, Jean Pierre shared that the Holy Spirit had told him to pray for paying off the mountain and getting the property papers!!


The government started to call Jean Pierre at least 8(!!) times daily! There was pressure, from which we knew that something was going to happen!!


The same day negotiations about the mountain took place. In 2023 we had agreed upon 1 Million rwf per year for 11 years (so 11 Million rwf in total) and paid 400,000 rwf. The remaining 600,000 rwf for the first year was paid on 07.04.2024. On 26.04 we paid the 1 Million rwf for the second year, so we now had left 9 years or 9 Million rwf (about €6,200). Whereas the owners first had not wanted to give us a discount, they were now willing to offer a discount of 1,4 Million rwf (about €900) ! Wow! Praise the Lord!


So 7.6 Million rwf was left; still a lot of money at once (almost €5,300). So we prayed for more discount.


Late at night Jean Pierre told Johan how they decreased the price to 7 Million rwf! HalleluYah!


And the next day, 08.08, wow, such greatness of the Almighty: the owners told Jean Pierre that the government was pushing them to give the mountain in their hands.… but they wanted to help Agape Family! And how:


In order to get the papers, the Family only had to pay HALF the price now and the other half after a month!


The Holy Spirit then instructed Johan how Jean Pierre had to ask for payment of the other half before the end of this year. He did and they AGREED!!! What a miracle! Only the Almighty can do this (see screenshot below)!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 08.08 via Facebook Messenger. At the moment of the conversation with Johan, Jean Pierre is speaking to the mountain sellers over the phone translating directly what Johan says. The sellers had just revealed how they wanted to help Agape Family to obtain the mountain. This would be by paying half the price now and the other half a month later in order to get the papers! However, Johan was just instructed by the Holy Spirit to ask for payment of the other half before the end of this year (instead of month). He tells Jean Pierre: “We need space, no stress.” He also shares that we can keep our promise in that way. Jean Pierre immediately shares this information with the mountain sellers and…it’s a deal! They agree!!! Hooray!!! What a miracle!! Only the Almighty can do this! All Glory and Praise to our King and Savior Yeshua/Jesus Christ!! 

And it gets even better: other people had offered the owners 15 Million rwf for the mountain (so more than double of Agape Family) and direct payment. They refused to sell!!! Wow wow wow!


Johan started to transfer the 3.5 Million rwf for the mountain, but time and time again the transaction was stopped. This obviously led Johan to call with Remitly to solve the issue. There he was sent from pillar to post, but of course he did speak with people about Yahuah and Yeshua. Perhaps this was the Father’s plan so those people could be touched: He cares about souls and things might not go the way we like it, but His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8). And eternity is more important than this life on earth.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,

Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,

So are My ways higher than your ways,

And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

(Isaiah 55:8-9 (NKJV))

And then a miracle happened: Johan managed to transfer money! However this was 2 Million rwf, instead of the agreed upon 3.5 Million, due to restrictions from the Rwandan government…


Jean Pierre was talking to the mountain sellers over the phone whilst chatting with Johan over Facebook Messenger. So he could immediately tell them what Johan was telling him under guidance of the Holy Spirit. During that conversation Jean Pierre was instructed to tell them about the antichrist system. Terrible times are coming and the government wants to control the lives of all people. These times will be dangerous except for the people who have accepted Yeshua as Lord and Savior and are covered with His blood (see screenshot below). We shared more information about the antichrist system in the former Agape Family update of July, so feel free to read that one as well 😊. All Glory to our King and Savior Yeshua!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre over Facebook Messenger on 08.08. Jean Pierre is talking with Johan whilst speaking with the mountain sellers over the phone. Johan receives instructions from the Holy Spirit and Jean Pierre has to tell the sellers about the antichrist system. Terrible times are coming and the government wants to control the lives of all people. Jean Pierre replies that it’s dangerous to the people. Johan shares how that’s true, but not for us and Jean Pierre ads the reason: for we are covered by the blood of Yeshua. All Glory to our King and Savior Yeshua! Feel free to read more about the antichrist system in our former Agape Family update of July.

And guess what else happened during the phone call Jean Pierre had with the sellers: they were okay with the 2 Million rwf that Johan could send instead of the 3.5 Million rwf! They trusted in receiving the other 5 Million rwf before the end of this year!


Thát is our Almighty Father Yahuah!! Wow wow wow! Only He can harden hearts, soften them, do this!! Do áll these things!! HalleluYah!!


On 08.08 everything was made official as well: the mountain is ours!!! It’s all on paper with the notary!!


After all these years Agape Family has the mountain!! AMAZING! Praise the Lord! God is faithful!! Promised by Yeshua Himself, how special!! And with so many miracles!


HalleluYah!! HalleluYah!! HalleluYah!!


Share this testimony of the mountain and Yeshua’s promise of how He will soon return to earth (or this entire update 😉) in all your online and offline networks! Everyone must know this!

Fasting and praying for miracles


The Holy Spirit had told Jean Pierre to fast and pray for 7 days for our Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands, sponsors and Johan and Naomi.


On 12.08 Jean Pierre started his fasting and praying period and told Johan how big miracles would happen in the whole world through CFY and through Johan (see screenshot below). Eventually he fasted and prayed for so much more than he received as an initial instruction from the Holy Spirit.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with the concept of fasting and praying: we always pray before a fasting period and tell the Father what we are doing it for. So whenever you do a fasting and praying period and especially 7 days (!) straight, you might as well do it for many more things, right? Jean Pierre ended up fasting and praying for everything connected to CFY! Miracles and breakthroughs, as well as the 1.5 Million rwf for the mountain that was still missing. Also let’s not forget the 6 Million rwf (almost €4,000) that the government again demanded to be in Jean Pierre’s bank account before the end of the month!


And it was not just Jean Pierre who prayed. Johan always tells Jean Pierre to pray together with all the ex-orphans. Can you imagine a prayer army of 3,048 children praying together with Jean Pierre for EVERYTHING connected to CFY!?


Stay tuned to see what miracles would happen!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 12.08 over Facebook Messenger. Jean Pierre shares with Johan how the Holy Spirit had told him to take 7 days of fasting and praying for our Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands, sponsors and Johan and Naomi. He would start this day and states how big miracles will happen in the whole world through CFY and Johan.

Beautiful harvest and immediate sowing!


On 12.08 the children harvested 28,560 kg potatoes, 13,700 kg beans and 6,020 kg cassava (see screenshot below). Jean Pierre shared how they had also had rain, which was good for the seeds in the ground. How wonderful! Thank You Father for the rain and the beautiful harvest!


On 13.08 it was sowing time as usual since they harvested the day before. Due to government regulations the grounds have to be filled at all times, otherwise they will be confiscated. So many people in the neighbourhood have lost their grounds and subsequently their lives due to starvation… We are so grateful for all the miracles our Heavenly Father has performed in keeping the grounds within Agape Family as well as providing the children with the strength to sow with only food once every other day! Thank You Papa!!


361 children sowed 5,130 kg of their own seed potatoes. They did not have any of their own beans ready to sow this time, so it was only potatoes they used. They would wait for the beans to be ready.

Pressure on the mountain


Even though we had a wonderful signed deal with the mountain sellers, on 15.08 the government started pushing them again! Due to the restrictions, we had paid a lower amount of money than we had agreed upon on paper (2 Million rwf instead of the agreed 3.5). If we wouldn’t pay the remaining amount, the sellers would have to pay extra high taxes.


Johan instructed Jean Pierre to call the sellers and tell them that Yahuah is with us, all is well and they have to trust us. This he did and guess what response he got: that they knew we are servants of Yahuah and nothing is impossible (see screenshot below)! HalleluYah! How extraordinary is that!?

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 15.08 over Facebook Messenger. Jean Pierre shares with Johan how he will call the mountain sellers and tell them Johan’s instructions considering the pressure the government is giving. They want them to pay extra high taxes if Agape Family will not pay the remaining 1.5 Million rwf. Jean Pierre was instructed to share that Yahuah/God is with us, all is well and they have to trust us. They responded that they already know that we are servants of Yahuah and nothing is impossible! HalleluYah! How extraordinary is that!?

And indeed! Matthew 19:26: “with God all things are possible.” (NKJV)


That same day we paid the remaining 1.5 Million rwf , so now all that’s left is the remaining 3.5 Million rwf before the end of the year. What a miracle! The sellers were very grateful and praised Yahuah! Of course we prayed that the government wouldn’t demand more taxes from them, since that was the threat if we wouldn’t be in time with our payments. But thanks to our Amazing Heavenly Father Yahuah we were in time! He is NEVER late! Thank You Father!


After Jean Pierre had gone into the city to get money from the bank and pay the sellers the remaining amount, he encountered heavy rain fall on the way back… Can you imagine walking for over an hour in the mud, with heavy rain, without a rain coat? Yuck! And dangerous as well. We are grateful he has the protection of our Heavenly Father Yahuah over his life as we’ve seen many times before. But besides that:


What an adventure! And what an answer to our prayers!!! Remember how Jean Pierre started fasting and praying for 7 days straight just a few days before? The 1.5 Million rwf was one of the prayer requests he and the children had made. What a miracle our Heavenly Father Yahuah performed! Thank You Father for that wonderful answer to their prayers! All Glory and Praise to You!


We are looking forward to how the church, the school and the hospital will be built on the mountain! Aren’t you? We know (and now you do too!) that promises from our Lord Yeshua come true, so let’s see how these ones will unfold!


Feel free to share this story or this entire update in all your online and offline networks. If you have ideas for actions to help build the church, the school and the children’s hospital, we would love to hear from you!

“With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26 (NKJV))

Yahuah LITERALLY speaks to government officials


Remember the miracle of which we had said it would come? On 01.07 we posted on social media how the government had tried to close Agape Family that morning. If you haven’t read the full story about everything that happened with the government from 01.07 until now, feel free to read all those updates on this website! I would say get a drink, sit back, relax and enjoy 😊!


In our social media post of 01.07 we stated how we knew a big miracle from Yahuah would come after the government had tried to close the family. After all, that’s what we had learned after 6 years with CFY. Without a test there wouldn’t be a testimony. We stated how Agape Family is from God Almighty and that we knew He was fighting for the family. And now here we are… oh the miracle you’re about to read… it’s so wonderful!


So for months the government had wanted to close Agape Family and had demanded a lot of money in order to keep it open. Multiple times our Heavenly Father Yahuah had kept the family with 3,048 ex-orphans and ex-street children open by providing the money in time. He provided so many miracles in doing that! Thank You Father!


However on 23.08 this didn’t seem to work out. The government had demanded Agape Family to have 6 Million rwf (about €4,000) in the bank account of Jean Pierre, leader of Agape Family, that same day before 5PM. If that money would not be in the account, they would close Agape Family.

For several days we had tried to transfer the money via Remitly. Every time we heard we needed to wait: first 24 hours, then 48 hours… and time was ticking. And due to so much money having been sent to Agape Family these last few months they had started an investigation at Remitly which had already lasted for about a month. And guess what: in the morning of 23.08, the day when the 6M rwf needed to be in Jean Pierre’s account by 5PM, our Remitly account was cancelled. The high amounts of money seemed suspicious to them. We could now no longer transfer money to Rwanda…


We needed a miracle to keep Agape Family open and that’s what we prayed for.


Again, remember how on 12.08 Jean Pierre had gotten the task from the Holy Spirit to fast and pray for 7 days? And how he had also stated that big miracles would happen through CFY? Of course we didn’t know what kind of miracles that would be…


We started praying and asking our Heavenly Father Yahuah for guidance. After advice from Bas, our CFY team member who built this beautiful website, we tried bitcoins, but this was unknown to Jean Pierre. Jean Pierre was sent into town (a 2.5 hour walk) to search for other options and in the Netherlands Johan and Naomi tried to make it work. After hours we still had nothing. We know the Bible says He will never leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomium 31:8) and we needed to trust, but this was truly a testing of faith!

“And the LORD, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 (NKJV))

If the money wouldn’t come, Agape Family would be closed and 3,048 children would be out on the streets… prepped for starvation and worse… Oh how grateful we are that the God of Israel is with them…


And then, in the afternoon, all of a sudden the Holy Spirit told Johan to transfer money to Jean Pierre from his normal account. HalleluYah! Thank You Holy Spirit for a solution!!  However, this usually takes 2-3 days. So what would Yahuah’s plan be? But a miracle happened: Jean Pierre was told that a mere picture of the transaction would be enough this time! Praise our Heavenly Father Yahuah! We were so happy.


If everything would work out with the transaction, Agape Family would stay open!


It had been a tough day for Johan: he told us how he had thought of asking people to send money to Agape Family. But of course he wanted to obey the Holy Spirit. In CFY we only want to do His will and we know He takes care of the ex-orphans and of us. And He is ALWAYS ON TIME. So this was all done in faith, even though there was the threat of closing Agape Family and 3,048 children having nowhere to go. And we know Yahuah is Almighty.


And it gets even better. So much better. The transaction worked out, but we didn’t know that Yahuah had already performed a much bigger different miracle:


On 24.08 Jean Pierre went to show the picture of the demanded transaction to the government officials in order to keep Agape Family open. The government officials told him that, the day before, they had been on their way to Agape Family to close it…


When they were underway they had heard a voice. A voice? Wow…


The voice had told them to give Agape Family 3 days waiting time due to the weekend.


Upon hearing this they turned around.



Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 24.08. Jean Pierre shares how he met with the government officials that day to show them the photo of proof of the transaction. The 6 Million rwf (about €4,000) was required in order to keep Agape Family open. The people told him how they had been on their way to close Agape Family the day before. However, they had heard a voice that had told them to give Agape Family 3 days of waiting time because of the weekend. Our Almighty God Yahuah had LITERALLY SPOKEN to the unbelieving government officials and they had TURNED AROUND! All Glory and Praise for Him!! HalleluYah! Thank You Father for keeping Agape Family open!! 

Do you realize what this means? Yahuah, our Almighty Living God, has LITERALLY SPOKEN to people from the government, who were unbelievers. HE told them to give Agape Family 3 days waiting time because of the weekend. And they turned around.


Thát is His power! He can do ANYTHING!! WHAT A MIRACLE!!


NOBODY can stop His plan, so also His plan to keep Agape Family open CANNOT be stopped!


And the unbelieving government officials turned around! How big is this!


Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!!


So see: His plan is ALWAYS GOOD!! If Johan hadn’t waited for guidance of the Holy Spirit and had asked other people to send money, this amazing miracle wouldn’t have happened. So always obey the Lord! We don’t know His plans, but even though it seems as if everything is about to collapse, He is with us and His plans are always good! HalleluYah!


And remember how Jean Pierre obeyed the Holy Spirit by fasting and praying for 7 days straight for miracles when he was told to do so… Obedience is rewarded! And how!


Wow… our Heavenly Father Yahuah has SPOKEN to the government with His Voice!

Psalm 29  – the Voice of the Lord by the Psalms Project. A beautiful Psalm from the Bible about the Voice of Yahuah.

Jean Pierre fell ill


After this wonderful miracle, Jean Pierre reported to Johan how he suffered from headache.  This happened on the same day (24.08). It is not uncommon for satan to attack after Yahuah has performed a miracle. We have seen this numerous times. Since satan hates Yeshua and His followers, he often lashes out after he lost a battle, such as this one. After all it’s his goal to destroy Agape Family and he truly failed.


This time the attack got so bad that Jean Pierre started suffering not only from severe headache, but pain in his whole body. The Holy Spirit told him to ask Johan for prayers. By that time entire Agape Family was on their knees praying to our Heavenly Father Yahuah for healing of Jean Pierre. Can you imagine that picture: thousands of children begging the Almighty God of the Universe at the same time?!


Johan passed on this message to people in the CFY team and of course we started praying as well. Especially for healing, deliverance and salvation. Johan even shared voice clips of Jean Pierre. He sounded so sick! Even his half-sister Isimbi (10 years old) spoke to Johan and Naomi about how sick he was. This was bad.


And guess what: even with the small voice he had, he was praising the Lord! That’s what we should all do. For He is ALWAYS good! He had also told Johan how he would not die but live and declare what Yahuah had done for Agape Family (see screenshot below).

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 24.08. After showing the photo of the proof of payment to the government officials and hearing about Yahuah’s miraculous saving through His voice the day before, Jean Pierre got sick. He suffered terribly from headache and a lot of pain in his whole body. Entire Agape Family (3,048 children) was on their knees praying for healing of Jean Pierre. The Holy Spirit told Jean Pierre to ask Johan to pray for him as well. Jean Pierre reported how he would not die, but live and declare what our Heavenly Father Yahuah had done for Agape Family. He reported how nothing could stop Yahuah’s plan for our lives and how this attack meant more miracles. Attacks are caused by satan and he often attacks just before miracles happen. HalleluYah! So stay tuned! 

And guess what happened: miraculously the Holy Spirit set up a healing, deliverance and salvation session for entire CFY the next day (25.08)! Thank You Father! Johan reported how, during that time, Jean Pierre had not been online, which meant he was sleeping. Praise the Lord for his sleep! And the same night he hadn’t been online for 14 hours which meant he had a really good sleep…


And guess what: in the morning of 26.08 Jean Pierre had reported to Johan how he was being fully fit again!!!




What a miracle! Only our Heavenly Father Yahuah can do this! Fully fit after having been so sick, and so fast (less than 48 hours) and as if nothing had happened. And bear in mind how he had prayed and fasted for 7 days. Beside that, he had been eating only every other day just like the 3,048 children for over 11 months now. Wow!!! Thank you Father for all You do for Agape Family!!! HalleluYah!


Often it also happens that satan attacks when miracles are about to happen, just like Jean Pierre shared in his message to Johan above. We expect even MORE miracles are coming! So stay tuned… 😉


Share this story about Yahuah’s voice in all your networks, EVERYONE must know this! In case this testimony has given you ideas and you want to support CFY with your gifts and/or talents, contact us! Everyone is welcome! Everything for the mission of saving 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide!

Have you ever heard the voice of Yahuah?


Different question after the above testimony: have you ever heard the voice of Yahuah yourself? If you have, how wonderful! However don’t be embarrassed if you haven’t. People receive different gifts and talents and the Holy Spirit gives the way He wants to.


In our former updates we warned people about the terrible times that are about to come on this earth. It is important to walk in Yahuah’s plan to stay safe, both in this life and in our eternal one. But if you don’t hear His voice, how do you know whether you are walking in His plan or not? And if you hear a voice (or voices), how do you know if the voice is from the Father? After all, demons can also speak. I, Carina, know the latter all too well myself… – in fact that almost killed me several times.


Long story short: if you don’t know or you don’t hear His voice, find someone who does. For then you can receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.


We are living in the days of Noah, like just before the flood. Our Heavenly Father Yahuah, righteous and just as He is, is going to judge this earth again. The flood was only survived by 8 people: Noah, his wife, their 3 children and their spouses. So if you want to navigate correctly, find a Noah.


And how Blessed we are to have a Noah in our midst. Johan has heard the voice of the Holy Spirit since 2006 and was trained by Himself for years. From all the other posts we have shared about Johan, you know how he is faithful and obedient to only One. The One. God Almighty. He serves nobody else. Through Johan and Naomi the Father has saved my life multiple times. Johan always waits for confirmations from Yahuah and does exactly as he is told by the Holy Spirit, whether he likes it or not. He does not follow his own agenda.


So when Johan shares the Holy Spirit’s message that terrible times are coming or something will come to pass, we need to listen.


In Ezechiel 33:3-5 it is shared how a watchman sees the sword coming upon the land. If he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life (see below).


As a watchman Johan speaks up and as CFY we are putting out messages. We share about the terrible times that are coming to pass and what you should do. When we do this, it is up to you to listen or be willingly ignorant. We all have to be watchmen as Christians. It is written in the same chapter in Ezechiel what happens if we don’t warn people. If the sword comes and takes the person who was not warned, his blood will be required at the watchman’s hand (see also below).

“When he sees the sword coming upon the land, if he blows the trumpet and warns the people, then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, if the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be on his own head. He heard the sound of the trumpet, but did not take warning; his blood shall be upon himself. But he who takes warning will save his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand.” (Ezechiel 33:3-6 (NKJV))

Basically this message contains two points. Firstly, if you want to stay safe and know more about the upcoming times, you can always contact us and speak to Johan and Naomi. Secondly, know that we will all stand before the Father after we have died and can go two places. If you are a believer, you will be judged for what you’ve done for His Kingdom to see if you can enter heaven. And His message is to care for the orphans, widows, poor and oppressed and keep yourself unspotted from the world (James 1:27). So first we have to DO it: care for them. And second we have to TELL people that they should do it, or they might end up in hell. Yeshua said so Himself in Matthew 7: “Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.”

“Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.” (Matthew 7:21 (NKJV))

And here comes the best part. You get to receive His love and blessings when you do what He asks you to do! He is só good! And we see it time and time again: people who join CFY, will be blessed in every area of their lives (spiritually, physically, emotionally, financially and materially). And people who don’t… they encounter A LOT of problems. I can speak about this for myself as well: after disobedience, I ended up in a mental institution for 4+ months. There satan almost killed me through so-called medication… but the Father got me out through Johan and Naomi when I wanted to be obedient – it is NEVER too late! You DON’T want to be in the situation I was in… you DON’T. And the reason it happens, is because He loves you way too much to let you go to hell. As it is stated in Ezechiel 33:11: “As I live,” says the Lord God, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn, turn from your evil ways!”


And it’s sooo much fun to do things for CFY and use your gifts and talents!!! You get to do what you were born to do! How wonderful is that! And you get to help so many children!!! How satisfying can your life be?! And don’t forget ALL THE MIRACLES you get to encounter!


Well… let’s get to some lighter material, shall we?

Another beautiful harvest


On 27.08 the ex-orphans received another beautiful harvest from our Heavenly Father: 26,940 kg potatoes and 16,700 kg beans! The harvesting was done with 388 children. Thank You Father!

The 6 Million rwf arrives!


Wow, our Heavenly Father Yahuah performed so many miracles in keeping Agape Family open! Jean Pierre was allowed to only show a photo of the transaction and The Father literally spoke with His own Voice to the government officials! All Glory and Honour for our Heavenly Father! However, the 6 Million rwf still had to come into Jean Pierre’s bank account.


On 29.08 Jean Pierre reported that his prayers were heard and that 6,121,560 rwf was subscribed to his account (see below)! HalleluYah! Praise the Lord! After 6 days (!) the gift had arrived from Johan’s Dutch account!


Do you also see the other miracle here? On Friday 23.08, Yahuah told the government officials to give Agape Family 3 days time due to the weekend. On Saturday 24.08 Jean Pierre showed the officials the photo, while he had time until Monday 26.08. However the money came in on Thursday 29.08, AND from Johan’s Dutch bank account!! That is how He works. Let’s quote Isaiah 55 again: His ways are higher than our ways 😊. And do we love it!


And Agape Family is still open!!! How?! Thank You thank You thank You! All Glory and Praise for You Father!

Conversation between Johan and Jean Pierre on 29.08. Jean Pierre gives glory to our Heavenly Father Yahuah and states that He is never late. Jean Pierre received the message from his bank that 6,121,560 rwf was added to his account. His prayers were answered! He said it’s amazing how Yahuah works. HalleluYah!

Biggest potato harvest yet!!!


Are you up for another great harvesting testimony? Let’s do this! This time they had two harvesting days instead of one… On 30.08 and 31.08 the children were harvesting both potatoes and beans. They brought in a staggering


39,780 kg potatoes


and 21,900 kg beans.


That is the biggest potato harvest yet!! And remember how Agape Family has the biggest harvests in the community? All Glory and Praise for our Heavenly Father Yahuah! HalleluYah!


And guess what: in the Netherlands, if you have a good price for potatoes without discount, 5 kg would have a worth of about €5. So this harvest would be worth almost €8,000 (€7,956 to be exact)! And guess what: the children got it for FREE! Everything is sown with own seed potatoes. From whatever is harvested, a part is prepared and sown back into the ground for new harvests! How amazing is that! Some months ago we were still buying seed potatoes. Then the Holy Spirit worked through people within CFY leading to us ending up with this new completely self-sustaining system. Isn’t that superb!? And thanks to the Lord, the harvests are getting bigger and bigger! What an answer to our prayers! HalleluYah! All Glory and Praise for our King and Savior Yeshua!

Prayer points and a renewed website!


We hope you enjoyed reading this update. Let’s get to our prayer points for there is so much to pray for! Of course we thank you for all your prayers and blessings that you have already done for and given to CFY!


Special prayer points are still the seeding and harvesting processes. We pray for harvests that are 100, 1000, 7000, 7,777.777-fold of what they usually are. We also pray that the forced payments for Agape Family by the government will stop. Praying for supernatural protection for Agape Family and Shalom Family still is super important. We obviously pray for well-being of all the ex-orphans as well as abundance in all they need for the rest of their lives. If you want to get specific, think about eating every day (instead of every other day), having clean drinking water, blankets, beds to sleep in, chairs to sit on and tables. And last, but definitely not least: Bibles! Let’s give all 3,248 children within CFY better lives! They deserve so much more! Praying for CFY to go global is also a much needed prayer. We need to save those 150 million orphans and street children whom Yahuah appoints!


We are proud to share with you a new feature on this website. Via the top you can now easily navigate to the websites of CFY’s other projects MAN goes Norway and Medical Medium lifestyle! Within MAN goes Norway a mission vehicle is built in the form of a MAN camper. Its purpose is to gain more attention for the 3,248 ex-orphans within CFY and all the orphans and street children that are still to come. Medical Medium lifestyle is Naomi’s ministry in which she is healing the sick. This is done through healthy eating according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah initially intended it to be. Besides the Medical Medium lifestyle website there is also a Medical Medium lifestyle Facebook group. In this group you can receive guidance and it already contains 8000+ members. Links to the websites and Facebook group are provided at the bottom of this update. Each project is part of CFY. Supporting one of them leads to supporting CFY and thus providing the ex-orphans with better lives. And who doesn’t want that!? Feel free and take a look!


Keep sharing our website and these updates in all your online and offline networks. Everyone needs to get a chance to support our mission of saving the 150 million orphans and street children, whom Yahuah appoints, worldwide! CFY is also active on social media, so you can follow us there as well! And of course share all our messages on Facebook, Instagram, Linked-In, TikTok and Pinterest! Sharing your gifts and/or talents with CFY is always welcome too, so contact us in case you have ideas!


Thank you for reading this update. Ideas for improvement are always appreciated and of course stay tuned for next month. Let’s see what miracles our Heavenly Father Yahuah will then have performed for His children!


So in short, and as a reminder, cause repetition is good for us 😉:

Keep Praying for us, Building with us, Sharing CFY and Giving to our Heavenly Father Yahuah by donating to CFY with a happy heart 😊.


He will bless you abundantly for it because His heart truly is with the orphans, widows, poor and the oppressed. They are His children!


Be blessed to be a blessing!


Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands

Options for supporting CFY financially

We are in the process of praying and obtaining a bank account for our Foundation. You’re welcome to pray with us and ideas are welcome!


The Netherlands:

ASN Bank

J.R.S. Langenberg

NL 49 ASNB 0708 1666 28




DNB Bank

Johannes R.S. Langenberg

Bankkonto 1227 02 29385

Organisation number Norway: 830 486 402


You can choose the description:

–          Children

–          Container

–          Camper



It is also possible to donate via GoFundMe. Please make sure you reduce the provision for GoFundMe to 0%!

–          Link container:



–          Link camper:




Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/callingfromgod



Wise: https://wise.com

Other projects within Calling From Yahuah


MAN goes Norway – a mission vehicle to save orphans’ and street children’s lives

Medical Medium lifestyle – eating and healing according to Genesis 1:29, the way Yahuah intended it

Written by:


Carina Meijer

Ambassador (voluntary basis)

Team Foundation Calling From Yahuah Netherlands





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